How far do you want customization to go in GT5?

  • Thread starter Peter
Another thought on bodykits, if we're going to get something like the tuned cars in prologue, how about getting decals from brands that you buy mods from applied to the body work ? That way you don't end up with a plain paint job and the decals actually mean something and apply to your car.
I hadn't thought about this much, but you make a great point. It wouldn't take much coding at all to implement a link to the livery editor when you buy a tuning part. Say you buy a range of NISMO and HKS upgrades, as well as some aero parts from TRIAL. When you install them, there could be an option to get decals to apply to your car in the livery editor. Click them, and off you go to the livery editor when you're done to size and place the decals anywhere you want.
This is a weird idea, but say if you have a Toyota Supra for instance. I'm assuming there will be Manufacturer tuning shops as there were in all the previous GTs now; imagine if you could take your bog-standard Supra to the Tom's or TRD shop and buy either seperate parts or say for instance, the "TRD 3000GT" package. Where the whole car is transformed into something like this:


As for other tuning companies (C-West etc.), I think they should be reserved for the Tuner Village, that is if there is one.

And as for the actual kits, anything that's either subtle or aerodynamically efficient is a winner in my books. Wide body kits should be available too, but nothing race-style, purely street look. Like this:


But of course if you wanted the full-on race car look then you could go to the race-mod screen. My ideal vision of the Race Mod screen would be a picture of the car on the top, and different options below. These options would be:

- Touring Car
- Rally/Maxi Kit Car
- Top Speed/Aero
- Time Attack

Also, you'd have to have the option to specify a livery or not. So you could have your bog-standard Ford Focus ST170:


Then give it a racing body:


And finally give it the livery:


Obviously there'd be a selection of the real life liveries offered on this car if this feature happened.

Just my
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This is a weird idea...
Very weird, but very cool. Some of us have been asking for these rather vocally, so I'm hopeful that much of it is included in GT5. Especially since that other game features something similar, if more basic. Personally, I think Tuner Village should feature all the specialty and boutique mod shops, including TRD, TOMS, NISMO, Amuse etc., while some sort of Racing Valley or whatever is where you go for full on racing modification. And yes indeed, taking a car and building it up to the spec of different racing leagues.
Just give us the game already and let the modders buy an Xbox 360.

That is a horrible idea, PD's goal is to pull as many gamers to the PS3 and the GT series not send them off to another console and series. That would be like Ferrari telling people to but Porsche's.
Lots of really great ideas in this thread, I'm just chiming in with a small list:

Mechanical: More freedom of options for engine bore, stroke, cam, forced induction (per Neema). And like Tenacious said, give us a proper dyno sheet that we can tune our transmissions to. :irked:
I want to shy away from a full swap only because a miata with a ford 5.0 :yuck: in it will no longer behave like a miata.

Interior: Weight reduction should reveal bare metal in the cabin, and rollcages should be present or not, accordingly (zep, ;)). While I would quite enjoy seats by Recaro, wheels by Momo and the like, I want this game to ship in my lifetime :sly:, so I think generic racing parts will suffice nicely (that is, effected by the weight redu, not at whim).

Exterior: Wheel choice (a la GT4) and paint shop are must haves at this point, a livery editor would be nice, but I don't need it. Body mods should, imo, be limited to functional pieces that contribute to going faster (spoilers/splitters, diffusers, canards, etc.) The last thing we need is 35 pounds of fiberglass hanging off the side of the car, slowing us down.

Race Modification: I would like to see an option for certain cars, either at the manufacturer or tuner or both, that irrevocably modifies the whole chassis and body to that of a full race car (with tuning options changing too).

SOUND: The single most important, visceral, gut-wrenching, feel-it-way-down-in-your-toes quality of a hopped-up track car is the howl of those flaming hydrocarbons as they rip free of their earthly environs. A turbocharged, overbored V6 on the squeeze isn't supposed to sound like my norelco shaver! I guess my point is, I'm willing to forgo a touch of realism in the sound department if they put the roar back in the horsepower. :D

I think that covers it, until I think of something...

