It's not the first time, it was at least the second, and if ALAN is correct, it's the third. More importantly, the current history of DLC pricing of Forza 4 is not the pricing history of the previous titles in the series which is what I'm asking about. And, my point in telling you my history of buying very little DLC was that DLC isn't important to me. So, I won't "just pay the money" because I would rather wait to pay less. One way that I can make an educated guess as to whether or not Forza 4's DLC will get discounts regularly is to know if DLC from the previous games got discounts regularly.My point was that if you say that there was one discount so far as you say and the game has been out 6 months now, this is a very rare occasion. If this is so important to you as you say, why does it matter? Just pay the money already.
the current history of DLC pricing of Forza 4 is not the pricing history of the previous titles in the series which is what I'm asking about.
One way that I can make an educated guess as to whether or not Forza 4's DLC will get discounts regularly is to know if DLC from the previous games got discounts regularly.