How many replies can we get??

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EVO thanks man for the congrats keep postin man you'll get you goal.. mean time I gotta go guys ..5:00 comes early se you all tommorrow afternoon:D
Post for this thread:

*Evolution VI RS* 655
Tazz575 639
BigBlocksRule 297
ghostrider 278
TVR Speed 12 231
BMW M3 193
bigblocksrule 150
elyk27 88
Josh 68
GVX 59
MistaX 50
X 20
LiquidCrash 9
Jordan's Other Account 5
infallible 1
Originally posted by *Evolution VI RS*

what if i (a non mod) passed him?

Well, that would require passing me, so I would have to lie to Jordan and tell him that you were posting all kindsa porn on the forums, and get you banned 😈

Just kidding, I wouldn't do that....or would I...
Originally posted by Josh

Well, that would require passing me, so I would have to lie to Jordan and tell him that you were posting all kindsa porn on the forums, and get you banned 😈

Just kidding, I wouldn't do that....or would I...

porn... whats porn... that word is not in my vocabulary
Do you seriously not know what porn is?

It's short for pornography...
Originally posted by Josh
Do you seriously not know what porn is?

It's short for pornography...
Is that you never heard of Sarcasm or you've never been outside?
Originally posted by elyk27
porn sucks

Yup. I quit looking at it. I just use my pornographic memory to visualize the porn I used to look at...
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