High Speed Ring F430 Z06 GT-R 00-10-20-30-40-50

  • Thread starter Tomf4i03
GTP_max - ummmm, thank you for pushing me into the grass on the main straight and almost into the grass in the esses twice

:nervous: i know that apologising right after doesnt make it okay , when i touched you along the straight just as i passed you was really close and dumb of me as for the chicane before the tunnel kinda wanted to brake on the inside and it took alot longer than i expected (had a guy in my right side also and i stopped for a sec after i touched you, was glad to see you didn;t went off). See i normally drive the GT-R and that was the first or second race tonight in wich i tried the F430 ; bit of difference between the 2 cars when it comes to braking

You either need to learn how to control your car or be more patient.
It seems i need to do both if i'm gonna drive the ferrari

Enough with the punters, including a few with GTP tags. Enough!
I've seen that u got punted really bad the race after that . i know that it can get frustrating , it does happen to me also sometimes even from Gtp tagged drivers but i doubt it's intentional

sry again
Would love to race, but I am off to work now : (

Flash48 It was great racing with you, hope to do it again sometime : )

Nice racing with you to Axle. I'm on pretty much all the time. Really like driving the Vette on HSR, but could do with out the first corner!!! See you on the track!👍
Hi! Just registered to this forum but have been reading this pretty long time .. :P

Had few good races around 30min ago, there was some GTP_ Nadamus(cant really remember name correctly, drove white ferrari ) he spinned/touched wall and gave way nicely :) and so i took trophy home :)

Much more gentlemans driving on HSR f430,z06,gt-r races at evenings so there are no much pinball drivers. Anyways nice forum and seems to be also nice ppl here. Cu on track! :)
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Hi! Just registered to this forum but have been reading this pretty long time .. :P

Had few good races around 30min ago, there was some GTP_ Nadamus(cant really remember name correctly, drove white ferrari ) he spinned/touched wall and gave way nicely :) and so i took trophy home :)

Much more gentlemans driving on HSR f430,z06,gt-r races at evenings so there are no much pinball drivers. Anyways nice forum and seems to be also nice ppl here. Cu on track! :)

Welcome on board.Just a quick word off advice,don't use text for words they like you to use the full word.:):cheers:
Hey Kart Racer, missed you the other day online, sorry I didn't get back to you. Hopefully tomorrow or later tonight we can get a few laps in.

Got to say the four races today I had have all been pretty quick. I saw some 6'09s by a couple of racers on the first race. Good clean running. I missed out on all the lag races. Sony is making me host quite a bit lately (over the past few days I think I hosted 90% of the races I had). I don't know if anyone had any lag problems when I was hosting. If They did I would like to know. Anyways, good luck guys tonight. Have some good races : )
See you guys at :00 hopefully : )

GTP_SeniorL8R - Awesome race. I think I might have tapped you when I passed, sorry if I did. I don't believe I did, but still. . .

Gotta also say Sedubius did a great job. Block me off and even if he hadn't put me in the wall he would have had first place going into the last lap. . .

GTP_Spiff - Good job on the :20 race. You are pretty fast there : )

ending the night with a 6'03.806 : ) lmao. Ask GT{_SeniorL8r or sxboyd. All I know is that I hit 228mph with a 1'11 second lap : )
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Racing currently on the Daytona and 430/skyline/Z06 track, there are quite a few fair racers here over the circuit tracks. Although a few players have literally bumped into me and got me into an eternal spin.

On a side note,
RACERDRV, if you're reading, your attempts at ramming me are working well.
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Apologies for GTP_JackStanley, sorry if I held you up. My driving is really poor lately... :cries:

I remember racing you last night but i dont think you held me up. Think i may have bumped you though?

Dont move out the way / pull over if im faster. All part of racing. If your ahead then i have to put in an overtake and its more fun 👍 :)

Good racer though if i remember correctly :)
228mph?... Are you sure about that?

100% on that. Ask sxboyd, it was right at the starting grid and it just shot me through him and another driver. The next thing I saw waqs at least 228mph and the tach kept bouncing off the rev limiter. it resulted in a 1'11 on tnhe first lap which has been 3 to 4 seconds faster then I have been doing the first lap so that race would have been in the 6'07 to 6'06 territory without that glitch. It was just real freaky. : )
I just tested wall riding for the first time. It really does shrink your time :embarrassed:

Dont worry I was dead last at the time. I tried Wall riding on T2 only haha....

and no Im not gonna be using it for my benefits
^ I understand the concept of wall riding and saw its effects back when I raced the WRS in GT3. I saw a few replays back then that showed this. Then again in GT4 I witnessed a few people that used wall riding to their advantage too. In GT5P, I have not seen it being an advantage like the previous games due to the nature of the penalties that are invoked after a tap. Well, that was until last night somewhat. Another racer had cut into me at the final turn and nudged me two or three times right into the final barrier. amazingly I did not get penalized for hitting. This was the one and only time I did not get penalized.

I just don't see how it can help out in GT5P? If anyone thinks different or has expereienced different I would like to know.
yeh i enjoy drifting with Im_gonna_DRIFT when i'm to far away from the pack, recently started using the f430 so i find it hard to drift the whole of the last corner going onto the main straight, there's just too much grip. in the esses its quite easy to drift the whole of the S Bend.

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