To add to the General's comment about sound, it would be nice if the volume would be turned up if the car's interior was removed. On thing I thought would be nice is transmission options when you buy a car, where if you buy a Ferrari F430 you have the choice of proper gearbox, or the stupid flappy paddle thingy. Ofcourse the the animated hands would move accordingly. I'd have to say interior mods are more important to me then exterior, for the simple fact that I'd see the interior alot more of the time. I have a hard time trying to see my front bumper from behind the wheel.:sly: Now, if we only get the customization options of GT4 though, I'd be happy, as long as you can modify wheel sizes (diameter X width X backspacing).
That is a horrible idea, PD's goal is to pull as many gamers to the PS3 and the GT series not send them off to another console and series. That would be like Ferrari telling people to but Porsche's.
Ummm, your logic is slighly over-exaggerated there don't you think? We are talking about a GAME here, not cars that cost over a hundred grand.

PD have already shown that people will buy into the GT series regardless with Prologue. The fact is, most gamers who like racing games do NOT want screen after screen of customisation options. Not only is this tedious, but it ofen ruins the on-line experience as you invariably end up racing against some sad git who spends their entire life on the game, optimising their setup. The rest of us just want a competent racing game with a good selection of cars and tracks.

Regardless of whatever guise GT5 launches in, you are a fool if you think it is going to bring flocks of new gamers to the PS3. Countless people (including myself) bought their PS3 specifically for this game. Those who know about, and want the next game in the GT franchise will likely already have made their console decision.
whoever created that out of somethin so beautiful should have his balls kicked by every car fan in the world

I don't think that SLR is such beautiful, maybe original concept was, but it took several years to do production version, which ended with some heavy disproportions (especially longer nose than one could like), too many weight, fake aluminium on dashboard, conventional automatic gearbox and in fact, it was not looking like a jewel after SL and SLK similar designs everywhere :sly:

But that pimped version is really awful :yuck:
PD have already shown that people will buy into the GT series regardless with Prologue. The fact is, most gamers who like racing games do NOT want screen after screen of customisation options. Not only is this tedious, but it ofen ruins the on-line experience as you invariably end up racing against some sad git who spends their entire life on the game, optimising their setup. The rest of us just want a competent racing game with a good selection of cars and tracks.

I think you are a little nieve if you think gamers don't want loads of customization options. Take the NFS games for example, Underground and the latter titles have sold like hotcakes, even though the racing aspects of the game are just horrible. GT has built a foundation on car customizing, and is expected to uphold the tradition.
Agreed, why shouldn't GT have a bunch of customisation options along side good racing?
Ummm, your logic is slighly over-exaggerated there don't you think? We are talking about a GAME here, not cars that cost over a hundred grand.
Eh, I think your post is missing the point, and you aren't too familiar with the average racing gamer. The average gamer is another matter, but you're undoubtedly unaware of the large community of fans in games ranging from Forza to PC sims who want these games to go as far as possible. New gamers who don't know how to tune their cars are schooling themselves by reading faqs and asking questions on boards like this. Artists are creating outstanding liveries, and there are quite a number of gamers who lack the talent but want one of their own, who are willing to spend considerable sums of game credits to buy them, while some are simply given away. You'd be surprised how big the community has grown just on the basis of tuning, modding and painting liveries, and why certain PC games such as rFactor are so popular, due to the active modding community.

This is why so many of us have been clamoring for this to be in GT5. And yes, it will make GT5 even more popular, and keep people interested in it for years who otherwise might not be. The more you give a gamer to play with, the happier he's going to be, and the longer he'll be involved. And girls too. ;)
This far:





Imagine the cockpit cam.

I'd sell it for 20 million over Auction House if there would be one.

Click on this link for full-res glory of this masterpiece:

And of course this is joke.

HAHAH that is very funny very extreme, and not to my personal liking, however it would not bother me if somebody created their car like that. I just want GT5 to have the ability to create a car to ones personal liking. Honestly i would say im not a huge drift fan at all but that dosent mean i woulndt want PD to focus on drifting and try to make it as real as possible for the drift fans who play GT same with photo mode. I cant take pictures for my life but i would want PD to create a great photo mode for the great Photographers who play GT. So in all if PD can create good different features to suit everyones racing gaming experience, i can go with that. Also with private rooms you can race to your personal liking thats also a plus.

