High School

I have finished school and if you tested me on it I would likely fail.

Im going to offer my help. If you have any history you need help with I am willing to help you as its the subject I know beyond GCSE level so would be able to help you most in. (The other subjects im doing at college are philosophy and sociology both not taught below college level I think).
I suck at maths so cant help there sorry. English? I might but not as strong as history. Science I did well at and can probably help too didn't drop a single mark in last 3 science papers I sat.

I will try and help with others too but I am just showing what I am good at.
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French teacher has been out because her mother died. Very sad for her indeed.

But now that its been a week of no actual French instruction... If she goes on leave for the rest of the year, I'm more or less screwed for my final. I know that sounds insensitive... But you'd think theres a French-Teaching substitute? Apparently not.
French teacher has been out because her mother died. Very sad for her indeed.

But now that its been a week of no actual French instruction... If she goes on leave for the rest of the year, I'm more or less screwed for my final. I know that sounds insensitive... But you'd think theres a French-Teaching substitute? Apparently not.

My French teacher quit and the replacement they hired is the biggest idiot I have ever known. More than 50% of the French kids (all levels) plan on dropping next year because of it.
Do any of you guys have online courses where your teacher is at another school? I do, and must say it is better because with no teacher there to push you, you have to prioritize, and push yourself to do the work. As a result, I have become a better student.
I had my week off a month ago. We're doing the Quadratic formula in math. I learned that a year ago, so I had free time today :)

What grade? I'm in 11 and just had a test on vertex form. 96% :D
Previous test was 66% but 3/4 of class failed
Before that it was 92%.
Only thing now is to get to work in physics, hand in late assignments and such.
What grade? I'm in 11 and just had a test on vertex form. 96% :D
Previous test was 66% but 3/4 of class failed
Before that it was 92%.
Only thing now is to get to work in physics, hand in late assignments and such.

Grade 11 too! 3M math.

My math mark has went from 90 percent to 82, but that is impressive for a mid term mark, considering at mid-term in grade 10 I had 55.4%.
Do any of you guys have online courses where your teacher is at another school? I do, and must say it is better because with no teacher there to push you, you have to prioritize, and push yourself to do the work. As a result, I have become a better student.

I've been considering taking an online course on the German language and culture as opposed to French with the regular French teacher.

The thing about language is that over here in the States, I think our system must absolutely suck or something. We've had a couple exchange kids come. One kid from Spain, he's in 10th Grade/Sophomore: fluent in Spanish, English, and French. And a few French kids in 8th Grade that are fluent in French and English. I'm just learning foods in 9th grade for French. The only kids REMOTELY close to being fluent in French are the 12th graders/Seniors.

I really don't want to just learn a bit of German or any language for that matter. I want to become fluent.
I've been considering taking an online course on the German language and culture as opposed to French with the regular French teacher.

let me save you from certain death. I'm in German 3 right now. Make sure you have a teacher that you can physically ask questions to. Its gonna be hard if you want to be fluent, but its worth it if that's what you want.

Also, today was a good day. The girl I like's boyfriend was at the competition I've been at this week and he was cheating on her. Shame if anyone was to let her know that her boyfriend is a dirtbag:sly:...
I don't even care if she's not gonna date me I just think she deserves better than that. Any advice? should I tell her, or what?
If she will believe you tell her she has a right to know. If she wont then telling her will end any chance you had.
If she will believe you tell her she has a right to know. If she wont then telling her will end any chance you had.

I don't know what their relationship is like, she never talks about him. The way he was acting the other day you wouldn't know he already had a girlfriend. If it doesn't happen soon I'm gonna do something about. The thing that makes me the most angry in this world is when the guilty go unpunished.
Tell her.


You have to be careful not to say it as if you are making it up to get with her. You've got to convince her that you're actually telling the truth and not just "in it to win it", if you catch my drift. If she takes what you say the wrong way, any chance you had will be destroyed and of course rumors and gossip will start to spread, possibly eliminating your chance with ANY girl you know. Of course, this is high school so it doesn't really matter in the long run, but it's nice to not to be slandered.
Had a math test yesterday. Didn't see that coming. Good thing that's what I'm good at math. Had around an hour, maybe a bit more to pull off 34 questions. Had just enough time to quickly tear through them, and give it a good check. Spent most of my time trying to get 32 right, luckily I got it done JUST on time. I'm glad I'm good at math. I'm not sure what writing left handed has to do with this, but math is my thing. Got math again tomorrow.
let me save you from certain death. I'm in German 3 right now. Make sure you have a teacher that you can physically ask questions to. Its gonna be hard if you want to be fluent, but its worth it if that's what you want.

