1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
Undoubtably. By no means am I disagreeing with your point of view. It's just that we reach the limitations of preserved value when we can't see pretty images* of it. Example:


Don't this look prettier than it in a blister? ;)

FYI if you guys get this, do free it from the blister. Because the axles are so wide, the wheels were slightly warped due to tight packaging.

* By "see pretty images", I am also implying viewing the physical model IRL rather than just photographs.
If I'm opening it, it's now garbage. Consumer waste.

Yeah, I have a few (specifically Gulf cars & Datsun, among others) and not sure if I want to chuck them or not.

I trim off the corner with the hologram, so they fit in these compartments:

That's a pretty clever solution, thanks for the example. I think for now I'll just take the blister off, leaving the cardboard backs until I can get new storage, then go from there.
If I spent a lot of money on it like some of my Shelby Cobras, then I'll keep it. If I don't particular care for the series it came from (regardless of how special or rare it is), It's gone. Other times, if it's different/special series, I'll hang onto them because I can compare them to what future cards that come.

I've been doing this with the Shelby Cobra. One prominent card that continues to wow me is the 1990 California Customs series. Those cards are almost twice the size of regular cards now.
Yeah. But interestingly, I'm missingg this version as far as I remember:

Hah! Another in my collection that you do not have. Good. Eat crow.

I've had the other two but I don't like them because of their color and their wheels. In fact I have the Oshkosh right now for sale/trade. I've got older, more awesome versions of both (:

Yeah, whatever. :(

Not anyore but still too new and tasteless to interest me. The 34 Ford is downright gaudy. I only have the Sooo Fast from there. Again, got more awesome older versions of each of those (:


I'm not talking to you anymore.

Got damn with those two :drool:

Absolutely. Andy has many a hidden gem.

What is the bottom right car, please?

SOOO FAST. 2001 First Editions, #4 / 36. From HotWHeeLs. :)

Loose means he don't give a 🤬. I like that. :P

Easy, Andy. Don't want that slap on the wrist, do you? ;)

Loose means big loss of money. ;) :P

That's a huge matter of opinion, Johnny. Of course, if you read back, you will find that we have had a huge amount of discussion on that subject; some of us believe that all cars should be opened (ask Cano - and me) and some of us believe that the cars are more valuable in their packages (ask Jason - and me) and some of us believe that it is wise to keep some in the packages, and open the rest (ask Cano, Jason - and me :lol: .)
So it is a matter of opinion and it may depend on whom you approach this with.
Bottomline is that the packaged cars are easier to sell, and will be higher in price when it is marketed - for all the obvious reasons.
But, what happens when you factor in the value of 'enjoyment'? And the YOLO factor, too? So some would say that the cars that are opened and enjoyed have more value than the one's in prison - but here we are comparing different values.
The way to solve this, is, as a6m5 just demonstrated with the 510 (therefore shooting me down again, the skunk, with his spare gun,) is to have one in a package, and one opened.

;) :cheers:
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Dude, you're absolutely killing me right now seeing all those loose. :(
Loose means he don't give a f-. I like that. :P
Loose means big loss of money. ;) :P
This topic always seem to make somewhat amusing conversation. Johnny, see the poll above this thread? That was my idea. I used to be just like you, "keep 'em carded", but more like "keep 'em carded"-Nazi. I think Jason was sort of in that boat, too. Cano was the Sith Lord who converted some of us(gaddamn dark side feeding us w/cookies....).

Looking back, I think what really turned me around on this were loose cars. Yes, you uncard your car, its value seem to take 25~30% dip by my observation. That's what actually triggered the turnaround for me. When I started buying bunch of cars online, some cars that weren't readily available, or just too expensive were indeed available as loose cars, and at what I considered sensible pricing.

After I started buying loose cars, checking out those castings in my hands I realized how those clear blisters reveal so much, yet how distorted the view can be.

