Honda BALLADE SPORTS CR-X 1.5i '83 - first tune

United States
Olympia, WA
Hi all,

I'm including my first tune loosely based on the techniques described by Motor City Hami (great general tuning information). I'm enjoying the car and can take first in the <400 Seasonal events but I feel I'm still struggling with understanding the tuning process. The below settings work for me, but I still feel like I'm getting some understeer out of the corners, especially higher speed ones.

Any suggestions to fine tune this little guy? I can't seem to find any tunes for her online using the GT tunes page.

Thanks for any help!

Honda BALLADE SPORTS CR-X 1.5i '83
114 HP
369 pp

Installed Parts
Custom transmission
Custom LSD
Sports Soft

Seasonal Tune:

RH -20 /-20
Springs 6.0 /11.0
Dampers ext 3 /7
Dampers comp 2 /7
ARB 2 /5
Camber 2.5/2.0
Toe -.25/-.25
LSD 7/8/5
Downforce /
Brake 3/7
Balast 0
Power Limiter 100%
I'll give the tune a test.

You should be able to find a CR-X tune in the 400pp Nordschleife thread to compare it to.
try increasing the front damper extension and mayhaps reducing the rear camber.

it's still wrong wheel drive though, so a little push out of corners under throttle is inevitable.
A pic of her. I like them simple.


Thanks esoxhntr. I'll give her a few rounds after taking your advice.
Here's what I tried with a CR-X SiR at Trial Mountain:

Added custom parts, left at stock settings and drove four laps.

Set MCH's LSD and reduced lap times by 1.5s. Car still pushing on throttle

Set Camber, Toe and Brakes and reduced lap time by .2s. The car was unstable (but quicker through turn 3) and lap times inconsistent.

Set Ride Height, Springs, Dampers and ARB, lost .9s and lap times inconsistent, big push through turn 3, into second tunnel and bottom of hill.

Reset suspension (left alignment as MCH settings) then changed only spring rates. The car has 60/40 weight distribution so set front springs at 60% of the scale on slider and rear springs at 40% of the scale on slider. Because the car is light, I knocked them back 45% of the scale at front and 30% of the scale at rear (this maintained the same proportion as the weight distribution).

With no other tweaks, I regained the .9s lost and gained another .2s The car still pushes a little, but feels much better balanced, very stable and can no doubt be improved with some further tweaking.

Not very scientific, but hope it helps.
Anyone up for a Honda only 400PP room for FF and sport soft tires? Some guys who I once raced with from the site Red Pepper Racing are looking for fellow Honda lovers to race with online.

Thinking of starting a room on Friday and Saturday night after 9 pm eastern time? Call it Honda Red Pepper 400pp.

Also seems like a good excuse to further tune this little gem. I have a tune, but have not posted it to the garage yet.
Thanks again for the tips gentlemen. I'll give them a go tomorrow before work. I have to tell you, I've played this franchise a lot in my time but never got into the tuning until the past week or so. Opens up a whole new chapter in my GT saga.

Anyone up for a Honda only 400PP room for FF and sport soft tires? Some guys who I once raced with from the site Red Pepper Racing are looking for fellow Honda lovers to race with online.

Thinking of starting a room on Friday and Saturday night after 9 pm eastern time? Call it Honda Red Pepper 400pp.

Also seems like a good excuse to further tune this little gem. I have a tune, but have not posted it to the garage yet.

I love the idea. Unfortunately, I work swing shift so Friday is a no-go and Saturday night is my only time with my wife. Sucks. I know that I need to go head-to-head with human competition to take my driving skills to the next level.