How Old Is The Average GTP Member?

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Say it with me: em dash.

Nice way to advocate staying on topic by the way :)

Hyphenation in English is highly variable, and in many contexts, it really doesn't matter. The Fowler brothers, first editors of the Concise Oxford Dictionary, wrote in their preface to the 1911 edition:

We have also to admit that after trying hard at an early stage to arrive at some principle that should teach us when to separate, when to hyphen, and when to unite the parts of compound words, we had to abandon the attempt as hopeless, and welter in the prevailing chaos.
I get warm fuzzy feelings reading your posts.... Those were good times.... :D
It makes me feel good to know I'm not the only person that enjoys these old games. Despite all the glitz and glamour of today's games 16 color goodness always draws me back.
It makes me feel good to know I'm not the only person that enjoys these old games. Despite all the glitz and glamour of today's games 16 color goodness always draws me back.

Good times 👍 i think we might require an Old Skool (Pre '90) Computer Games thread to take this further.
18 next month...the day of my HSC Physics exam. Good stuff.
If it makes you feel any better, I happen to have no exams this semester. :sly:

I happen to be 18 right at this very moment, but I could spontaneously go to 17 or 19 whenever I please.
Its because he drives a VW, they do something to your brain that makes you like them, and makes you "smarter" :P

So your date of birth is 7-4-74

Cool. *waits for someone to mock my American date format*
No worries as it still works the other way as well... 74-7-4 :)

But yes, I never have understood the popularity of the Month/Day/Year order (although I often still use it)... it's weakness really becomes apparent when you have file names that start with that date order... thus files with dates from different years but same months all get mixed in with each other. 👎
But yes, I never have understood the popularity of the Month/Day/Year order (although I often still use it)... it's weakness really becomes apparent when you have file names that start with that date order... thus files with dates from different years but same months all get mixed in with each other. 👎

But then again people say "It's October 13th 2007." :boggled:
No worries as it still works the other way as well... 74-7-4 :)

But yes, I never have understood the popularity of the Month/Day/Year order (although I often still use it)... it's weakness really becomes apparent when you have file names that start with that date order... thus files with dates from different years but same months all get mixed in with each other. 👎

I still make that mistake every now and then... whenever I'm going to type a date I have to recite "day, month, year" and then write it down. Luckily, my birthdate is 2-2-76, so I never had the problem there.

Back in college there was this kid who was 20, but his birthdate was 1 December, and we were in January, so his 21st was almost a year away, yet he always got into bars because he showed his German ID card, and just said 1-12-19XX... january 12th.
Personally, I prefer the ROW format, dd-mm-yy which makes 4-7-74 palindromic. :D

I have like -Diego-'s friend, had the 4/7 vs. 7/4 work in my favour, as I was able to rent a car when I shouldn't have!
I arrived in Kalamazoo, MI, on a very delayed flight, at about 1:30am in May of 1999 (2 months before my 25th birthday).
I had to collect a rental car, and was aware that lots of rental companies refused to rent to under 25s. Budget was generally (for an extra fee, of course) the only one that would. Sadly for me, 2 out of 3 rental counters (Budget & Hertz) were closed until morning, Enterprise being the only open one.
I inquired as to the possibility of renting to a driver under 25, to which the response was "Under no circumstances, you'll have to wait for Budget to open."
Faced with the possibility of spending a night in Kalamazoo airport, *shudder* I had an idea. Presenting my UK licence (dd-mm-yy format 04/07/74) to the same guy at the Enterprise desk, I asked to rent a car! Clearly bemused as to why I'd even asked about rentals to under-25s he proceeded to enter my date of birth into the rental agreement (mm-dd-yy) as 04/07/74. Thus making me 25 on the 7th of April, and allowing me to drive away to a welcoming hotel bed! Thankfully nothing happened to car during the 2 weeks I had it, or I'm sure there'd have been certain "insurance" issues, but I could've pleaded ignorance and claimed their employee made a genuine mistake! ;)
Although this is kind of going further and further away from the actual topic, I thought I would add this: My dad's co-worker had a daughter with the birth date of November 19, 1999. It will be a loooooong time before you'll find a date with all odd numbers.
Although this is kind of going further and further away from the actual topic, I thought I would add this: My dad's co-worker had a daughter with the birth date of November 19, 1999. It will be a loooooong time before you'll find a date with all odd numbers.
My daughter was almost an 04-04-04 baby. :)

(I wonder how many parents had their doctors induce a couple days before June 6, 2006 - and what kind of parents would plan for and induce to be sure to have their child born on that date!) :eek:

There are only five more days over the next five years where someone can have a birthday with all three of the same double digit numbers. Then it'll be another 100 years wait. :)
Dude - You're much much too clever to be only 20... 👍

Thanks. People always say I act a lot older than I am, which may or may not be a good thing... Oddly enough, I probably watch more cartoons than my seven-year-old brother...

He makes up for it by wearing pink shirts...

Yes, they do help. As I've always said, "It takes a real man to wear pink shirts!"

Its because he drives a VW, they do something to your brain that makes you like them, and makes you "smarter"

I always thought it was because I was a class-snob (My Sociology Professor has said something like that before...), but whatevs. Remember, you're not much older than me and like the brand most AARP-members love...