Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
Holy wheel well bat-man! At the moment I'm having to trash an entire car to get a set of wheels. Its a pricey way of doing it! Is there any where we can get supplies like this?
man that sucks! Next time I'm in the states I'm stocking up as they're a lot cheaper over there. I've been going to car boot sales too recently to try and stock up on a few spare, but some are too good to pull apart. Might have a mouch around the interweb and see if I can find anything.
Man about a month ago I went to this cheap shop and I found about 10 real riders cars. I thought ill buy three now and come back and get some more as at the tome i had no idea how rare they were. 2 days later I went back, all gone. Man I was angry with myself.
Where are you located? I've never seen one in the UK, but now I know what I'm looking for I'll keep my eyes open when I travel. I've just been to town on my lunch break and bought a load of new HW from the pound shop. Can't get them any cheaper than there!
If I ever find any on the shelf I'll be picking them up. Found some interesting links online, but nothing current.

Just been looking at axle tubes - figure these would be good for lowering the ride height - is this common practice?
Not really. i sand chassis to lower them.

Here's a Supra with appropriate Spoiler and Matte black finish! :D
Yeah thanks for that. Anyway, here's my formula one car iam working on. I've cut the nose and actually a curved it down to reach the ground. Looks much better.

That car is a liar!*

Holy wheel well bat-man! At the moment I'm having to trash an entire car to get a set of wheels. Its a pricey way of doing it! Is there any where we can get supplies like this?

As much as we all want it, no one supplies wheels alone. There is no marketable demand for such a niche hobby. Until someone steps up to make molds and mass produce them, the only way we figured out how to acquire wheels is to gut existing cars.

Pinocchio reference
As much as we all want it, no one supplies wheels alone. There is no marketable demand for such a niche hobby. Until someone steps up to make molds and mass produce them, the only way we figured out how to acquire wheels is to gut existing cars.

Hot Wheels themselves marketed axle sets but they were available for a short time and now they go for biiiiiig money and the sets are collectibles in themselves now. M2 also offers wheel packages.
Yesterday I was up to 3 AM detailing stuff on the customs for the convention. Managed to finish one too. I'm really happy with the Barracuda. Hopefully I'll finish other two today, and that would leave with just 3 to go :lol:
Has anyone tried making there own with any success?

Yes, us. Altough we haven't perfected the method due to a lack of time, we've been trying to replicate several wheels that aren't readily available for a while now. We've already got several molds done but the wheels have come up with small deffects and bubbles. We should get to it again after the convention.
Awesome, I've seen a pic of regular wheels cut and ground down to fit inside two layers of hollow tubing, has that technique been tried?
Man i got no idea how to make one but can I ask you, is your evo 8 a "Welly" brand car? Be ause I got 2 Welly evos and didnt realise the wings were plastic so I dropped one straight into the jar of paint stripper before removing the wing on the second one (which was the original plan) only realising then that they were plastic. So the first car I dropped in, the wing just melted away
lol - sorry had to laugh at that. My evo is a 'Realtoy' brand so the generic supermarket stock. Going to have to keep an eye out for new ones when I next go shopping and see if the new spoilers are any better. I was thinking about using some thin metal and coating it with putty and sanding to shape, or I have some 5mm ally that I might have a go at shaping from scratch.
Well, here they are. @Emmcee might want to take a peek too, as well as, well, everyone else lol. I'm such a show off :lol:

These are all HW Real Riders of various models. The bag in the center slot holds the wasted axles I pry off restoration projects. Clickey:
View attachment 229265

And these are all the rest :lol: there's various brand axles in these, many of them rubber-tired, as well as HW basic plastic tires, some of them out of production by now like the 7 spokes and of course, the black walls and wide whites, and the redlines to boot. The most empty case holds the axles I've pried off recent projects, as well as some construction tires. Clickey:
View attachment 229266
Clearly a photoshop...

I demand! real proof. Maybe you should send them all to me so i can count them for you.
Rest assured, i'll speedily mail back the full (by my estimation) 20 sets once counted and inspected. :D:tup:
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Nope. That just wouldn't be fair of me to ask you to share the burden..

It's okay i should be fine counting 15 (my accurate estimation) sets.
Besides, i'm fairly confident their won't be a miscount, and all 10 sets (my accurate estimation) will be returned safely.
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