How supportive has your partner been?

  • Thread starter raceur

How supportive has your significant other been?

  • Ross Brawn to my Michael Schumacher

    Votes: 19 17.9%
  • Mildly supportive -- "that's nice you're in the top XXX, now how about those chores"

    Votes: 31 29.2%
  • Indulgently tolerant -- "this is pointless, but if you must..."

    Votes: 12 11.3%
  • Radiates passive-aggressive disapproval (random door slams, plants wilt in presence) but you spend h

    Votes: 5 4.7%
  • It was "me or the PS3" -- and well, I'm still reading GTP.

    Votes: 6 5.7%
  • What's a partner?

    Votes: 33 31.1%

  • Total voters
My wife is just glad I'm not into 'shootin and killin' games. She said the engine whine used to annoy her, but now that I'm wearing headphones, she misses it.

(although the unexplained cursing she hears doesn't make as much sense now that she can't hear the game)
My wife is just glad I'm not into 'shootin and killin' games. She said the engine whine used to annoy her, but now that I'm wearing headphones, she misses it.

(although the unexplained cursing she hears doesn't make as much sense now that she can't hear the game)


yep that's what I tell's either this or I buy a real track car and spend $$$$$ on it, going off every weekend for hours on end.....
As supportive as I am with her FarmVille addiction. :sly:

AHAHA!!! +1 👍

Thank God there's farmville and we can keep em off our backs for some (more) time! When I want to play, I want to play. My gf tries to be supportive, like she understands how much it means to me, although I can sense she is mildly frustrated not spending ALL my time with her.

Sometimes, we end up meeting and talking the days' news, she tells me 'woke up, went to the doctor etc, and am so excited about expecting my test results because I did so well' and I am like 'I have great news too! GT5 has new improved textures!' WooHoo! :) I guess no-one knows what's important to someone next to them, like I see there's no point in "Oh! It's 12 already? I should have been collecting my eggplants!" but she seems to be enjoying it all that much! Now she is hooked up with Torchlight! :D Good thing we are not sharing the same system! ;)
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My girlfriend is not a huge fan. Sometimes she is ok with it but for the most part if I play for over an hour she starts to get annoyed and wants attention.

That was me all the way...
I spent days without touching the PS3, and as soon as I start to get warm and doing clean laps...there comes a door slamming, the "attention" noises, asking to help her making lunch/dinner, she wants to watch tv, some times (although very rarely) says that I'll never make it.....

And that's how I got a bit upset and talked to her about it, she understood it and supports me, she always did before, but only for like an hour, I don't think she fully understands that this takes an entire day for you to feel satisfied with your lap time.
Now things are better, as long as I give her something else to do she'll be fine...but doesn't last long as she starts saying "I'm bored" every 15 minutes...

I love her, I really do, wouldn't trade her for anything in this damn world!
She's into games too (RPG) and she's really good at it, but it only takes for the game not going the way she wants for her to start yelling and getting angry.

Again, I love her, but I would like to have my little corner with a proper cockpit and a laptop, so that I could go to every now and then to enjoy what I do better. :)

In the end, don't hate them guys, they are the joy of our lives, they are the ones who makes our machine work! Without them we would be a bunch of losers playing GT 24/7! Not a bad idea..BUT! Life goes that way, and we should be happy that we have that special person who's there for you ALL the time.

Respect the ladies! 👍
Voted for choice 2 ;)

She was the one who gave me the PS3 for Christmas two years ago.
She is pretty and pretty understanding, we have a rather mutual respects for each other's personal time. I am pretty lucky on that...

In a relationship, Compromise or Die ...