How many replies can we get??

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Originally posted by bluedawnrider

Right on...did you enter into any events or just spectating at the track?

Nice Pic! Lookin sharp. :thumbsup:

Still :cheers:ing *beeeeelch*
Just spectatin at the track more fun cause I can look around for more ideas
Just because....

More mindless postings...

Duharh, ug.. post good yeah?
Originally posted by Josh

Yeah, but it has to be non-alcoholic

Sorry, I forgot to mention that's only the case when there's adult supervision around :lol:
Catching up with lost sleep.. after pretty much beating gt3.. heh

also waiting for my (dare I say it) MotorCity Online beta cd to arrive in the mail.. woo
Yea that's the one.. sweet firkin game..
Quite a few people I know from mIRC already have the beta.. and I should get mine this week.. yay!

Comes out final supposedly Oct. 10 :\
Haven't played personally yet.. but I run #motorcityonline on EFnet (mIRC).. usually there's the odd one who's played the beta.. I'm pretty much one of the last ops to get a copy.. heh
Also own and will make a page whenever I get a copy of the thing..
(bought that domain when they were actually gonna call the game Need For Speed: Motor City Online.. but now I lose) :(

Only problem is, after playing GT3 for so long now, MCO is gonna be like old-skool.. from screenshots, the cars look quite blocky compared to GT3..
But still one sweet game.. hopefully ;)
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