Exactly how.
That would go against everything I've said here.
This seems to be question and answer, it seems that people misuse the term according to you and to me. I generally see people misuse the term, so using it is a danger for me (had a similar argument about Human Races before in another thread).
Rationality = based on reason rather than emotions. (Oxford advance learners dictionary)
In the end I find the ratio approach quite good. Thanks to bring it up.
To divulge myself a bit, when I did a course on personality types quite some years ago, it came out my main personality is rational.
I just do not express myself that way and tend to be quiet in discussions, since it takes time to think, certainly for me.
For me rationality start with assumptions (as close to facts as you can, but generally closer to emotion and judgment then to good science; just to show consistency with my statements before): e.g.:
My assumptions (based on what I understood from what science tried to teach me):
* Humans are part of a large spectrum of living creatures
* The environment and fauna and flora are in a dynamic equilibrium that allows all to survive
* Humans do no understand the full interactions of the dynamic equilibrium between environment and fauna and flora
* The diversity of the world is the basis for resilience (=the ability of people or things to feel better quickly after sth unpleasant, such as shock, injury, etc.) of the world
My rights statement was:
* The right to live is not only applicable to Humans, but to all living creatures (including plants and animals). Any removal of life should be done for a good reason.
* all are part of a dynamic equilibrium that allows all to survive
* the diversity of the world is the basis for resilience, the ability to react on unexpected impacts to the dynamic equilibrium
Arguments against (always challenging to kick your own ratio in the face):
* Humans need to pass over plants and animals to survive => the reasoning above shows this passing over might disturb the equilibrium and actually kill Humans in the end, so only for a good reason.
* Humans need to manipulate the environment for their survival => I has become clear that the current manipulation has an important impact on the diversity of the world and thus its resilience, putting the survival after major impacts (resilience) at danger.
* If you do not understand rights, you can not have rights => the right of Humans (they understand) to live, implies that their environment has rights to exist, since it is essential for Humans to have this environment to exercise their right to live. So the rights of plants and animals are their because Humans understand and need these rights.
* Experiments to prepare long space travel (Biosphere 2) show that you do not need full diversity => these experiments were short in time and scope and many did fail. Also these experiments have very clear rules on how to respect the environment to be able to survive, actually supporting the above rights statement.
* the impact of Humans are minimal => more an more studies seem to prove that there is an influence of Human activity on the atmosphere, diversity, ....
* it is not my problem, I do not violate anybody´s rights => the right of Humans also work for future generations, you are possibly violating the rights of future generations
* the strength of Humans is progress, not possible without challenging and pushing the limits, taking some risks => here we are talking about controlled and purposeful "good reason" to put some rights of some living organisms aside to defend the Human right to live. It is different from ignorant and destructive behavior. My conclusion remains that there is an ethical decision in any harm brought to living creatures.
* you are a big sinner yourself => the wrong actions of many does not make a wrong into wright.
I have trouble to come to the conclusion "I can kick any plant/animal I want", without adding assumptions like:
* Humans are superior to all other living creatures.
* Humans will be able to adapt and manipulate their environment to correct any mistake they did before.
In my beliefs, there is no basis for these, it is just an assumption that suits the argument.
These assumptions might be supported by "Survival of the fittest", since humans have proven to be superior at survival and manipulation. But for me that is not a proof this is a sustainable assumption.
So my previous remarks were not to convince anybody on the ratio behind the statement is wrong, but the assumptions (judgment part) are incomplete or unethical to me.
As conclusion, I now give rights to rocks, water, etc..., since manipulating the environment (creating a dam, putting large quantities of concrete, etc...) will change the dynamic equilibrium and should not be done without good reason. Also coming implicitly from the right of Humans to survive and their need of this dynamic equilibrium to do so.