How old will you be when Gran Turismo 5 is expected to release?

I'm hopping I'll still be 35.
But with the many let downs over the past 3 years with release dates I'll probably be 6ft under.
Haha, that's funny, my little guy will just have turned one. Gonna be hard playing GT5 with him starting to run around!

One year old's are not so bad, you can slipstream their care into your gaming time, if you use your head. You know, give 'em a bottle when they scream, wipe their behinds, shake them about a little, then put them to sleep for four hours. Return to game. Oh how I wish I could do that again! :sly:
Once GT5 comes out, I will be almost 24 (one month shy)

I came to the USA when I was 12, I play a bit of Gran Turismo, and 12 years later, half my life, GT5!!!
bought my ps2 for GT3 whenever that came out..
16 when GT4 came out..
at 19, bought my ps3 for GT5 Prologue..
just turned 22 yesterday..
I'll be 19 when GT5 is released. Fortunately, I shoudn't have too many tests in November. In my university, teachers tend to have a nasty habit of pileing all my last tests on one brain wrecking week, right at the end of the semester. I should be able to test GT5 well enough before then tho :).
I was 9 when GT1 was released (or at least when I got it). I'm 21 now. In GT1 all I did was drive the Corvette Grandsport round Highspeed ring (wallriding all the way, naturally). In GT4 I do enduros all on my lonesome (except for the 8-24 hour races I take B-spec breaks in those) my how time flies, how we all have changed in 13 years :)
Gran Turismo - 3 years old (E.U - 4)
Gran Turismo 2 - 5 years old
Gran Turismo 3 - 7 years old
Gran Turismo 4 - 10 years old (E.U - 11)
Gran Turismo 5 - 16 years old.

The gaps seem to be getting bigger and bigger as of late... :lol:
Huh.. Somehow this thread made me realize how short the lifespan of a human is. Almost feeling like I'd want to quit gaming now but since I can't see any good reason for that, I won't xD .

The Witcher time --->