Cano, sorry to hear you didn't win, but still can't wait to see the pics. Looking forward to see what you're going to do with the Mini aswell, is it going to be the HW version or something a bit more special?.
I still need to add a final coat of white to the body on mine, aswell as clean up those damn messy wheels, i managed to borrow a friends camera for a few days, so here's a quick pic i took this evening (real bad lighting) that shows up the true extent of the job ahead to clear up the sloppy wheels
Another problem i have, is that somewhere down the line the air filter/induction cowl hood scoop thingy got damaged.. so i'm considering just slicing it down to run flush with the bonnet, 1 good thing i'm pleased about though is, i stumbled across some old Gundam model stickers i had lying about, which as can be seen i've used as 1 of the head lights (don't have any chrome paint), the sticker has an almost mirror quality to it.
Another idea i'm toying about with is sacrificing my HW Tyrrell F1 car (white body blue base), that i don't really care for (much prefer the original blue version), and using the 2 front smaller wheels from the Tyrrell for the mini (providing the width of the axle is the same), to achieve a much more realistic scale to the car... though i may leave that idea until i get my hands on a plastic bodied Mini, as i plan to make use of some plastic modelers card i have had for a while to fill out the arches more.
R1600Turbo, Yeah, an airbrush would be sweet for stuff like that i imagine, BTW, what is that next project car.. is it an Impala of some kind? (i get mixed up when it comes to American cars).
photonrider, i think the Pantera is Matchbox/Lesney, i seem to remember having 2 of those in my old collection, though i could be wrong.
M-POWER_FTW, Cheers man, i can think of a donor car that might work for your Beetle, Corgi did a late model (with interior), i don't know of the availability to Corgi where-ever you're based but if you keep your eyes open for it you may get lucky, they're usually packaged as Corgi wheelz, but i've seen the same car packaged as Fastlane and also Realtoy.