How old will you be when Gran Turismo 5 is expected to release?

I'm like 14 right now but My birthdays on December 23rd (the day the original Gran Turismo was released) so I'll still be 14 on November 2nd...
GT1 - I was 7. Mirage Asti RX round grand valley short was amazing :D
GT2 - 9 - first gt i was anywhere near good at. Used to do the laguna seca endurance race with a friend, lasted for HOURS!
GT3 - 13 - I didnt get a ps2 for a few years.
GT4 - 15 - This RUINED my exams.. :)
GT5 - 20. Yeah, 1/4 of my life waiting on this. :D
19 and i was 9 when i got GT2, if you told me then after 1 decade i would still be playing Gran Turismo i would have laughed!👍
I was 56 years old when i bought GT4, i will be 62 years old when i buy GT5!! If it arrives after June 11 of this year! And you guys thought young people only played console games!

Quoting this for all the beauty it contains.

We have 14 yr old teens and a 62 year old man connected through automobiles and a shared interest in driving/racing.

From generation to generation; keep moving on, Gran Turismo!
19 when i bought the 1st GT

31 when GT5 releases:sly:

Picking up, opening and playing a new GT series for the 1st time still remains spine tingly exciting.

Others wouldn't understand, but this forum would:tup:
GT1 May 12, 1998, Age = 11 never played it
GT2 Dec 23, 1999, Age = 12 never played it
GT3 July 10, 2001, Age= 13 played more than 300hrs
GT4 Feb 22, 2005, Age= 17 never played it,PGR & Xbox junkie at the time
GT5P April 15, 2008, Age= 20 Xbox 360 RROD 2 last straw, bought 40GB PS3 & GT5P
GT5 Nov 2, 2010, Age= 23 PS3 Slim & GT5
GT1 = 7
GT2 = 8
GT3 = 10
GT4 = 14
GT5P = 17
GT5 = 19, almost 20

GT4 came out i was starting high school, by the time GT5 comes out I'll be in my 2nd year of college...
Ahem......I'll be 37.

And to add to that, I come on here pretty much every day looking for more information. I am like a little kid waiting for christmas........and I am married with an 11 year old son who isn't half as excited as me, and he is nuts about all things car related.

17, and I should be taking my driving test around November time, what a great month that would be :). (As long as I pass my test :D )
Gran Turismo Age 11
Gran Turismo 2 Age 13
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec Age 15
Gran Turismo 4 Age 19
Gran Turismo 5 Prolugue Age 21
Gran Turismo Portable Age 23
Gran Turismo 5 Age 25

Thats if these date's are right

Gran Turismo 1997
Gran Turismo 2 1999
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec 2001
Gran Turismo 4 2005
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue 2007
Gran Turismo Portable 2009
Gran Turismo 5 2010​