How many PS3 Controllers have you gone through?

Jeepers. Miss one little thing and get crowned as the Village Idiot!



But FK's suggestion is still a good one. Brain Challenge is great at boosting your observational, analytical, and logical speed & acuity! Even for Mensa leaders, I highly recommend it! 👍

BTW: I liked how you hid the punchline:

Better than the Village People, I suppose...


That's because you rarely play shooters. When you are in a heavy firefight and dealing with muzzle flash in your eyes the red flashing indicator that you are getting shot is not apparent enough. I know in Warhawk the DS3 made a world of difference. It is really noticeable when you are in a vehicle or Warhawk and some guy is shooting you with a sniper rifle. On a Sixaxis your only indication is a slight ping noise and a flash of red, which is hard to see if you are shooting at someone already. With the DS3 that ping and flash is accompanied by a slight shudder, and that extra bit of sensory input is enough to grab your attention.

Also, in PAIN if you are grabbing on to something that is moving, or you are hanging, over time your grip will start to slip. On a Sixaxis all you know is that you slipped. With the DS3 it begins to shake like muscles will do when they are straining. So, it gives you a five second warning to do something like Ooch (adjust) or let go and regrab.

And in LBP it shakes if you get close to something lethal, so that you get more than just a visual input on how close you can get without dying.

And I know a few games have used it to simulate a heart beat in a suspenseful situation, or when your life is low.

Honestly, when it is used well it is not just there to get your jollies off with. It can be a very useful aid. That said, it has been done very crappy too, like shaking non-stop when you die and only stopping when it loads you back to the last checkpoint/level/whatever.

All excellent points, and maybe I should use the DS3s more often. In fact, I didn't even know LBP had rumble support. :dunce:

I hope you fixed his attitude too.

Let's just say, short of corpal punishment, he understands that was not acceptable behavior. :)

There have been comments from Sony about battery issues and them only lasting one to two years, similar to early iPods.

Actually, in the above link Sony will replace them for free. So, legendary724 , quit worrying.

It is easily accessible and you can buy the batteries online.

On top of all that, that article was published back in 2006 before the PS3 had even been released!

It has been over two years and I can safely say that my original controllers, which are used the most not only continue to hold a charge, but I have on occasions, before using the new PS3 energy saver options, forgotten to turn the PS3 and the controllers off, and despite being left on for several hours, the controller only lost one bar of battery level.

So not only does it appear that those that claimed the controller would probably last one to two years, depending on usage, were wrong, but that it's also fairly easy to change out the battery... and apparently Sony will do it for free, which I had not realized, and is certainly nice of them! 👍

ive got 2 controllers when i bought my ps3 at launch ...
still work numero uno

for you ppl who have problems with the buttons and sticks sticking
you arent suposed too play while eating food , the fat and sugar get into the controller and make it all stick .... so put down the fried chicken and go wash youre hands

That's a very good suggestion. I can't tell you how many times I've taken the kids over to a friends house for a party and watching the kids eat pizza and then grab the controllers!

In our house we have a rule that not only is there no eating food while playing games, including video games, but that everyone also has to wash their hands before using the controllers.

This not only helps keep the controllers clean, but also some what sanitized.
Was about to vote 3 but changed to none, I got 3 controllers in December 2006 and all 3 work perfectly fine, but one of them has that left-analog stick (thank you so much CoD4).
ive got 2 controllers when i bought my ps3 at launch ...
still work numero uno

for you ppl who have problems with the buttons and sticks sticking
you arent suposed too play while eating food , the fat and sugar get into the controller and make it all stick .... so put down the fried chicken and go wash youre hands
hahaaa, indeed :lol:
I only have one PS3 controller in my place, and it has never worked very well... me :guilty:

(serious answer - I have two controllers and both of them still work :) )
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ive got 2 controllers when i bought my ps3 at launch ...
still work numero uno

for you ppl who have problems with the buttons and sticks sticking
you arent suposed too play while eating food , the fat and sugar get into the controller and make it all stick .... so put down the fried chicken and go wash youre hands

Not my problem. I don't eat while playing. No other buttons on my controller stick. My problem is more due to worn parts that not longer 'glide' against each other; rather 'creep' against each other. I guess I could take the controller apart and polish up the parts with a Dremel Tool that are rubbing badly, but I'd just be better off buying a new one.

I have to add, if I didn't make it clear to you before, I HATE the analog sticks on the PS3 controller. There's way to much 'play' and video makers never seem to get the best motion out of their input. That's why I've always loved MGS games. Controller movements via the analog sticks have always been the best with that game.
No repairs yet. I got four controllers so far and two of them are Sixaxis controllers. I got a slight crackling noise in one controller and a loose piece in the controller after tossing it up several times(What? I was bored one day:sly:).
I have not had any noise issues with any of the buttons or triggers, but for some games, that require holding down the trigger buttons for an extended period of time, I would have to regularly adjust my finger position, or else eventually my finger would slip off the end of the trigger... which is why I finally decided to pick up a set of these:

I'm not sure if it's the little spring that's squeaking or the rubber pad behind the trigger.

