High School

I personally think it's ridiculous to block YouTube in school. Yes, some may argue that it can be a distraction for certain students, however, many teachers rely on YouTube to aid in their presentations. Just having a PowerPoint with text on the screen does not help some students. They need visual models of concepts their teachers are discussing. Another thing I would like to mention is that listening to music can often significantly help students perform better in class. I always listen to drum n' bass mixes while creating stories in my Creative Writing class. I'm sure other students listen to relaxing music so they can pay attention their current task more easily; Kids with attention disorders will be calmer and more focused. Also, if the majority of the class is silently listening to music, that will help the students that need complete silence in order to work.

My major point here is that everyone learns and works differently. Why would you ever want to restrict something that will massively benefit a student's productivity and capacity for learning? The benefits of allowing students to use YouTube in school far outweighs the negative aspects. If your school does happen to block that website, I strongly encourage you to write a letter to your principal and address the important topics above. Include statistics, back up your claims, and explain it better than I could.
Like @prisonermonkeys said, nothing is blocked for the teachers. And about YT helping kids learn, do you really think that "The benefits of allowing students to use YouTube in school far outweighs the negative aspects."? You'd just end up with most people looking up random videos all class and doing nothing.
My school has YouTube, GTPlanet, and most other sites unblocked. To demonstrate the effects of having such distractions, consider this: I am currently browsing GTP on my phone (was on my school-issued computer) and not doing the writing assignment in front of me. What is slightly messed up however is the wi-fi network. You can only use it on the school computers and laptops, it won't work on anything else. So I'm using cellular data right now. :P
Well my school surprised the seniors today. They told us our money to get our caps and gowns is due tomorrow. Luckily I was a bit prepared, wish I could say the same about my friends, so going to get measured for them tomorrow and hope that everyone else got their stuff in.
Today I had a really... random chemistry block. With half the class in the gym for Mountain Madness (Some sport thing that I didn't have to go to because PE is optional for me this year), the class was quite empty. We were given a sheet for chemistry vocabulary, and some other random things happened. It was the "Chemistry/Friends/Celine Dion/Mr. Bean" block. Yes, all of those were brought up. It was random. And the class felt quite empty with half the students being at Mountain Madness.
School shootings are getting closer and closer to home... First SPU, now this Marysville-Pilchuck catastrophe... It's freaking me out.
I'm currently stuffing my face with food after a good two hours of hunger since the stupid freaking small school lunch failed to fill my stomach. :rolleyes:
I haven't had lunch today. Or breakfast.
Maybe stop complaining?
Not when you complain in the volumes he does. Everything is terrible.
So can I complain about school lunches?

Not everyone is fat. And because people are hungry during the day, they're just going to go home and eat more anyway. Oh, and aren't school trying to always have "a better learning environment"? I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure having over 75% of the school complaining about hunger isn't good for the "learning environment".
I'm currently stuffing my face with food after a good two hours of hunger since the stupid freaking small school lunch failed to fill my stomach. :rolleyes:
Can you bring your own? If so, you could try that. I always bring my own lunch.
Yeah, but I keep from doing so because the family would be paying more money for that for a week than the school's lunch for a week.
Oh. Fair enough. What kind of stuff do they serve there? I prefer to bring my own lunch, because I don't know. Mainly cause I've been doing it for years.
Oh. Fair enough. What kind of stuff do they serve there? I prefer to bring my own lunch, because I don't know. Mainly cause I've been doing it for years.
Good mix of stuff. Burgers, hot dogs, nachos, tea, milk and lots of other things. But you're only allowed to get so much.
Not at all. I usually go up to the extras line and get a tea then hop in the normal lunch line. You're only allowed to go through the extras line once, so on days like today when the normal lunch doesn't fill me up I end up regretting not getting more from the extras line.
Not at all. I usually go up to the extras line and get a tea then hop in the normal lunch line. You're only allowed to go through the extras line once, so on days like today when the normal lunch doesn't fill me up I end up regretting not getting more from the extras line.
Not at all. I usually go up to the extras line and get a tea then hop in the normal lunch line. You're only allowed to go through the extras line once, so on days like today when the normal lunch doesn't fill me up I end up regretting not getting more from the extras line.
At least you don't have to wait for the cafeteria to see if they have extras and fight to get to it. I have to stand behind the milk cooler when they do have extras because I would get run over by a bunch of kids (Freshmans at that) trying to get to it. I'm friendly with the staff, so I can stand behind there.
They finally perfected the lunch at my school last year. The nachos were amazing and so were the burgers and pizza. Then the health laws kicked in and now it's horrible and probably not as nutritious as well. (Their "orange chicken" is literally chicken nuggets in orange sauce!)
Ugh, your school lunches all sound horrible. Our canteen stocks everything from foccacia through to chicken schnitzel, and none of it is the stuff that comes out of a packet.
We have soggy Pizza(one time the pizza fell off the crust when I picked it up), pasta that smells tastes and looks like rubber, nachos(but not anywhere near enough to pass as "lunch"), or these weird chicken ball things. The only good lunches anymore is when my friends and I bring in money and get a real pizza delivered.
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My schools lunches were somewhat ok last year, but this year it's terrible, in fact the people that serve us hate it, but whatever, I'll deal with it for the rest of the school year.

On a side note we got measured for are stuff for graduation and got are tassels, this picture made my mom cry.
A student rear-ended a newer Ford Explorer in his lifted Wrangler right next to me today. One second there was nothing behind the Explorer, the next, a Jeep bounced off of it with a THWACK. :lol: