How many replies can we get??

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Originally posted by Josh
Oh, did you mean our own FORUM? Like the moderator only forum? :confused: Or am I compltetly misunderstanding you? :D

I hope we get a Moderator Only forum. That way all the mods can get together and badmouth all of the non-moderators :lol: J/K

Sorry, 2 seperate questions. To this question the answer you gave is perfect.

The other I will get back to you on. I don't know the name right now but I was there yesterday and they had like 30000 post all over the place. the form was just like this one. wooooo
I stopped :D

Edit this post RIGHT HERE if you want too...This is easy
Originally posted by ghostrider
Whats this s2000 owner stuff?

What about it?

Jordan made my title on the old forum PROUD S2000 OWNER w/out even asking him...:D
You do realize that car in my avatar is MY car don't you? Jordan took a picture I posted and made it into an avatar for me...
Originally posted by Josh
You do realize that car in my avatar is MY car don't you? Jordan took a picture I posted and made it into an avatar for me...
Shi@ thats not your car.:eek:
Yes that's my car, no I'm not friends with Jordan in person, but friends from the site.

TO move a THREAD go to the bottom where it says ADMIN OPTIONS, and it tells you, but DON'T move a thread unless it's not in the right forum...

I'll post those 2 pics of my car in a sec...
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