The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 416 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters


Keep 'em separated
Staff Emeritus
United States
Midlantic Area
This was posted in a different thread, in response to a suggestion that there may be a genetic predisposition towards homosexuality in some people:
Originally posted by rjensen11
That's just nonsense! People who are homos are because they're weak of mind and think they've been abused and become afraid of commiting a relationship with the opposite sex, so they seek for comfort of someone of their own gender. Just another reason why doctors are trying to make up medical excuses to ring in the $$. Homosexuality is a sickness created by societies. Honestly, it's not natural, it's something made up by societies, do you see animals being queerish? I've never seen a queer animal, and I'll be damned if I ever do.
I'd like to continue this discussion here. What are your thoughts about the causes of homosexuality? About the consequences of homosexuality?
A problem that needs to be cured. Homos are a disgrace to our society and they need to do something better. Most homos are even homos because they think they can never have anyone. If no one gets anyone then they are meant to stay single perioid, that doesn't mean they're meant to be homo.
Originally posted by leo11309
A problem that needs to be cured. Homos are a disgrace to our society and they need to do something better. Most homos are even homos because they think they can never have anyone. If no one gets anyone then they are meant to stay single perioid, that doesn't mean they're meant to be homo.

:lol: Oh man this is rich. I don't personally know anyone who thinks like this so it's like a strange curiosity to me. Actually, I've known more gays than people like this.

I can tell this is going to be a good thread...
Originally posted by milefile
:lol: Oh man this is rich. I don't personally know anyone who thinks like this so it's like a strange curiosity to me. Actually, I've known more gays than people like this.

I can tell this is going to be a good thread...

This, what do you mean by saying that?
In my opinion there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. I definetly does not see it as a disease or a disgrace.

Originally posted by leo11309
A problem that needs to be cured. Homos are a disgrace to our society and they need to do something better. Most homos are even homos because they think they can never have anyone. If no one gets anyone then they are meant to stay single perioid, that doesn't mean they're meant to be homo.

:lol: That's ridiculous. So you're saying that if a heterosexual man can't get a girlfriend, he will turn gay so he can receive some love.
Do you know a gay person? Have you even talked to one? aunt is friends with about 3 gay guys and I actually want to take that part back that I put and my vote as well even though I can't. I think it is fine for everyone and anyone, to tell you the truth I see a homo and just see him as a normal person, so there what I said before was BS, now I say the truth.
Originally posted by leo11309 aunt is friends with about 3 gay guys and I actually want to take that part back that I put and my vote as well even though I can't. I think it is fine for everyone and anyone, to tell you the truth I see a homo and just see him as a normal person, so there what I said before was BS, now I say the truth.

:odd: Wow. Did you have an epiphany? Why did you say: "Homos are a disgrace to our society and they need to do something better. Most homos are even homos because they think they can never have anyone. If no one gets anyone then they are meant to stay single perioid, that doesn't mean they're meant to be homo." Those are pretty stong words for someone who didn't mean it.
Originally posted by leo11309
This, what do you mean by saying that?
It meant I thought your opinion was especially interesting (maybe even funny) even though I'm opposed to it. And I think this will be a good thread because if we get any more comments like yours I will be laughing a lot today.
I believe that homosexuality is a sin against God. Firmly and completely believe that.

Do I believe that Homosexuals are evil and diseased? No, and it's not my duty in life to condemn someone who is. I have no predilection towards a person until after I've met them and talked to them. Only after interacting with other people can you form an opinion about them.

Two of my wives co-workers are gay. They are about as far out of the closet as you can get. Both of them are great people. they both have made a concious decision about their lifestyle. They are both fantastic people. They didn't choose that because they were born that way, or they couldn't find love in the arms of the opposite sex. They made a decision, based on how they felt, and they've lived with that decision. Do I hate them? Look down upon them? Fear them? No, they are both real people who live their lives responsibly, and full of respect for other people. In fact, they are fun people to spend time with.

The person who states that "Fags are evil and will cause the fall of Western Civilization" needs to have some sense knocked into them. Take a look at these two sites. Do Not pass judgement on either of them until you have read them extensively. and

I am a Christian. I have strong beliefs in the bible and God's word. However, I even take offense at these sites. One core belief that I have in my life is that I am not here to pass Judgment. That is God's duty. I am here to live my life the best I can, and offer peace and goodwill towards others that occupy this planet with me.

