How do I turn all the steering assists off?

  • Thread starter bevo


bevo francis
Picked up forza today to play with a friend and am really enjoying it. Haven't played a console racer in a few years or with a controller for even longer. I really like the way the Xbox uses the trigger vibrations and am actually doing decent with it.

I have a problem though. How do you turn off the steering assists?I've got it on simulation steering but is there another setting somewhere? The steering rate changes constantly on me. Sometimes it's fast and sometimes it's slow. I don't really want help saving the car. I would like a 1 to 1 ratio if that's possible. Are there settings sonewhere besides the pre race screen ? I don't remember console sims having this strong of assists when you turn them off. Sometimes I will try to go full lock and it only applies 1/3 of the steering. Any help on getting rid of as much of the assists as possible would be great.

Also I would love to get I to a league or at least race with some people who want full damage and run a clean race. I've scanned through the forum and didn't see a thread trying to organize anything. If someone has a link to one please share it.
Has anyone tried changing the controller deadzones to 0 and 100? It won't affect the linearity but may give you more throw with the stick.
Buy a wheel ;)
I've got a triple screen iracing setup with a CSW. I'm just playing this with a friend and trying to get the most out of it. I am enjoying it though. It's the first racing gane I've been able to tolerate with a controller in a long time.
Has anyone tried changing the controller deadzones to 0 and 100? It won't affect the linearity but may give you more throw with the stick.
Where can you change that. I haven't seen any settings like that.
Has anyone tried changing the controller deadzones to 0 and 100? It won't affect the linearity but may give you more throw with the stick.

This helps a lot!
But normal is the best way to set the steering since its impossible to catch a return slide in simulation since the cpu isnt calibrated to return the steering fast enough so it doesnt matter what you do.
And having a steering move as fast as you can flick your thumb is very far from realistic so that wouldnt be right either...

Its very annoying.
But change the deadzone and drive in normal, that makes the game as fun as its going to get.

I hate the loose unattached sticks that takes away all feedback and makes everything feel loose and insecure, and never makes you feel confident!
All my friends who have tried my xbox one dont want to buy one now, bf4 is even worse. Cant even force them to play anymore :(
I hardly play f5 because of it, but bf4 I have at least gotten used to, but bf3 on 360 is like sticking my arms into the game and playing!

Xbox one controller really has to loose sticks and to high! The triggers arent better, need more resistance!
Xbox one controller really has to loose sticks and to high! The triggers arent better, need more resistance!
I don't really experience this at all when playing but it sounds like perhaps your controller is faulty. Difficult to test though.

Anyone else notice a big difference between controllers on the two consoles?
I don't really experience this at all when playing but it sounds like perhaps your controller is faulty. Difficult to test though.

Anyone else notice a big difference between controllers on the two consoles?

I dont know about faulty but it certainly is a difference between all controllers to all consoles, there arent any that feels exactly the same.
I have a lot of different controllers to my 360 but I still just use the first wired controller we bought at release. Its got a higher build quality ( even though its almost completely worn out! And pulls to the right! ) and better feel then all others. But the others are still very good.
So I could absolutely have a looser xbone controller, but doubt it, its not looser then the ones I tried on a games fair, and ps4 has the same problem.
Its just not enough resistance! Its hardly any.
And the higher stick makes it even worse since you have more play but less... Solid Reference point!
Your thumb is more up in the air ( like on ps3 controllers ) and this makes it harder to know how much you moved the stick since you are just waving around in thin air so to speak. It becomes vague.
I don't really experience this at all when playing but it sounds like perhaps your controller is faulty. Difficult to test though.

Anyone else notice a big difference between controllers on the two consoles?

I have controllers for both consoles sitting next to me, so here you go!

Sticks: the Xbone stick forces are lower than the X360. I estimate by about 50%. My old X360 controller has a fair amount (1mm) of freeplay both vertically and laterally, and my Xbone controller has virtually none. Stick depression forces are about the same between the controllers.

Triggers: forces on the Xbone controller are marginally lower than the X360, perhaps 20%. No freeplay on either controller.

RB and LB: about he same, honestly. Perhaps a little higher force on the Xbone, but hardly any difference in force, throw, or accessibility. Both can be depressed by tilting your finger a bit rather than removing it from the trigger.

Button forces: virtually identical.

Opinion: the Xbone controller simply FEEELS a little lighter and cheaper, but the reduced freeplay in the sticks and the lower forces should, in my opinion, improve accuracy of input and reduce fatigue. I LOVE the rumble in the triggers while driving, it has completely changed the experience for me, for the better. So much faster now.
+1 on the X1 trigger rumble. When the batteries are ready to die the trigger rumble stops, reducing controller feedback and making it harder to race.
+1 on the X1 trigger rumble. When the batteries are ready to die the trigger rumble stops, reducing controller feedback and making it harder to race.
If only they had a battery indicator on screen. The first time the rumble went I thought my XBone had broke.

If those sticks really are floppier maybe there's a gap in the market for a third party pad.
I agree that the rumbling triggers are really cool new feature!

And I can recommend to take out your batteries and buy a usb cable and play wired instead!