"Hey Mr. Owl, how many hours does it take to get inside of a TVR, start it up, turn it off, and get out again?"
"Well, let's see..."
An hour passes, and Mr. Owl has looked everywhere, but the door isn't even open yet...in frustration, he kicks the bottom of the side-mirror, and the door opens.
Another hour passes, and even though the windshield wipers, hazard lights, radio, air-conditioning, and parking lights have all been off and on a few times, the engine has remained silent...Mr. Owl, in frustration, asks Mr. Turtle and the young boy to help him push-start the car. Mr. Owl lets out the clutch and the car rumbles to life, slowly jerking along at idle until Mr. Owl hits the brakes and kills the engine.
No more than 15 minutes later, Mr. Turtle and the young boy are getting bored of watching Mr. Owl through the driver's side window as he searches the door with his feathers, trying to find the handle to get out...Mr. Owl, in frustration, leans back into the passenger seat and repeatedly kicks the door as hard as he can. About 45 minutes later, the disfigured and bent-up door comes loose from its latch, swinging free with a grinding sound.
Mr. Owl emerges from the car and asks the young boy, "so, how long did that take?"
"3 hours."
"Well, there you go. The answer is '3.'"