Nice to see this thread already exists! I was just about to go and create one myself - fortunately a bit of looking has saved me some work.
I've created a few Blueprints, but I wanted to showcase my most recent one because it's something that I don't think anyone has done before. The Blueprint's name is
"AE86 Cruise: Slow Ride" and the goal - as you might assume - is to get to Horizon Surfer's Paradise without damage. Starting at night, you set off from the West Byron Bay Blueprint start point, heading up the east coast to Surfers. At least, that's the
fastest route. The main feature of this Blueprint is that the time limit is set to 30 minutes, so you can go as fast or as slow as you want and take any route you feel like. Wanna go west and then head through the Outback on your way? Go for it. Feel like a trip through the rainforest, perhaps stopping on the Maroondah Reservoir Trail to take in the scenery? Feel free to. In this cruise, you can take one of the greatest cars of all time and go anywhere you please, as fast or as slow as you please. Though, of course, I personally recommend taking it slow, turning off the radio and enjoying the ambiance.
My Gamertag is GyroxOpex, if you want to give it a go.