How would you want a livery editor to play out?

I'm exposed to much worse at work on a daily basis. I probably signed a disclaimer there, too, actually...

Is there a waiver for public transport? What about the disparity and potential controversy of the moral responsibility versus the legal responsibility? (Won't somebody think of the children?!)

Yeah, we should all "grow up", but the reality is that not everyone has. As members of the human race, every one of us is responsible for dealing with that reality.

I don't have a solution. I don't know what's better. User tagging / reporting of liveries and corresponding filters are a start (aka options); console bans are, in my opinion, entirely antithetical to a "just grow up" attitude (just grow up and deal with the offensive material, hey?)

What I dont understand is how quick many people are to fight against internet censorship with things like SOAPA, but on the other hand can so easily cave in to this form of censorship. The reason why I may be more upset about this then others is beause it impacts several games that I play. Little Big Planet was originally going to allow you to upload any image from your PS3 HDD and paste it in game. There was even demonstrations at game shows of them doing it. But the feature was scratched before launched and they promised it would never see the light of day.


But you can take a picture of anything with your PS eye and put it in the game. But lets ban HDD images which would make level building in Little Big Planet much much faster and easier? I cant stand it.

If I'm Sony, this is what I'm thinking:

GT sells millions of copies. That means likely millions of liveries. That means likely hundreds or thousands of reports a day, especially early in the game that will have to be investigated. Many will be bogus, just Driver A hates Driver B and reports his "Democrats suck big ones" livery as offensive. Many will be stupid, like depicting a muslim with a gun, or a woman with a lot of cleavage, or swear words in various languages. Some will be over the top depictions of porn/nudity/sexual acts/violence/racism etc. What do you do with tobacco and liquor liveries? Playboy? Penthouse? Pornhub? Lisa Ann nearly nude but not?

You have to hire people, lots of people, to police this. They have to be trained to know what is offensive and what is not. What do you do when someone posted something offensive? Ban his console? Write him an email? Tell his Mommy?

I just can't see Sony wanting that headache, which is why I think you'll end up with a Grid Autosport style livery editor that comes with a variety of patterns and colours and stickers, but no importing of images. Simple, clean, neat, the fans have waiting this long so they'll be ecstatic over something a simple as that for at least 2 generations of the game.

Last night my brother had his life threatened by a 12 year old when playing a fighting game online. He was told by the kid: "You better hope I dont find where you live, because if I do only God can save you."

Speech like that in online games is rampant and unmoderated and unchecked, but lets not allow console players to import pngs of logos for thier cars because someone might use a swastika (which like 99% of offensive images they an make anyway). But threaten someone's life? Thats just gaming culture so its left unchecked.

Sony says a million times in the online agreements that online interactions are not rated. But they dont allow importing of images anyway because they rather not deal with the media outrage when a 10 year old sees something inappropriate on a car. But that same 10 year old probably just finished a game of Call of Duty (18+) and either threatened somebody's life or had his threatened. Sigh. I cant stand it. Reminds me of how the media made a big stink about teenagers accessing pornography on the PSP. Hello, they an access it on their phones too. Its just game systems are still mostly stigmatized as toys, and the idea anything 'adult' can be done or accessed on them terrifies some people. But again, its silly because all these kids have phones which give them much better access to the internet.

I would love to see the PC Project CARS fanbase reaction if they ever dared to not allow the importing of images to liveries. But console gamers just accept it. I dont.
It should probably be pointed out that the work required to create a recognizable livery probably does more to deter the dreaded Penis Car than the threat of any report system being used would by itself.
Last night my brother had his life threatened by a 12 year old when playing a fighting game online. He was told by the kid: "You better hope I dont find where you live, because if I do only God can save you."

Speech like that in online games is rampant and unmoderated and unchecked, but lets not allow console players to import pngs of logos for thier cars because someone might use a swastika (which like 99% of offensive images they an make anyway). But threaten someone's life? Thats just gaming culture so its left unchecked.

Sony says a million times in the online agreements that online interactions are not rated. But they dont allow importing of images anyway because they rather not deal with the media outrage when a 10 year old sees something inappropriate on a car. But that same 10 year old probably just finished a game of Call of Duty (18+) and either threatened somebody's life or had his threatened. Sigh. I cant stand it. Reminds me of how the media made a big stink about teenagers accessing pornography on the PSP. Hello, they an access it on their phones too. Its just game systems are still mostly stigmatized as toys, and the idea anything 'adult' can be done or accessed on them terrifies some people. But again, its silly because all these kids have phones which give them much better access to the internet.

I would love to see the PC Project CARS fanbase reaction if they ever dared to not allow the importing of images to liveries. But console gamers just accept it. I dont.
Unfortunately this is the world in which we live. The console world is much more conservative and less willing to take a risk than the PC world. It's part of the allure of console games that there is tight control over content and everything is on the box or on the internet if a parent wants to search it. It's all rather silly but it's so easy to cross the boundaries of political correctness these days and cost companies millions and billions of dollars with a single headline. Imagine this on CNN or MSNBC or FOX:

Gran Turismo 7 Filled with Pornographic Images and Sexual Content - Are Consoles Really Safe Anymore?

