Good luck with the contest tomorrow Cano, the Porsche Spyder looks great (love the technique with the rear grill/louvres), and i can't wait to see what you've done with the Renault 4 and Custom van.
R1600Turbo, that Caterham looks great aswell, i like the yellow on racing green but can't help but think how awesome it would have looked, if you'd had done a Caterham JPE with maybe some small custom tampo's to replicate the JPE version, really jelly of those wheels you've used aswell (wish i could find them over here.. would come in handy for my 1st ever HW custom)... PS, have took on-board what you said and am taking my time (with regards to painting).
M-POWER_FTW, Beetle looks great, love the wheels the lowering and the colour, really like and admire the custom roof-rack aswell but i think i prefer it without it (just looks cleaner to me).
Decided i'd add a few (crappy) WIP pics of my 1st HW custom.
I decided to do the red Mini on the left of the pic:
As you can see, i already have a white Mini, but i wanted to do 1 with a bit more detail (yet to do).
stripped with wheel swap:
With 3 coats of white and some sloppy paint work to the wheels-(will file away excess with fine sand paper stick thing and probably touch up with black marker pen):
It's hard to make out, but iv'e painted the chassis, grill and interior (black floor, grill.. red seat,cage and fire extinguisher), admittedly the black paint looks really sloppy as it was a gloss finish and iv'e had to file some of the paint as the chassis wouldn't fit back under the body. I'm just waiting for the weather to get a bit better so i can add a final coat of white to the body (spraying outside), then i'm going to apply a pearlescent clear coat and finally be able to get down to the detailing.
Admittedly, it doesn't look all that great at the moment, but i'm actually quite pleased with it, though i can't wait to get my hands on a couple of plastic Mini's as i have some body mods in mind that should result in something spectacular... only wish i had access to some better wheels.