How old will you be when Gran Turismo 5 is expected to release?

I don't know or care why you gotted banned but after spamming this crap all over this forum instead of handling it like a man and sorting it out in private via e-mail, I think that shows the moderator did the right thing by banning you. You can't even follow the rules AFTER getting banned! Maybe if you acted like a responsible person, you might have been un-banned eventually. Guess you didn't think that far ahead.💡

Dude, you don't know him thats why you are saying this things. There are very few people that are as respected as him(alba, armar, Solid_Snakex) so him getting banned shocked a lot of people including me. probably the greatest loss in Gtplanets History. he contributed a lot the community and i think he deserves another chance. We gonna miss him :(
Dude, you don't know him thats why you are saying this things. There are very few people that are as respected as him(alba, armar, Solid_Snakex) so him getting banned shocked a lot of people including me. probably the greatest loss in Gtplanets History. he contributed a lot the community and i think he deserves another chance. We gonna miss him :(

is it a permanent ban?
Dude, you don't know him thats why you are saying this things. There are very few people that are as respected as him(alba, armar, Solid_Snakex) so him getting banned shocked a lot of people including me. probably the greatest loss in Gtplanets History. he contributed a lot the community and i think he deserves another chance. We gonna miss him :(

You're right I don't know him, and like you said maybe he was a good guy, but he's spamming the exact same post all over the forum. If I was a mod or admin, I'd be pissed off and less likely to un-ban him.

Anyway about GT5 and wating for it. I got F1 2010 for my PS3 a few days ago- it'll take the edge off waiting for GT5 for sure and although it has some bug and "issues", it's still a great race sim. The AI and driving "feel" are standouts to me. The overall atmosphere in race and other single player sessions is great too. It's no GT5, but a damn good game! I recommend it to anyone who is waiting for GT5 and needs a good racing fix.
I was 4 when I got GT2 (It was my first ever video game, holds a special place in my heart :)) and I'll be 13 (same as now) when GT5 comes out :D
GT4 - 7.
GT5 - 13.

Please note, I'm not a little immature 13 year old who came here to start arguments etc. I am a car lover and a GT series fan since my first PlayStation.
Gran Turismo (Japan): December 23rd, 1997


Gran Turismo 2 (Japan): December 11th, 1999

17 yrs

Gran Turismo 3 (Japan): April 28th, 2001

19 yrs

Gran Turismo 4 (Japan): December 28th, 2004

22 yrs

Gran Turismo 5: November 2nd/3rd 2010

28 yrs
I was 4 years old when I got GT1 (but never got to beat it because my dad sold the PS1 for the PS2), then when we got the PS2 and GT3 i was 7, (never beat it because my dad started playing it and I couldn't make a new profile). Then I got GT4 when I was 11 and I never beat it because it got reading errors!!! So I'll be 16 when GT5 comes out and this could be the first I beat! lol
i'm 26 now, i'm an avid fan of gran turismo since part 1!, i missed part 2, caught up on 3, got in late on 4, and late on 5P. blame it on the economy!, anyways, ... heres the rundown .

gt1: 11
gt2: 16
gt3: 16
gt4: 18
gt5p: 23
gt5: 26

its about damn time!
I will be 36 and my other half thinks I should have grown out of this sort of thing by now.

"I'm only just getting warmed up!" I replied.

Cue lots of tutting and eye-rolling from her. I'm going to have to buy her an expensive handbag by way of consolation for my new wheel/chair etc!
When GT4 was released, I was 10, although I never owned a PS2 and I don't even think I've played that game. Maybe once at a friend's house, although that may have been GT3.

I will be the same age as now, 16, when GT5 is expected to come out. 35 days left, is it? Can't wait to read a review, and unless there are any glaring flaws that I won't be satisfied with, I'm getting a PS3 and GT5!
I'll be 28 when GT5 gets released.

I think i'll be 33 by the time I've finished playing GT5 though.
39 and going strong from GT 2 onwards.Glad to see there a few mid 30's and above still flying the flag for the old gamer's .Never forget the days of chequered flag and REVS.
39 and going strong from GT 2 onwards.Glad to see there a few mid 30's and above still flying the flag for the old gamer's .Never forget the days of chequered flag and REVS.
Hehe, I thought I was gonna be that old by the time this game would see the light of day! ;)