How old will you be when Gran Turismo 5 is expected to release?

I was 21 when GT4 came out
I will be 27 in 2 months from now and in 3 months my baby girl will be born!
I've been waiting for so long for GT5 to come out, i spent 1000 Euros in last 2 months to buy PS3, Logitech G27, built a custom cockpit. I hope PD will make me a birthday present and release the game even though it is never sure whether they are going to release it or not.

God bless all of you for your patience and faith in this game, as this is no more just a game, this became a culture.

HAHA... Yeah but thats pretty close though :crazy:

GT 33
GT2 36
GT3 37
GT4 40
GT5 would have been still 45, but then if it in Dec I'll be 46

1 extra kid to add to the bunch, cars and other vehicles, but haven't moved anywhere.

Two PSX's
4 PS2's (3 thick and 1 slim)
1 PS3... quietly waiting for a certain game to be released!!!!!!!!! (Has been used for other games)
I was 19 years old when GT4 came out....

I'll be retired sitting in my Barcalounger on the 14th hole green in Key West with a Corona(no lime), trying to figure out how I'm going to lower my blood pressure without using 'I can't believe it's not butter!'..... by the time GT5 is released.

Or, maybe not.