Dude, you're absolutely killing me right now seeing all those loose.
Loose means he don't give a f-. I like that.
Loose means big loss of money.
This topic always seem to make somewhat amusing conversation. Johnny, see the poll above this thread? That was my idea. I used to be just like you, "keep 'em carded", but more like "keep 'em carded"-Nazi. I think Jason was sort of in that boat, too. Cano was the Sith Lord who converted some of us(gaddamn dark side feeding us w/cookies....).
Looking back, I think what really turned me around on this were loose cars. Yes, you uncard your car, its value seem to take 25~30% dip by my observation. That's what actually triggered the turnaround for me. When I started buying bunch of cars online, some cars that weren't readily available, or
just too expensive were indeed available as loose cars, and at what I considered sensible pricing.
After I started buying loose cars, checking out those castings in my hands I realized how those clear blisters reveal so much, yet how distorted the view can be.
I do still have many cars I couldn't imagine uncarding, and Red Line Club Texas Drive 'Em is #1 on that list. I wish more high-end cars were like Tomica Limited/Vintage/Neo, and come in a unsealed box!
That's a pretty clever solution, thanks for the example. I think for now I'll just take the blister off, leaving the cardboard backs until I can get new storage, then go from there.
I also cut out & save the blisters(regardless if mainlines, or premium) to protect the cars from bouncing around in their storage compartments.
Purchased for $75 shipped, lowest he would go. Unfortunately this now means that I have spent way too much money on toy cars this paycheck.
$75 is the number I had in my head, too. Good job man & congratulations!

If anybody deserves that car, I know it's you.

Also, yes, $75's hefty for hot wheel car, but you know this particular one qualifies as an investment!
The way to solve this, is, as a6m5 just demonstrated with the 510 (therefore shooting me down again, the skunk, with his spare gun,) is to have one in a package, and one opened.
Skunks with spare guns....... Canada's wilder than I expected, eh?