How many have you hosted this weekend?

I was wondering that too, tezster. I've now hosted each race at least 3 times. Based on the actual durations of the races, it seems like Daytona (20 min) probably gives the best payout/minute, as Daytona is the quickest of the ~20 min races (takes about 21 min, vs 23 for Trial Mtn and 25 for Suzuka). Tsukuba is the quickest of the 5 min races and Tokyo is the quickest of the 10 min races, in case anyone but me cares. :)
I hosted about ten races yesterday. Used an alt account to level up my main account Bobs and some Bobs of a couple of friends. Makin dat money!
I've hosted about 20 races. My progress has been halted, I keep getting disconnected from the server and I cant get back on, no matter how many times I try!

You've probably already seen it, but there's a thread about it here. Under Maintenance?

What are most people's hosting preference in terms of race length? I'm assuming longer races give more XP/credits.

I'm making that assumption too. I've done each race at least once but keep going back to the 20 minute Suzuka and Trial Mountain.
Will add some of you later tonight when I get home. Will host races for your bobs. Please host mine. I need loads of credits. Psn name is zubi77
I hosted 1 race last weekend, but in my defence I haven't been at home since saturday and I'm still not. I fully intend to run races while out, in bed or otherwise not able to A-Spec; I owe some people quite a lot of race time!
I've only done a total of 9 races this weekend. I had hoped to do more but having started later than I wanted to I wasn't able get as many as I wanted done. (At least I didn't fall asleep at my ps3 like I did on Friday. lol) To those that raced my drivers and those were recommended to me by friends I'm sorry I didn't get to use your drivers in as many races as I intended, still I made sure that everyone on my list got at least two races in. Hopefully I'll be able to start earlier than yesterday and get everyone a good solid group of races.
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34, mostly twenty minute races.

I'm also averaging 7 races initiated with my drivers by friends per hour. I made 2,000,000cr yesterday.
I've hosted around 15 races and as of yet, no one has used my Bob's. Feel free to add me if you like to host and i'll also use your Bob's!

PSN: redrobin347
I usually get at least 20 races in when I'm working, 40+ when I'm not. Thanks to everyone here for adding me when remote went online. I got home from work a few days ago to find almost $300k waiting on me, which helped me buy a McClaren F1 LM last night.

When I race, I don't care about levels. I just go down the list of my friends and add every driver it'll let me. Thankfully, that list is getting longer and longer, which means more racing for me. I usually race while the family is watching TV or while playing with my daughter, which is nice because I can gain cash and xp for the game (and for my free time) without having to miss anything else.

Just wish I could play this while at work. It's almost like getting paid twice, lol.

Anyone else that wants to add, feel free. I've usually got 6 drivers up (last night ran a b-spec enduro so took a few down, but they're back), and will gladly pit my best against yours. PSN ID in sig.
So far I have hosted 50 races.

I wish they had a stats and records page. Something to keep track of meaningless stats, perhaps even with a twist of humor. Think Grand Theft Auto style stats.

I'd love to know things like total FF/FR/MR/RR mileage stats, or even total distance while driving backward, highest mph reached, etc.

Since the update, I've hosted a ton of races... i just don't know how many.
I wish they had a stats and records page. Something to keep track of meaningless stats, perhaps even with a twist of humor. Think Grand Theft Auto style stats.

I'd love to know things like total FF/FR/MR/RR mileage stats, or even total distance while driving backward, highest mph reached, etc.

Since the update, I've hosted a ton of races... i just don't know how many.

I wish they did to. At least you can count back and see how many you have run and you can go back and look at the races to see where you placed.

But yes I would love to have the GTA type stats to see how my Bob is doing. It was always fun to see the stats on Nico.:)
Just checked today's stats & I've run 27 races in 10 hrs (at 15 a race thats 405 drivers I've given a run out). Just counted through my log & my drivers had 55 runs altogether in return. Guess I'll let my ps3 cool a bit this evening & let my remote race buddies pay me back!!
I've hosted a few in the evenings, but i'm unable to when at work due to the crappy on the work PC :(

I might need to look into that bot if its still about

can always use a few more friends to help out.. psn is craig9968 add me if you want :)
Over 50 i believe, think the results stats only store so many so not sure but know it's definitely over 50 :)
i've done 36 so far and it's increasing everyday. its a great way to give your on-line psn friends some cash and also receive cash in return.