I also want to add this website to the post. Take a read of it, add it to your knowledge before you post a response. ABCnews - Romeo and Juliet Laws.

This should start the ball rolling for now. I'll add more on the next post.

What people do in the privacy of their own home is their business, just don't make it my business by shoving it down my throte as an acceptable way of life. This is not a lifestyle of choice if I have to accept it or choose to tolerate it.
I haven't a problem with homosexuality whatsoever, I don't think of homosexual people any other than I do of heterosexual people and frankly, I couldn't care less about what they do or not do.
Originally posted by rufrgt_sn00pie2001
I haven't a problem with homosexuality whatsoever, I don't think of homosexual people any other than I do of heterosexual people and frankly, I couldn't care less about what they do or not do.

Same here. 👍
*Whoa... I just realized I went on for a long time. These are just some things that come to mind, in no particular order. Nor do I claim it is all I have to say on the subject.

Homosexuality is condemned more now than at any other time. America is sexually repressed. Our smut based media proves that even though a more superficial assesment may intepret the opposite. It shows how uncomfortable we are with sexuality in general, how we are struggling to writhe free of something, how we see how many barriers there are to break through.

I think god is about Love. If a man loves a man that makes God happy. I'd like to think that god isn't so petty as to get hung up on how one reaches orgasm. If the argument is that gay sex serves no purpose, then I'd respond by saying niether does straight sex with birth control. They are both either pure hedonism and excess or an expression of Love... or an esoteric mix of the two.

The popular representation of gays in America is sad. They are portrayed as sex-maniacs (more proof of our fear of sex in general), flighty insects that live as parasites with no concerns other than parties and guys butts; in other words, very superficial and frivolous. But there are more straight men and women who are superficial and frivolous in this way.

I have known several gay men who were involved in long term, mature and loving relationships, essentially married. They lived together as a couple and were happy. They hurt nobody and seemed to be more enlightened than the average bear. This is probably due to the abuse they take from homophobic people. Ostracization has a way of deepening people and granting a certain kind of wisdom.

This issue, along with any moral issue, baffles me. I simply can't understand why people get so freaked out about it. If it bothers you, fine. Look away. It seems like such a waste of energy to get so excited over other people's business. But this is America, the land where you're not allowed to mind your own business.

The Flaming Faggot...
This bugs the crap out of me. The ones who wear it on their sleeve and, hence, get the most attention for it, are not representative of anything besides their own insecurity, which has nothing to do with being gay. Straight men and women do the same thing, it only looks different. And they bother me just as much.

Good Taste...
A stereotype most wouldn't argue with. Drive or walk through a gay neighborhood. Impeccable! They know how to take care of things and I say good for them. They also wear nice clothes.

When I was younger people thought I was gay (I lived in in downtown Chicago and ran with an urban, artsy crowd so it wouldn't have been very unusual anyway). It never really bothered me because I knew what they were basing it on, and, for that reason, considered it a complement. It ended up being my actual attractions and activities that let them know I wasn't. But as I get older I become more male, more "manly." But I still don't watch sports or drink much beer, and I still like to decorate my house and wear nice clothes. I'd rather sit and finger paint with a kid than play football.

I used to work in a coffee house with a gay guy a few nites a week for while. He told me about when he was in highschool and had his first sexual experiences, with girls. He said it made him nauseous, which is how I imagine I'd feel if I had tried to be gay first, before realizing I wasn't. He tried to be straight because everybody wanted him to, but it made him want to puke.

So much, yet so little...
Originally posted by Pako
What people do in the privacy of their own home is their business, just don't make it my business by shoving it down my throte as an acceptable way of life. This is not a lifestyle of choice if I have to accept it or choose to tolerate it.
I'm not really clear about what you're saying here: It's OK, but it's not OK? Or is it OK as long as it's hidden?

I must say I find Der Alta's post to be an excellent one on many levels. He's stated several important points:

1) he feels that it is a sin because of his religious beliefs; but

2) he admits that it is possible to be a worthy person despite being homosexual, and

3) he points out that judging others who are not 'harming' anyone is not appropriate.

I'm glad the discussion has turned serious after an odd beginning.

Personally, I'm totally baffled by hatred of homosexuals. I understand that it is not for everyone to participate in homosexual relationships... which is fine. But if two or more people are consentually homosexual, what possible harm does that do? Why is it a problem to acknowledge them as acceptable human beings, and why should they be discriminated against?