Which is then followed with an article pining away for the good old days of gaming without the internet and images of the absolute worst liveries in GT7, completely unrepresentative of the vast majority of players. I am not saying this would happen, or is likely to happen, but I'm sure it has crossed Sony's collective minds. And for what? Will they sell more games with wide open livery editor? Maybe, maybe not, but the question is, is it worth the risk?
If claims that PD don't want to give too much freedom to players is true, if a livery editor were included, I reckon it would be quite heavily restrictive in it's options.
It should be a good livery editor that is fun to use.

Here's what I would want:

Free to use.
Vinyls like manufacturer, GT logo, aftermarket like HKS for example and generic ones like shapes and stripes.
Ability to use on most cars including standards (they should be updated for GT7) and the base cars. I would like a Daihatsu Midget that has a race car like livery. :sly:
Unlimited vinyl usage on a car and not a limit.

Extra: Ability to make our own livery using GIMP or Photoshop and export to GT7 via flashdrive. For that, there would be a template that you can download from the official site.
This is exactly what I want. By the way, how does the livery editor work in Forza?
something similar to that of need for speed carbon or undercover only with a lot more different shapes and designs, also allowing you to open images on your playstation to be able to use in the livery editor.

But not exactly like the one from need for speed. The one in nfs tends to be laggy and will often distort the design when you want to make it cover for example the front bumper and the bonnet, which is something nobody wants.

Also including names of various companies so you can pretend that your car is sponsored by, lets say Sony,
as well as giving you all the letters of the alphabet and all all digits from 0-9 which will also let you choose the font that you want. It would be also nice to choose weather it is a full shape or only the outline of the shape.

As for the colour choice it should let you choose a colour you chose from a colour palette, instead of choosing one from the paint shop, also letting you choose a type of colour, for example matte, metallic or chrome.
Title says it all. We all ask for a livery editor, but how would we want it to work and look like? It can't be exactly the same as Forza's. Fanart and ideas welcome.
Well we have 1 forza producer
I'm fine with another
I haven't used any of the aforementioned editors, but I quite liked the one from Nascar the game 2011. The two things I would change about it would be a join object option so that you could change the colour all at once, and a lot of the objects were totally useless so I would swap them for better shapes. The rest of it was great, it had a save area for objects you created that you would want to reuse but took too long to make, it had 1000 layers so unless you were being uber-detailed it was unlikely you would fill it up (maybe a bump to 2000 would provide well more than enough insurance). It sized, angled, skewed, coloured objects into whatever you could possibly want.

Brilliant thing it was, I created a near exact replica of the No. 32 Dollar General car Reed Sorenson drove in either 2011 or 2012 (I even remember getting compliments on it from it being so good). Anyway, yeah something great actually came from a Nascar game, and it was a brilliant livery editor.
Make it like Photoshop on a leash. Just allow for different fonts(Sizing, width, color) and the ability to use stickers downloaded from the PS4 web browser on Google Images or something. Microsoft Paint on Redbull basically.
I would love to see the PC Project CARS fanbase reaction if they ever dared to not allow the importing of images to liveries. But console gamers just accept it. I dont.

I think we (meaning console gamers) accept it because it has always been this way. I've been playing games all my life. I'm well aware that if I really, really want a livery editor that supports .psd files, a wide assortment of mods, and community-created content, I should go build a PC. And I do want those things, but I don't need them. I also have a skeptical eye of community-created content; something that years of browsing Forza's auction house and online racing have instilled in me.

TL;DR — This is why:
I think we (meaning console gamers) accept it because it has always been this way. I've been playing games all my life. I'm well aware that if I really, really want a livery editor that supports .psd files, a wide assortment of mods, and community-created content, I should go build a PC. And I do want those things, but I don't need them. I also have a skeptical eye of community-created content; something that years of browsing Forza's auction house and online racing have instilled in me.

TL;DR — This is why:
If that's as bad as it gets I'd be pretty happy with that. I envision me lining up in my Montreal Canadiens themed Ferrari 488 Spider along side a grid of P1's and Corvettes adorned with various genitalia and/or racist slogans/profanity.:crazy:
I think we (meaning console gamers) accept it because it has always been this way. I've been playing games all my life. I'm well aware that if I really, really want a livery editor that supports .psd files, a wide assortment of mods, and community-created content, I should go build a PC. And I do want those things, but I don't need them. I also have a skeptical eye of community-created content; something that years of browsing Forza's auction house and online racing have instilled in me.

TL;DR — This is why:
Those offensive, inappropriate liveries quickly get weeded out, and the users even get banned from using the storefront. The pro's vastly outshine the very, very minor con you listed, which is just singling out those oddballs of the community.
I don't see why it can't just be basically the same as Forza's, considering it's worked fine for T10 and Microsoft for so long, and the amazing liveries I've seen people make in Forza games.

