Those last 2 responses, whilst technically accurate, are irrelevant to the question.
Sorry if this appears to be griping you out. It isn't. I just wrote this at 5:20am local time after an all nighter, so it lacks any form at all in cohesion. I will correct once I get some decent sleep.
The problem is that there is no real way to answer the question. As I stated in my first post, firmware update 2.50 bricked, for lack of a better term, "Unauthorized" drives for use as storage in the PS3. Now, I will be the first to admit that I don't know why they blocked the drives, but what I am saying is that finding compatible drives is real hit and miss.
As I have stated earlier, I have a LG Optimus S that I use for most PS3 storage, and
it works for me. By that, I mean that it is detected by the PS3 as a storage device, and I can transfer files in and out of the PS3 with little difficulty.
What is the problem then? (@
Loco4tokin you might want to pay attention to this.) The device in question (the Nexus 7) does not support a SD card, so that may be a critical factor in the PS3 reading it or not. I simply don't own the device to effectively answer the question. All I told him in the first post was that android devices can act as external storage if he preps the drive first, that's it and that's all I really wanted to tell him.
turbolefty78 is correct in the fact that doing a direct transfer from the game to the tablet then to youtube would corrupt the quality of the video(if it works at all). He is also correct in saying that replays must be interpreted by the game, as all a replay file is that it is program code being interpreted by the game to give you a video. A very glaring example is when you go and put Project M(a popular Brawl hack) replay data into regular Brawl and view it. Sure, you are going to get the characters, and quite possibly the stage right, but beyond when that announcer says fight, it all breaks loose as the replay file that you logged in Project M is simply a record of all the inputs that you entered during that match.