The issue does not fall strictly along religious lines, but let me draw a parallel: Suppose that I thought that all religious people were intolerable due to their beliefs alone. I have several very good friends with whom I would refuse to associate with entirely, or would require them to conceal a fundamental part of their personality in my presence. Where is the sense in that? What a loss it would be for me if I quit reading Der Alta's posts just because I found out he is a Christian. Someone asking me to accept the fact that they are religious does not threaten or harm me, and does not require me to be religious myself. What do I have to lose by accepting that his beliefs are valid for him?

The thing about homosexuality that makes it different from other moral questions is that there are no victims. It is immoral to lie because an innocent person is decieved. It is immoral to steal because an innovcent person loses their property. It is immoral to initiate violence because someone who has caused no violence is injured. But if people are having consentual homosexual relations, who are they hurting? No one. There is no victim, because they are willingly engaging in it. So why is it considered immoral?

Let me ask a question to people who consider homosexuals unacceptable. Which is the bigger sin: promiscuous heterosexuality, or monogamous homosexuality? Why?
Originally posted by neon_duke
I'm not really clear about what you're saying here: It's OK, but it's not OK? Or is it OK as long as it's hidden?

I'm saying that I shouldn't have to decide if it's OK or not. It's not my place or my duty to make such a decision. The media, entertainment, and even our past president presents homosexuality as a lifestyle that we have to make decisions on to either support (which is the general thought of the movement, if you could call it that) or to disapprove it. Homosexuality is not a new lifestyle, this is not a new concept.

If you ask me if I think this lifestyle is normal, I would reply that NO it is not normal. If you ask me if it's OK, I would reply that it is not OK for me. If you ask me if we should wipe our country clean of this disease, I would reply with a quick NO. These are human beings with a soul and a worth, I just don't appreciate our current society trying to make me think that it's OK for me, because it is not.

Like I said before, what people do in their own privacy is up to them, it is not my business so lets keep it that way. "They" have nothing to prove to me to justify their lifestyle. What's theirs is theirs and whats mine is mine.

Originally posted by neon_duke

Let me ask a question to people who consider homosexuals unacceptable. Which is the bigger sin: promiscuous heterosexuality, or monogamous homosexuality? Why?

Neither is greater than the other. I'm not a scholar of the Bible, but I seem to remember reading that all sins are weighted equally and the wages of sin is death. Either way, your eternal salvation is in jepordy.
I agree Pako. It's all the same. No sin is greater than another.
As far as homosexuality is concerned , I have a problem with people who think they are born homosexual. It's a choice not a birth defect.
Originally posted by DGB454
I agree Pako. It's all the same. No sin is greater than another.
As far as homosexuality is concerned , I have a problem with people who think they are born homosexual. It's a choice not a birth defect.

Opinions aren't facts.

It's a good thing I don't care for non-argumentated opinions, though.
Here we go with "facts" again.

Let's please not go down that road. DGB's opinion is a fact, and so is Snoopie's. Can't you just disagree without posting every little reaction and thought?
Originally posted by DGB454
So what are the facts? Please enlighten us.

The facts concerning the origin of homosexual tendencies?

I wouldn't have a clue, I might be wrong here, but I think what you just stated (homosexual orientation isn't genetic) is a biblicle misconception.

(Hence: thought!)
Originally posted by rufrgt_sn00pie2001
The facts concerning the origin of homosexual tendencies?

I wouldn't have a clue, I might be wrong here, but I think what you just stated (homosexual orientation isn't genetic) is a biblicle misconception.

(Hence: thought!)

I don't recall saying anything about Biblical. Just said what I think. . so relax....
Originally posted by milefile
Here we go with "facts" again.

Let's please not go down that road. DGB's opinion is a fact, and so is Snoopie's. Can't you just disagree without posting every little reaction and thought?

Directed at... me?

People should use "I think" or "find" a little more instead if immediatly going for "it is". It sounds arrogant. But, excuse me.
Originally posted by DGB454
I don't recall saying anything about Biblical.

I know, but I just assumed that's where you derived it from. I couldn't help my prejudice, sorry...
Ok then....for future reference. Unless I say otherwise when I make a statement on here it's my opinion.(not necessarily a fact)...Happy?
Originally posted by rufrgt_sn00pie2001
Directed at... me?

People should use "I think" or "find" a little more instead if immediatly going for "it is". It sounds arrogant. But, excuse me.

"I think therefore I am." Is that arrogant?

Am being a form of the verb to be: something that is.

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