I do still have many cars I couldn't imagine uncarding, and Red Line Club Texas Drive 'Em is #1 on that list. I wish more high-end cars were like Tomica Limited/Vintage/Neo, and come in a unsealed box! :nervous:
That's a pretty clever solution, thanks for the example. I think for now I'll just take the blister off, leaving the cardboard backs until I can get new storage, then go from there.
I also cut out & save the blisters(regardless if mainlines, or premium) to protect the cars from bouncing around in their storage compartments. :)
Purchased for $75 shipped, lowest he would go. Unfortunately this now means that I have spent way too much money on toy cars this paycheck. :lol:
$75 is the number I had in my head, too. Good job man & congratulations! :cheers: If anybody deserves that car, I know it's you. :D Also, yes, $75's hefty for hot wheel car, but you know this particular one qualifies as an investment!
The way to solve this, is, as a6m5 just demonstrated with the 510 (therefore shooting me down again, the skunk, with his spare gun,) is to have one in a package, and one opened.
Skunks with spare guns....... Canada's wilder than I expected, eh? :P
I think you've misinterpreted the skunk shooting bit. :P

I just won myself 3 Majorette Rally cars. Thankfully I managed to convince myself not to bid on a few others so save myself some moolah.
Skunks with spare guns....... Canada's wilder than I expected, eh? :P

You . . . you . . . :mad:

Way too many I owe you now. :lol:
Remember a skunk with a gun is armed both ways.

However - I got to admit that was a very good post you made. Yes, we've evolved in here, all of us rubbing off on each other, hopefully for the better.
In fact, I enjoy collecting a lot more after joining this little club than I used to before - a lonely collector with only the odd person I'd meet on occasion who collected (usually some grumpy old man who would look down their noses at my pathetic little HW and MBX collection.)
I think you've misinterpreted the skunk shooting bit. :P
Hey, we've all been shot at by those. :lol:
Way too many I owe you now. :lol:
I'm gonna be watching my back!
However - I got to admit that was a very good post you made. Yes, we've evolved in here, all of us rubbing off on each other, hopefully for the better.
In fact, I enjoy collecting a lot more after joining this little club than I used to before - a lonely collector with only the odd person I'd meet on occasion who collected (usually some grumpy old man who would look down their noses at my pathetic little HW and MBX collection.)
Thank you! As for evolving, my taste in these hot wheel/minicars seem to shift every few months. As most of you are aware, I'm currently hooked on Tomica Limited Vintage, Greenlight & premium/collectible Hot Wheels before that. I have no idea where I'd by the end of this year(hopefully off the addiction). :dopey: I think I like this thread best for the intel sharing. It's like Interpol of hot wheels in here. :lol:

Virtually and metaphorically, of course. Rubbing up Cano might be a bit abrasive.
Or even worse, Andy - I think he carries a flame-thrower in one hand, and a very large drill in the other.
^ Ask me and I'll say three. Eventually I'll have four, because I'm looking for more.


Virtually and metaphorically, of course. Rubbing up Cano might be a bit abrasive.
Or even worse, Andy - I think he carries a flame-thrower in one hand, and a very large drill in the other.


Not sure if you really want my large drill to be rubbing up, off or even on ya. :odd::indiff::embarrassed:
I'll be posting bunch of mainline cars on TTP, maybe even eBay. So far, I have these Hot Wheels mainlines. Offer is open to any regular members in here.

Mainline Pricing - Buy:

1 car - 80 cents

2-ish cars - 60 cents each

5-ish cars - 40 cents each

I will apply additional discount for larger orders. You pay the actual shipping.

***consider cards "non-mint". Good chance it'll have soft corners, or other (to me) minor flaws.

Edit: Added ten Matchbox cars.
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I spent just over a dollar at Kmart on an AE86 for customizing, but that screwed me out of getting a drill bit for the same purpose at Auto Zone. :ouch:

And when I was under a mile from pulling back into the driveway did I remember that I have other cars I need to do something with first. :dunce:

@a6m5: I'm about ready to make an offer, but I need to consider my options first.
^ Ask me and I'll say three. Eventually I'll have four, because I'm looking for more.
Good luck finding it. I have only one Sierra, which I got back in 2011 and haven't seen another since. This one to be specific:

I am really wanting more of these to customize because I have so many ideas for this thing. This car just has so much customizing potential for me, it's like a blank piece of paper, possibilities are endless, I just can't get enough of them.

I am really wanting the Corgi versions they had of this car before they became Hot Wheels.
@Johnny1996 @AOS- If you guys can, give me the (photobucket)page number, then the name of the casting and if needed, color of the cars you want. Thanks!
Sounds good, unlike the loud stereo system in the car that just went by the house. :)
Yeah, always turn them down driving by residence.
You ship internationally this time?

j/k PM inbound.
Damn straight. Just don't get near any trash bin this time. :P