Ride Height Test:
I tried a lot of things just to see what would happen. My overall consensus on the ride height adjustment is that when all was said and done this is not a useful way to tune in or tune out over/understeer.
Ride height on the '08 Garaiya ranges from -15mm to +10mm. I first tried both front and back set to -15 to see what would happen.
**(First of all, despite what anyone says, until I see video proof, I will continue to say that bottoming out in GT5 does not happen. I have set up various cars with the softest possible suspensions and the lowest heights and I have never heard or seen anything from any car that suggests that it will bottom out.)
- At -15 for both front and rear, I didn't notice anything in terms of steering, which makes sense in that the heights for front and back are still balanced to the same ratio. However, the car left the ground 2 or 3 times where it normally wouldn't do so on the track. Is this GT's way of implementing bottoming out? Not sure, but the car definitely came off the ground. Other than that, I saw no disadvantage or advantage to using the lowest possible ride height at equal balance to the front and rear of the car.
- At +10 to both front and back, I noticed no change in the handling of the car whatsoever.
- At 0F and -15R, I noticed such a slight amount of understeer that I can't really even be sure that it existed at all. This was also true of oversteer when I set the height to 0F and +10R. In my opinion, the rear height alone does so little (if anything) to affect over/understeer that I don't find it useful.
- At -15F and 0R I thought there was a very slight amount of understeer, but again it was so small that even though I seemed to notice a slight difference, this would also not be useful in tuning in or out under/oversteer. At +10F and 0R I noticed no change in handling at all.
- At -15F and +10R there was still almost no increase in oversteer. It was so slight that I was again questioning its existence. * At +10F and -15R I finally encountered enough understeer to make me notice something. It was still on the minimal side, but it did at least make a couple of the turns more uncomfortable.