I'm fairly good in French and in Spanish when I took it in Middle School/Junior High School. Probably second or third in the class. First when I put effort in, which I haven't been doing mainly because I don't see a point to it anymore. I'm learning NOTHING.
Not sure if I'll reach the fluency level with French if I stick with it with this teacher. I wanted to try something new.
May have to look into a Rosetta Stone course or something like that.
Naveek Darkroom
Had a math test yesterday. Didn't see that coming. Good thing that's what I'm good at math. Had around an hour, maybe a bit more to pull off 34 questions. Had just enough time to quickly tear through them, and give it a good check. Spent most of my time trying to get 32 right, luckily I got it done JUST on time. I'm glad I'm good at math. I'm not sure what writing left handed has to do with this, but math is my thing. Got math again tomorrow.

Writing left handed helps.:lol: I'm also left handed and very good at math as well as my one friend. Don't let them fool you we are better.:D
I don't think less of myself cause I write with a certain hand. I'm not the only one in this place that's left handed. I sit across from a lefty in Home Ec, and I sit beside one in Science, and there are others.
Irritating week on the girl front for me. She was freaking out, I asked what was wrong, and got a quick "Nothing". Well...
Ask one of my mates later, turns out she hadn't found her phone, and was worried her mum was reading messages she had sent to another guy. Nothing too bad, but apparently still enough to warrant worry in her parents eyes.

What I got out of it? Damn. For starters, I thought she was above that. Secondly, it's to another guy, which either means;
A. I wasnt forward enough (VERY likely)
B. She knows, and just didnt really go for me.

Either way, I'm more or less screwed now.
Football practice starts again just in time for the 85+ Degree heat to return. Last year it rained for Spring Practice and it was lovely. But this... aye.
Tomorrow should be fun! We have a Car Show at our school for lunch!
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Nothing much happenin' lately, got %91 on a Socials test a few days ago... was kinda happy about that -Even thought I hate school.

Lol, of course California... I want a car show at our school!! :P
Todays going to be a waste of time. Got a sociologist coming in so its going to be filled with. Excuse me can I waste everyones time trying to impress you?
I am so tired of 3 of the other trumpet players in band that I am ready to quit if they don't quit or they start acting right. What makes me more mad is that my band director knows they are disruptive but never gives them detention or anything. I don't want to quit band as it is the only time I enjoy my self during school and I'm afraid of what will happen to me if I do.
I am so tired of 3 of the other trumpet players in band that I am ready to quit if they don't quit or they start acting right. What makes me more mad is that my band director knows they are disruptive but never gives them detention or anything. I don't want to quit band as it is the only time I enjoy my self during school and I'm afraid of what will happen to me if I do.

I may be the only returning drummer to my band next year. Those people might be annoying but it's better than no one.
I am so tired of 3 of the other trumpet players in band that I am ready to quit if they don't quit or they start acting right. What makes me more mad is that my band director knows they are disruptive but never gives them detention or anything. I don't want to quit band as it is the only time I enjoy my self during school and I'm afraid of what will happen to me if I do.

Don't quit because of that, people can be dumb like that.

If your the section leader, set them straight.

--From one trumpet player to another

Don't quit because of that, people can be dumb like that.

If your the section leader, set them straight.

--From one trumpet player to another


I'm not the section leader unfortunately. I believe the section leader is a senior and then the person after who would be after him would be a senior next year, then there is one more 10th grade trumpet player who is better then me so he may get it when we are seniors, so I'm not gonna even try for section leader. Its just hard for me to get over the fact that they never follow the rules. I also think that I'm like this because its almost the end of the school year and I'm afraid that none of my friends are gonna come back to my school again. I am massively socially awkward so it is hard for me to make friends and it is hard to find people who are nice to me. From 4th grade through the first quarter of 8th grade, I was bullied by everyone.
My high school is split into two bands- Concert and Symphony.Concert band is for Freshmen and most sophomores, and Symphony band is for Juniors and Seniors (and a few talented underclassmen) . In my band (Symphony), the percussion is the most problematic group The 5 seniors that sit in the the last row of winds (I am one of those 5) are the second most obnoxious group in our band.

IMO, the "section leader" is a rather subjective issue. It usually goes to the Senior reagardlees of playing ability. The leader is the person who has the complete trust of both the section and the director.
Spring break hasn't ended yet for me, still 1 day to go :). I'm dreading the return to school, I'm always depressed for a week or two and then go back to normal. We also have an ICT project coming up, so I better be on my feet.
I've been back for a week already but I'm off since yesterday and today for the weekend. Not looking forward to another week tomorrow. It's ok though, just about 7 more weeks left in the school year and my junior year will be finished. I can't beleive I'm going to be a senior. It seems like it took forever but I must admit I'm a bit scared for when it all ends, it's all I've ever known really. I can't remember living before 4 years old hardly.
My last day as a senior is in a little over a month (May 25). Commencement for me is June 3rd, and my 19th birthday is the 4th. I have a nice early June right there.

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