I would be stoked to see something like that in GT, but the ability to share liveries is a must, because not everyone has the time to spend making the kind of intricate real life livery replicas that you see regularly in Forza. The way the livery sharing in Forza is done is perfect.

Hell, just flat out copy and paste the whole system from Forza, they've been refining it for years lol.
A combination of Forza's and... LittleBigPlanet. Hear me out.

Forza's sets the bar on consoles when it comes to the genre, at least to my knowledge. Folks praising NFS' editor would be blown away by the accuracy that Forza's allows, thanks to the coordinates - which is apparently finally getting fixed in NFS on Thursday, 4 months after release. It takes the guess-work out of things like rotating, for example. With thousands of layers available on each surface, almost anything is possible. You can combine shapes into groups for easy moving and recolouring, you can save layer groups for use on other designs, and you've got access to 8,000,000 colours. Not bad.

The big changes I'd like to see are allowing the same sorts of texture qualities on livery shapes as is available for the car's base paint. While there's all sorts of matte, metallic, and carbonfibre options there, they're not available for the shapes, which means a work-around masking approach is needed for certain livery looks. Opening up finishes to the shapes themselves is pretty much all Forza is lacking, other than maybe a windshield/window banner editor and a license plate creator (though that would undoubtedly be a huge undertaking for all the global variations).

And LBP? The fact you can edit shapes directly means you wouldn't have to struggle creating complicated shapes out of numerous base ones anymore. You could just pop into a shape editor and add as many vertices as needed. Rounded shapes might be more of an issue, and I think keeping a large library of default shapes is important, but let folks get wild with them if they so choose.
Did anyone ever use the livery creator in GRID? I think its a nice setup. You develop and can easily change a team livery. No import/export features, but enough built in options to keep it interesting for the casual livery editor. I believe menus included: three different color stripe selections, plus a basic body color combined with about 100 body striping combinations. Striping combos are listed in groups with names like "Classic" or "Graffiti" or "Drifting". Add as many or as few sponsors as you want. And, sponsor incentives affect your winnings. For example, Brillo Pads might award you 5000 Credits for a "Clean Win" no damage to the car. In GRID you unlock more lucrative sponsors with bigger race wins and in game championships. Basically: lots of options in simple menus, but lacking true editing capabilities. That's my most optimistic hope for Gran Turismo Sport.
Did anyone ever use the livery creator in GRID?....

This^... At the minimum I would want the livery editor to play out like this. You never really had complete control to make your own liveries as in Forza, but it would bring enough to the table to keep me satisfied and bring enough to separate cars in the online world.

Now ideally... I would want something just like how Forza does or VERY similar. I think they really got it down with their livery editor and GT can take some serious notes from it. And for anyone concerned about graphic content showing up such as cussing, violence or sex; there are filters that GT could implement to block them from appearing online.
Now ideally... I would want something just like how Forza does or VERY similar. I think they really got it down with their livery editor and GT can take some serious notes from it. And for anyone concerned about graphic content showing up such as cussing, violence or sex; there are filters that GT could implement to block them from appearing online.
While you where on the right track, the last part is wrong. There is no way they can censor a word before it hits the shelves if its not really a word, but more of multiple shapes, with varying sizes, made to resemble text. Since it's an image, rather than a line of text, it wouldn't work out that way. At that point, it would rely on the community or some kind of moderating staff to report and remove these instances.

That is the way Forza does it, and it works.
While you where on the right track, the last part is wrong. There is no way they can censor a word before it hits the shelves if its not really a word, but more of multiple shapes, with varying sizes, made to resemble text. Since it's an image, rather than a line of text, it wouldn't work out that way. At that point, it would rely on the community or some kind of moderating staff to report and remove these instances.

That is the way Forza does it, and it works.

Never thought of that... thanks! I knew that they did it somehow, guess I was just wrong about how.

Still, GT can do the very same thing if they really have the desire to
Never thought of that... thanks! I knew that they did it somehow, guess I was just wrong about how.

Still, GT can do the very same thing if they really have the desire to
Yeah, it'll be hard to filter an image when it's all made from scratch. They can make it so it has to go through an approval process, but that might just be way to much work and the lead times for a certain livery to get out will probably be a problem. That's not the best bet, but it can happen. Another way is that you can use the help of the community, as well as staff, to bring these questionable liveries into inspection.
Yeah, it'll be hard to filter an image when it's all made from scratch. They can make it so it has to go through an approval process, but that might just be way to much work and the lead times for a certain livery to get out will probably be a problem. That's not the best bet, but it can happen. Another way is that you can use the help of the community, as well as staff, to bring these questionable liveries into inspection.

I think the community help idea is great! There are sure to be enough people who would flag an item for being "offensive" in whatever manner, before the design could even be widely distributed. I'm sure the occasional might still slip through the cracks, but taking what you said I think it's the best alternative.