High Speed Ring F430 Z06 GT-R 00-10-20-30-40-50

  • Thread starter Tomf4i03
(..)Burnout, you were missed. btw, met tonight two great (I don't mean just "good", I mean "great") PTs, like you and me. "Mestre_Andre" (red Ferrari) and "MASF_BRA" (black GTR). If you guys read this, hope to meet you again soon on the track.

I don't think "MASF_BRA" (black GTR) is not at all like us or mestre_andre. He just rammed me to the wall to prevent me from beating him to the win. Also keeps weaving in the straight, and i think he may have caused trouble to GTP_Rex and GTP_energyia...
Your right there hornet_burnout, MFAS_BRA did cause problems for me & GTP_Rex. He does not like when others catch him so he keeps blocking them.
Your right there hornet_burnout, MFAS_BRA did cause problems for me & GTP_Rex. He does not like when others catch him so he keeps blocking them.

Great racing with you guys anyway, as well as GTP_Sausages, GTP_mr_volcano and others, despite our Portuguese friend.
Thanks for many great races tonight GTP_Max & GTP_Rexc, intense racing. Race you again soon.

To GTP_Hun, your greatly missed on track. CU soon mate.👍
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Check the PSN guys. He's been me all along... :D

It started out just as an anonymous username, but I like him so much, I'm going to keep him.

Why, you sneaky bastard...

Whats OFFLINE [--]?
I found him at Fuji in a Blitz (he started drifting...)

Well I thought offline was something do to with PD or something har har.

Its where you get disconnected and reconnected from PSN when you've already entered the track screen. Happens to me sometimes
Just was racing and ran into a guy named reggie04 I believe or something close to that. He is a pretty quick driver, but once you pass him he starts to punt you. I was racing with GT_Vader and Magkcity and he totally purposely punted Magkcity hard and ruined the race for him. I believe GT_Vader probably saw it and can confirm, but be aware guys.
ohoho, how much times i was at 10-11 or also last. :crazy:

really great racing mates. 👍 👍 👍

i´m out now.

i have 2-3 replays, i will upload them. :cheers:
Cheers happy racers. :cheers: Thanks to all the drivers for another nice saturday with great racing. Welcome to another norwegian. Graffern is driving fast and clean..
Had a great time racing in the HSR with a couple of guys. Marchbrown you were well quick in the Ferrari! 2Fast4Stig you're too nice on the race track!! And Sarlech, you were well cheeky with the pit lane thing in one of our races! ;) lol
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Thanks Patchysan for the great racing! Did you see that on the straight with that moron pushing me on the grass.
I managed to stay on the track and he lost it......... :sly:
Had a great time racing in the HSR with a couple of guys. Marchbrown you were well quick in the Ferrari! 2Fast4Stig you're too nice on the race track!! And Sarlech, you were well cheeky with the pit lane thing in one of our races! ;) lol
lol that guy must of been pissing himself laughing :lol: but yeh i used the wall to give me some extra braking power to give you the win 👍 :)

thanks patchysan, beerz, pasm89, mrgeez, gtrp_tom, rexz, 2fast4stig you were bullet in that zo6! there was a few others too. thanks

that last race we had was brillant me, rexz and beerz having a 5 lap battle for p1, then on the last lap mr.geez came from no where...he was so close 👍. i think around 7 of us gtp/gtrp finished within 1.5 second of each other, between 6:10 and 6:12

sorry to PuchiWuchi for a bit of contact we had 👍
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Argh! You guys always start at front. I start 8+ :mad: you have some kind of trick or something?!

Don't you guys know what decides the grid placement?
Where you guys get placed on the grid is decided by 2 factors:
1. Your total performance points versus other races.
2. The time you load into the Grid.
So say your in Fuji 750 Pro, with the Evo X(Me:D) and your PP is 749, then you will start ahead of all 750PP racers, simply because you haven't spent all your PP on tuning your car, therfor you are at a disadvantage.
( I think sacrificing 1 or 2 PP to get a much better grid placement is totally worth it, what with all those Punters!:crazy: Besides you'll hardly notice the loss of 2 PP.)
However in the event of 2 Racers having the same PP, then the racer that has loaded to the Start Grid first will be loaded in the grid ahead of the other Racer.👍
It seems odd you guys haven't figured that out?:odd:
Anyway I hope this info helps...Well at least you'll be able to dodge some of those Punting *Insert insult here*.:lol:
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1. I know that, it was on hsr and was comparing to identical cars.
2. I loaded first in grid and become last in race many times.
Thanks for the great racing guys! Superb as always:tup: see you another time.
That weescotman is some kind of racer - ha.🤬

Yeah he punted off me too, he's fast but not very considerate. I saw him blocking one of the GTP guy like crazy just to prevent him passing from slipstreaming.

Like to apologise for my dodgy driving around 2am-ish, including a Benhaugton1986 when I spun out and just clipped him despite trying my best to move out of the way. I find it really difficult to analyse where people are at the side of me since the side mirror on the Ferrari F430 is useless in the game. So I tend to move and clip the barriers when i'm unsure rather than clipping the person on the inside. A radical preventative measure but hey, I rather ruin my own race rather than ruining others as well. Which probably is why I tend to race near the bottom of the grid most of the time! :crazy:
Hey Patchy, sorry if I seemed to break check you twice in one of the HSR races. I held the breaks a tad to long in the final turn, and you bumped me. I then hit the barrier and started to wall surf, it took a 2 seconds to realise I was doing that. After slowing down and pulled out of it, I slide into your path again >.<

Yeah he punted off me too, he's fast but not very considerate. I saw him blocking one of the GTP guy like crazy just to prevent him passing from slipstreaming.

Like to apologise for my dodgy driving around 2am-ish, including a Benhaugton1986 when I spun out and just clipped him despite trying my best to move out of the way. I find it really difficult to analyse where people are at the side of me since the side mirror on the Ferrari F430 is useless in the game. So I tend to move and clip the barriers when i'm unsure rather than clipping the person on the inside. A radical preventative measure but hey, I rather ruin my own race rather than ruining others as well. Which probably is why I tend to race near the bottom of the grid most of the time! :crazy:
Hey Patchy, sorry if I seemed to break check you twice in one of the HSR races. I held the breaks a tad to long in the final turn, and you bumped me. I then hit the barrier and started to wall surf, it took a 2 seconds to realise I was doing that. After slowing down and pulled out of it, I slide into your path again >.<

Hey don't worry about, its my fault for not paying attention hard enough! ;)
👍👍 Thanks guys for same good racing today. especially GTP_Rexc, mr.geez, GTP_maX, GTP_mr_VOLCANO & to another GTP tag driver who's name i can't remember ( white ferrari ) THANKS
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