Something like this is what i want to build in GT The white FD With The blue FD hood, wide front and rear fenders with the white TE37's minus the decals and licens plate and with full interior

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Short answer- as far as they can.

on a side note i dont think we can criticise the chavs for wanting tarted up skylines etc in GT as i believe it was GT1 way back when that made them (and the tuning thereof) popular amongst the youth.

Just a self fulfilling prophecy really.
Short answer- as far as they can.

on a side note i dont think we can criticise the chavs for wanting tarted up skylines etc in GT as i believe it was GT1 way back when that made them (and the tuning thereof) popular amongst the youth.

Just a self fulfilling prophecy really.

Nah, over-modified skylines/supras etc. have been around since the early 90's in japan. If you have to blame something, watch the first twenty or so minutes of Fast & Furious (that's about as much as i can stomach) and see what is likely to be more attractive to your average chav.

I do see your point, though. I'd never even heard of a skyline until i bought GT1. But even back when i was an impressionable 20 yr old, I didn't feel the need to fit 30" chrome wheels, and enough NOS to make James Bond giggle like a japanese school girl, to a perfectly good sports car.

Anyway, variety is the spice of life, blah blah blah.

This far:


I'd like to have an option to customise the girls around our cars and number of them........
Or if you win, I don't know, 10 online races, you get one girl to stand by your car and for a hundred grand, you can insert silicons wherever you want.:)
When I have to choose for that SLR MClaren with the customisation or without the customisation, I would choose for one without the tuning package. I mean: The interior is terrible!!!

I think tuning is an important option. I did like the spoilers and rims in GT4. But in reallife you have to race and, the better you race, the more sponsors you get and how more you will earn for your races. Wouldn't it be great to start in a simple touringcar and getting more and more sponsors to buy better motorupgrades. Just like BrawnGP in the formula one at the moment.:)
I'd like to have an option to customise the girls around our cars and number of them........
Or if you win, I don't know, 10 online races, you get one girl to stand by your car and for a hundred grand, you can insert silicons wherever you want.:)

Wherever you want sounds a bit nasty, but the thought is great! :P I think a sponsor mode would be good idea.
Eh, I think your post is missing the point, and you aren't too familiar with the average racing gamer. The average gamer is another matter, but you're undoubtedly unaware of the large community of fans in games ranging from Forza to PC sims who want these games to go as far as possible. New gamers who don't know how to tune their cars are schooling themselves by reading faqs and asking questions on boards like this. Artists are creating outstanding liveries, and there are quite a number of gamers who lack the talent but want one of their own, who are willing to spend considerable sums of game credits to buy them, while some are simply given away. You'd be surprised how big the community has grown just on the basis of tuning, modding and painting liveries, and why certain PC games such as rFactor are so popular, due to the active modding community.

This is why so many of us have been clamoring for this to be in GT5. And yes, it will make GT5 even more popular, and keep people interested in it for years who otherwise might not be. The more you give a gamer to play with, the happier he's going to be, and the longer he'll be involved. And girls too. ;)

That´s exactly how I see it! I can make a comparison to Forza 2 here. It was quite a long time since I raced anything at all in that game, but I do however start it up once in a while to customize something! My only gripe is the lack of body kits available.
The autosculpt feature from the NFS series and the vynil editor from Forza would be the only 2 things I would like to see added to GT. In terms of engine and component customisation PD have already added enough, its just the visual stuff which needs working on now. I want to recreate some liveries PD!!!
I just want racing modification back!!!


I never really understood, why they discontinued this feature among GT3 and GT4. It was fun beginning the Sundays Cup races with an old used Car and upgrading it until it was even competible with modern Touringcars and even looked like one. I felt a bit out of place, when i did the same thing in GT3 and GT4, but my used car still looked like the car i bought to race against damn Mazda Demio GLX and cars like that.

I wish they would bring this feature back, or even allow us to modify the decals, to create some sort of teamcolors to use with every Touringcar throughout the career and maybe online. But i would be completely satisfied with the simple racing modification.
we officially have a "Red Light District " car, the Mercedes SLR RLD Version. God, that is hideous :D

Aerokit, Rims, Color(only need White actually....) -> that's all

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