I can't believe I waited two whole days to post this!
I've never came across this many different Decades all at once. These were all Walmart had minus I think a copy of the ZR-1, Firebird, and C3 Corvette.
I settled for what you see below. I have the Mercury in the picture above, but I just noticed it's not in the picture below.
I thought the '56 Ford was interesting because its hood doesn't open as the other '56 Fords do.
Also, a color combo I haven't come across before on the Gallardo and the Walmart exclusive (I believe) GT2 RS.
I found the Beetle I've been after too! Turbo look-a-like, here I come!
MAY customise.
And Spector; which I've never heard of!

As you can see, it bends at those two points.
I hope I don't regret opening this one.
Right now I'm after a not-too-special-edition one of these to customise,
but so far
this is looking to be my best bet on account of its window color.
And I know, I could have found something a bit more elegant to prop up the body than a some ol' three spokers.
If anyone wants them bad enough, I can get at least a half dozen of the 2013 black 458 with the greyish tan interior.
Sadly though, you may not have the one with black interior my girlfriend found.