Hybrid in GT4 ^_^, save game & code in the 1st post

  • Thread starter sucahyo
Suca, look here http://www.famine-online.co.uk/gt3hybrid.html and http://pupik-gt2.tripod.com/index.htm .The last one is for GT2,but i thought it could be somehow helpful.
Thanks, sadly Famine mention:
"The first method - with which I am unfamiliar - is by the Action Replay-type cartridge (Action Replay, Equalizer, Game Shark etc. etc. etc.)"

Imagine 2 cars, a Golf and a Skyline.They can have the exact same codes for turbo stage 1 for example.So,putting those codes on the 2 cars would be the same that buying one at the dealer store.
You have upgrade code then. Other upgrade should be around that address, and maybe you can put supposed to be not available upgrade, like a stage 5 turbo BMW or something.

I'm going to try the 8 byte search to get engines codes.And possibly drivetrains.
Ok, good luck.

BTW,do have a save with any changes?I mean,did you save anything you changed and it stayed there when it loaded?
I never try, but I think my suspension code will stay.

You can do some Hybriding in GT4 you just can't save it, If it does save it will lock up, This game checks for any changes before saving and rebooting!
I see. Maybe we can find some hybrid which can be saved.

Yup, i'll get it going and whatever, just need a bit of time, I think I'll be a wee bit busy tonight.
More people :D.
You can also use my file at https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=84138&page=2.
You have upgrade code then. Other upgrade should be around that address, and maybe you can put supposed to be not available upgrade, like a stage 5 turbo BMW or something

Hmm,nice thinking.And maybe you could put a turbo in cars that normally don't accept them.

Thanks, sadly Famine mention:
"The first method - with which I am unfamiliar - is by the Action Replay-type cartridge (Action Replay, Equalizer, Game Shark etc. etc. etc.)"

Well,sorry it didn't help.I will try to find a gameshark specialized GT3 site.

I'm still working in that drivetrain/engine/car code.I still have many filtrations to do.

What did you changed in the suspension?

BTW,suca,try to download the file I posted above,and see if it works in your pc,it has my settings and it all works fine(and it's faster than the older one,that's why i'm telling you to download.)

Hybrid,how do you know that GT4 won't save hybrids?
And did you tried the file i gave before?
Well,sorry it didn't help.I will try to find a gameshark specialized GT3 site.
Thanks, I have no luck finding it.

What did you changed in the suspension?
spring rate (1 byte), ride height (2 byte), etc. I check the value in garage and everywhere else to see how PD move around the address.

BTW,suca,try to download the file I posted above,and see if it works in your pc,it has my settings and it all works fine(and it's faster than the older one,that's why i'm telling you to download.)
I don't have DX9 capable graphic card, I don't think new version works in my computer. No GSSOFT plugin for newer version :(.
Hybrid,how do you know that GT4 won't save hybrids?
And did you tried the file i gave before?

It want save because it seems the game checks for differences in the garage before saving, If something is out of place it will FREEZE the game, I have'nt tried it on a single lair disc, Yet!
Sucahyo,try it.I also on't have a DX9 capable card,neither i'm able to run pixel shader programs,but with this program http://www.tommti-systems.com/main-Dateien/files.html you can do it.Try it,really.Just run the pcsx2t.exe.And as for the gssoft,i have that plugin there too.But you don'«t need to config anything,just the location of the ISO image.Nothing else.Try it please.

Anyway,after you changed the values(did you changed it to values that the car doesn't normally accept?),were you able to save it in the memory card?I mean,did you save and loaded your file and the changes were still there?
I wasn't lucky finding a GT3 site,sorry.

Hybrid,explain more of that.Did you tried to do hybrids before?
We have to do a ram dump of the PS2 memory, Did anyone check to see if there is a dump option in the bios? The encryption is in the MC files, Crack it and it should reward part addresse's! I'm going to start with the Money codes and play with some of the numbers to see what want freeze the game, Also the part codes where you can add parts but not be able to save them, I think the part code itself is correct but there's some numbers needing to be changed to be able to save, It's a start anywoo... anyone find memory maps? Anyone know or have a diagram of the PS/2 rear pinouts? I've got an idea???
Hybrid,i'm sorry,but to me half of your post was written in "japarussian"...lol
But,i think i saw an option in artmoney to create a memory dump.
I don't know anything about programming so cracking is impossible for me.But i'm here to help in anything you want.About the bios,i don't know,but why don't you visit pcsx2.net to see if there's anything about that in there?

Explain me your idea,you seem to be in the right way.Keep up with the good work man
Sucahyo,try it.I also on't have a DX9 capable card,neither i'm able to run pixel shader programs,but with this program http://www.tommti-systems.com/main-Dateien/files.html you can do it.Try it,really.Just run the pcsx2t.exe.And as for the gssoft,i have that plugin there too.But you don'«t need to config anything,just the location of the ISO image.Nothing else.Try it please.

Anyway,after you changed the values(did you changed it to values that the car doesn't normally accept?),were you able to save it in the memory card?I mean,did you save and loaded your file and the changes were still there?
I try to use 1 meter car ride height (00A2A70C PAL), save the game. close the emulator. after I open GT4 again the car ride heigth still 1 meter:

I wasn't lucky finding a GT3 site,sorry.
Ok, no problem. I think hybrid using armax is rare in GT3.

We have to do a ram dump of the PS2 memory, Did anyone check to see if there is a dump option in the bios? The encryption is in the MC files, Crack it and it should reward part addresse's! I'm going to start with the Money codes and play with some of the numbers to see what want freeze the game, Also the part codes where you can add parts but not be able to save them, I think the part code itself is correct but there's some numbers needing to be changed to be able to save, It's a start anywoo... anyone find memory maps? Anyone know or have a diagram of the PS/2 rear pinouts? I've got an idea???
good luck. How about memory dump?:

I usually find how to debug ps2 in www.thegshi.org

BTW I'll be on vacation next week, no internet connection too :(.
1 meter ride height?1 METER? LoL,moster truck warning!

That means altered values are saved by the game...Nice.We have our confirmation now.BTW,suca,please tell how do you convert the files in the pcsx2 memory card to a real memory card please.Like you did with the save file you gave me before.Thanks.

And hybrid,what's your idea?
gt4 wont work with the newer version of pcsx 2, and ive figured out why, because of the spu plugin, you need the null one to run it, and 0.9.1 wont run that version because its outdated
Try mine.I use the 0.9.1 version,and i have the null plugin.Besides,it's ot that that doesn't let GT4 run,it's the memory card.I had to get a memorycard with a sve file with the intro movie turned off(thanks to suca).Anyway,try my updloaded file.It has everything you need and it's ready to play.Just install and copies the files in the rar to the program instalation folder.
Be good.Also,ithieele,don't you want to search with us? You don't need to race.

i didn't even see this part, yes i do

Try mine.I use the 0.9.1 version,and i have the null plugin.Besides,it's ot that that doesn't let GT4 run,it's the memory card.I had to get a memorycard with a sve file with the intro movie turned off(thanks to suca).Anyway,try my updloaded file.It has everything you need and it's ready to play.Just install and copies the files in the rar to the program instalation folder.

okay, i'm downloading now, the one that Suca gave me to play gt4 didn't need installation

holy crap 25.8mb, this'll take a while:indiff:, i'm glad i don't have dialup anymore
yeah,but i cluded the setup file for the people that don't have.you can just overwrite the installation folder with the contents of my rar.