High Speed Ring F430 Z06 GT-R 00-10-20-30-40-50

  • Thread starter Tomf4i03
Take the GT-R that way you start higher on the pole so more punters can see ya and don't worry about me

Good idea, but I need some practice with GTR then hehe...
I have to worry about everything, when to brake, is there enough space to pass and oh crap Ive hit someone!!

sorry again ;)
Man it's difficult to go fast stuck behind a bunch of Ferrari's going so slowly around the esses! My poor GT-R isn't having much success this evening.
Great racing by Vainio (FI)

I can't say that I'm impressed by his driving. Had a couple of battles with him and he pushed me against the wall a few times because he didn't know (or didn't care) I was on the outside of him, not when I overtook him, not when he overtook me. I saw him coming every time, but I don't think I have to back off because the thinks he had the track too himself.

The last time we touched was because the went of the racing line, I got next to him (between turn 4 and 5), and he just came back to the racing line and hit me. Is this guy blind or what? Anyway, he lost control, I drove on. Did nothing wrong.

OK, he's fast, I'll give him that.
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I'm not impressed by Vainio's actions either. He keeps zig zazzing on the straight.

Oh and GTP_Racer_LP. When you hit me in the esses earlier, it was my fault. I'd run into someone and he went into the grass so I slowed to let him back in front.
I was racing with GTP_squareloop_ and this guy Racer6C I believe who was quite fast, he did a good job on protecting his place, but to get to his place he would do anything. He hit me quite a few times and I saw hiom hit Squareloop a few times too. On the last race though his actions caught up to him as he got spun by another player right in front of me.
I'm not impressed by Vainio's actions either. He keeps zig zazzing on the straight.

Oh and GTP_Racer_LP. When you hit me in the esses earlier, it was my fault. I'd run into someone and he went into the grass so I slowed to let him back in front.

Makes me very :nervous:

Yeah, I saw you hit him and expected you to slow down and wait for him. At first, you were on the side of the track, but then suddenly you came onto the racing line and I tried to avoid you, but couldn't anymore.

Accually, if I remember correctly, it was vainio you ran into. :dopey:

Vainio is a fast driver, but seems to drive like he's the only person on track.

Indeed. I think he still thinks he's racing AI cars and the others will move out of the way like they do.
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Boy, I'm getting knocked around a LOT tonight, gonna have a break until the children go to bed... wish the summer holidays would finish! :lol:
Sorry Pasm.
was my first try in the F430 today and right in the middle of the last turn in the 3rd Round my Wheel loosen from the Table.
I'm really sorry.

No worries, that can happen. I dont recall that moment exactly, so it must have been a minor accident compared to all the punting that has come my way. Boy, it was hell out there. Especially when you start at the back and try to make your way past these punters, then once you get past them they obviously are unhappy so thay punt you and are happy again...:crazy::grumpy:
does anyone know GTP_zzAli? Good race mate : )

edit sorry for the double post. . .
yeah he was a bit leary, managed to avoid the git though.

I might have a crack with the Z06, leave the punters to scrap it out up front and just hope for the best result i can with the vette, its a damn hard car to drive on HSR for me, but prudentbear was rocking it big-time earlier.
Wow, time for a break. You know it is when you see your times slowly degrade from 6'08s to a 6'27 and still take first. . .
break for me too, before i smash the tv in frustration. just been punted out of the lead for the second race in a row.
Why is it that i only crash into walls when there is a certain gtp member in the same race as me?..................

Some say he never sleeps, only power naps on the straights.
All we know is that he's called mr_geez.

Do you have a voodoo doll of me mr_geez? lmao
nice to see you aswell Burnout, felt your bump draft but a pity we couldnt catch the leader

Just saying Hello! :-)

Takes so long to get in a race that when I do, my blood pressure is through the roof (quoting another member) and I'm totally out of pace...

Thanks for waiting GTP_MJH.