Thanks @Nessy for the mention.I think you may be confusing me with @Ustad, if you're talking about that excellent chrome finish on that 993.
I can't remember exactly what paint he used, but i think it was a silver spray paint as opposed to chrome.
Welcome to the thread BTW. 👍
I'm sure you could ask Cano or AOS- to point you to a forum where you can ask around for them.Nope, I've asked everywhere, just have to look for donor cars. It's bs.
Holy wheel well bat-man! At the moment I'm having to trash an entire car to get a set of wheels. Its a pricey way of doing it! Is there any where we can get supplies like this?
As much as we all want it, no one supplies wheels alone. There is no marketable demand for such a niche hobby. Until someone steps up to make molds and mass produce them, the only way we figured out how to acquire wheels is to gut existing cars.
Has anyone tried making there own with any success?
Awesome, I've seen a pic of regular wheels cut and ground down to fit inside two layers of hollow tubing, has that technique been tried?
Clearly a photoshop...Well, here they are. @Emmcee might want to take a peek too, as well as, well, everyone else lol. I'm such a show off
These are all HW Real Riders of various models. The bag in the center slot holds the wasted axles I pry off restoration projects. Clickey:
View attachment 229265
And these are all the restthere's various brand axles in these, many of them rubber-tired, as well as HW basic plastic tires, some of them out of production by now like the 7 spokes and of course, the black walls and wide whites, and the redlines to boot. The most empty case holds the axles I've pried off recent projects, as well as some construction tires. Clickey:
View attachment 229266