How fast can you do the 100m sprint?

  • Thread starter Shannon
My personal best for the 100m is 12.143, but then again I'm on my school's JV track team for sprinting/shotput :). Don't even ask for anything 300m+, I think my best for the 300 was 52 something, I can't run past 200m
I got a 12.51 at the school sports day last year (year 10) coming forth, the guy who won got in the 10 second region setting the school record mind he is the top runner for his age in the county.
I can run 14.10 at my best. Remember im 12 years old. A guy who came first (out of about 300) at my school got 13.50 :dunce:
im a pot smoking binge drinking hippie, and only done it when i was 15 at the sports carnival on grass, but i got an 11.9, im confident if i had trained and done it properly with some plyometrics i would be quite quik. nowhere near close to 10's though.
you americans have a far superior athletic program to us. bastards.
Heh, I did it in 5 seconds flat once...but I was on a bicycle and 100LBs leaner at the time. Acually on foot, I can do it in less than a minute for sure...I know my truck can do it in 3 seconds!

Cool thread. My best officially was 13.18, 2 weeks ago. But at my aths club I ran 12.60 about a month ago with starting blocks.
My best is about 15 seconds. :lol: I'm not a sprinter, better at long distance. I play tennis so i'm not hopeless at all sports.
My best is about 15 seconds. :lol: I'm not a sprinter, better at long distance. I play tennis so i'm not hopeless at all sports.

Mine should be quicker since i play footy (Aussie, see profile pic :D) and cricket mainly, i played basketball but i suck at it...
I recently ran the 100m sprint a few weeks ago, and my best was around 13.8 seconds. It was a lot quicker when I was younger though! :lol:
Best time of 12.56 for the 100m, haven't run properly for about a year or so since when I set it, so I think I'd need some practice and training to get back up to that level now.
3hrs 12mins and 32 seconds.

I don't know m 100m times at my current levels of fitness but it's probbly not going as good as the best time I can remember recording which was 12.67. I recently ran the 400m in 1min 13, the last 50-100m killed me.
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Not measured accurately for a while, suspect between 12-13 seconds. Slim build so more of a longer distance runner, but I have got the body suitable but perhaps not ideal for most sports.
Full Out Sprint: 14 seconds

Average time per 100 meters in a 1500 or 3000 race: roughly 20 seconds
My personal bests are:
100m: 11.02
400m: 51.6
1500m: 4'18
10.000m: 34'20
half marathon: 1h19min
marathon: 3h37min(I hate this distance, it's sooooo long. After 37km I wanted to die)
Before I started cycling more often I could usually run 100m in around 13 seconds, now I've been biking for about 4 years I suspect it could take me 3 weeks.
Well I did 50m in 5 seconds dead so double it to make 10 seconds as i can keep the pace up for my entire road which has 62 semi or detatched houses on. However no matter how slow I go I cant run for more than 2 mins.
Well I did 50m in 5 seconds dead so double it to make 10 seconds as i can keep the pace up for my entire road which has 62 semi or detatched houses on. However no matter how slow I go I cant run for more than 2 mins.
You realise the indoor 60m record is only 6.39 seconds, so forgive me if I'm just a little skeptical.
You realise the indoor 60m record is only 6.39 seconds, so forgive me if I'm just a little skeptical.

Well i did it at school i ran the width of a football pitch and it was measured at 5 seconds dead.
Well i did it at school i ran the width of a football pitch and it was measured at 5 seconds dead.
Funny that, because a football (soccer) pitch isn't as little as 50 m either.

But if of course you're telling the truth and the timing was accurate and the distance was 50m then best of luck at the Indoor Athletics World Championships.
Funny that, because a football (soccer) pitch isn't as little as 50 m either.

But if of course you're telling the truth and the timing was accurate and the distance was 50m then best of luck at the Indoor Athletics World Championships.

It was the school pitch. Football pitches range from 45m to 90m wide.
If it was wrong blame my (ex I have left school now) PE teacher he had the stopwatch.
It was the school pitch. Football pitches range from 45m to 90m wide.
If it was wrong blame my (ex I have left school now) PE teacher he had the stopwatch.
So you're honestly saying it never crossed your mind that you may have run an obscenely fast time? No alarm bells?

I won't post any further on it, but you need to understand the culture on GTP is if you make an obscene claim you should be prepared to get called out on it.