In any case, I hope Sony is working on internal revisions\redesigns of their controllers like they used to do in the PSX and PS2 days as I'm getting tired of opening them up to remove and re-seat the entire trigger mechanism (which fixes the squeak).

To be honest, I'd rather have the standard R2 buttons back then put up with poorly engineered triggers. That said, I am no longer playing GT5P with the controller, so maybe the time between squeaking incidents (heh) will be considerably longer. :)
I've had mine for a few years now. Haven't had to replace any, but sometimes the joystick will stay slightly to the left just barely enough to move my character when I'm not paying attention. Other than that, no problem whatsoever.
Both of mine (SIXAXIS) are still working just fine, but like others my left stick feels a little fragile from too much CoD4.

I love it, I went to play a 360 the other day and the sticks are SOOOOOOOO stiff, it is a joke. Ps3 is really gentle...ahh.
And if you were coming from a 360 you'd say the PS3 ones are too soft. My gripe with the 360's is over the big deadzone/slack in the centers. The resistance is fine for me, and probably helps with accuracy because you can move it more precisely.
I have four controllers, all working as well as when I got them (a year ago for the first two, and perhaps 6 months ago for the others).

I imagine that rechargeable battery care applies similarly to the PS3 controllers' batteries. That is to say, as long as you keep your controllers charged for the most part, and especially don't let them actually turn off from low battery, then the life span of the batteries should not be impaired.
None so far but I have a feeling one of my controllers is going. Left stick doesn't come back to center so I'm always moving in a slight direction, which is annoying on COD4 when crouching, my ass is always in the air.
I am still using the same controller I recieved upon opening my PS3: GT5 Prologue Pack almost 10 months ago. The only signs of its faultering is the tendency for the L2 button to not retract fully, which can be a pain in games such as GTA IV where it leaves me to be stuck in 'zoom' mode.

Do they still use L3 to run in COD5? If they use it in MW2 I will be quite annoyed because they could pick a 'less weak' button to use! Like one of the triggers.


Yes they use L3 in CoD5. Hopefully in MW2, they will make it where you can change buttons to your own preference, like in GT5P. The R2 would be nice, because it is easy to use. SOCOM recognized this problem, and on all the possible controller configurations, R2 is the sprint button.
My SixAxis that came with the 60GB launch unit still works fine. I bought a DS3 when it first came out and it still works fine but the CIRCLE button is always sticking. I'm going to have to take it apart and see what's going on.
2 here and they work perfectly, maybe because usually not use them. When I bought my ps3 there were a promotion with 2 controllers.
It has come apart at the seams and the rear shoulder buttons no longer work. I was actually very disappointed with the build quality of the SixAxis, is the DS3 any better? I might get one to replace it.
Zero, the 2 SIXAXIS I bought with the PS3 are fine. However, the truth is that they don't get used much, since I almost only play racing games and I do it with the wheel.
It has come apart at the seams and the rear shoulder buttons no longer work. I was actually very disappointed with the build quality of the SixAxis, is the DS3 any better? I might get one to replace it.
As you seem to be in the minority I think it is safe to say that the build quality is fine, and you got an oddity.

Unless you are the type to throw a controller in frustration.
I don't know what you guys are doing but I got (3) controllers (2 sixaxis and 1 DS3) and all of them work just fine :)
As you seem to be in the minority I think it is safe to say that the build quality is fine, and you got an oddity.

Unless you are the type to throw a controller in frustration.

I don't throw the controllers as such, but I do drop them on the floor when I get fed up with a game and just get annoyed! But that shouldn't be the problem because my 360 controller and my other SixAxis have lasted for much longer with the same treatment.

Probably just got a dud one. It still feels a bit flimsy to me though, I'm guessing the DS3 fixes that as it has the rumble parts inside? I really want one anyway so it's a good excuse to get one.
Never abuse a controller even if your other controllers appear to take the abuse. It's common sense. I would not subject a DS3 to the same abuse simply because it "feels" sturdier. :crazy:
My SixAxis that came with the 60GB launch unit still works fine. I bought a DS3 when it first came out and it still works fine but the CIRCLE button is always sticking. I'm going to have to take it apart and see what's going on.

The most I have done is to take the main body pieces apart:


The only important thing to remember is to not thread the screws, and to push in the tab located between the two joysticks and where the two body pieces connect together.

What I have not done is to take off the circuit board, which you would have to do to clean the button contact pads.

However, there are a lot of videos on YouTube that show you how to do it, like these:

Wow! Thanks for the informative post, Digital! I'm going to take it apart now with the instructional videos you provided. Thanks again!
Well my second controller just died, so I suppose I should be in the 3 controllers category now. :grumpy: I bought the last one on December 3rd, not impressed at all. 👎
I being so luck with my ps3 because it has never broke down before me. I bought my ps3 when it came out on march 23 2007 it has being 2 years working nothing has being damage yet.