F1 24 Hands-On: An Update in Game's ClothingF1 24 

  • Thread starter Famine
You're missing his point though, people perceive difficulty to be an equal to simulation. Hard = real isn't the way. So when people complain that something isn't difficult they perceive that as unrealistic.
My guy people are ignoring curbs and jumping each other for overtakes and getting away with infinite turning radius grip (f1 cars don't even have steering wheels you can turn more than like 180 degrees) and you're talking like it's possible things are realistic right now and people just don't see it because it isn't hard?

Also, you don't think it might be kind of hard to drive really fast cars? Is this one of those things where your average person assumes they are above average? You ask 50 random guys what they can bench, I bet the average response is like 225, instead of the truth, which is like 105.
My guy people are ignoring curbs and jumping each other for overtakes and getting away with infinite turning radius grip (f1 cars don't even have steering wheels you can turn more than like 180 degrees) and you're talking like it's possible things are realistic right now and people just don't see it because it isn't hard?

Also, you don't think it might be kind of hard to drive really fast cars? Is this one of those things where your average person assumes they are above average? You ask 50 random guys what they can bench, I bet the average response is like 225, instead of the truth, which is like 105.
No I'm talking like you missed his point. Which you did. F1 24 isn't a simulation and has issues, read my write up for my overall impression.

And yes, it might he hard to drive these cars on the limit, but they aren't hard to 'drive'.
I've felt the same as the writer with this entry asking a bit too much from me this time.
This is coming from someone who's bought every Codies F1 game!
I do feel the series is underrated with aspect like the single player racing and career modes being underappreciated but it is also a series with issues that need working on too.
Last year's F1 World was a big misstep as I noticed it drove people away with fewer and fewer people playing online compared to F1 22.
You're missing his point though, people perceive difficulty to be an equal to simulation. Hard = real isn't the way. So when people complain that something isn't difficult they perceive that as unrealistic.
yeah thats exactly the point. if anything, to me, this years feels more realistic. even cars on gt 7 have more grip than we had on f1 22/23 😂
You're missing his point though, people perceive difficulty to be an equal to simulation. Hard = real isn't the way. So when people complain that something isn't difficult they perceive that as unrealistic.
What makes this even funnier is there are racing drivers who can disprove the "Difficult = Realistic" mindset, likewise there's this rediculous belief having rediculous amounts of Forcefeed back is somehow realistic when it isn't (unless you want to know what driving without power steering feels like). But of course we can't destroy the ego of people who NEED a reason to justify nearly putting themselves indebt for that "Realism" they use as an excuse to put people down as demonstrated by this guy.
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What makes this even funnier is there are racing drivers who can disprove the "Difficult = Realistic" mindset, likewise there's this rediculous belief having rediculous amounts of Forcefeed back is somehow realistic when it isn't (unless you want to know what driving without power steering feels like). But of course we can't destroy the ego of people who NEED a reason to justify nearly putting themselves indebt for that "Realism" they use as an excuse to put people down as demonstrated by this guy.
Again, this bizarre, bizarre stuff. I don't understand why you're lashing out at "realism". How many videos have I watched of GT3 drivers saying iracing nails it? Why do you hate people having much more fun and indepth gear than a playstation controller? Why does that threaten you lol?

Look, this game is being flooded with gifs of horrifically terrible examples of the physics being turned off.

You guys dislike realism in your games. So just play the arcade mode? Just turn on all the driver aids and turn off damage and put the slider on easy. There's no need to come on here and be mad that people want a little more from their games - it's 2024, thee is no excuse for f1 cars to be jumping each other and laughing at curbs.

It's so terrible that you're mad that people aren't going along with their 80 dollar roster update. Like, you guys are the reason EA's shareholders are literally ruining the games industry. You're apologists for maximising profits with a roster update and little effort into the game's underpinnings. If F1 2024 appeases you, then you're lost.

Yes, alot of the cars I race on iracing don't have power steering. But just because the wheel's motor can generate alot of torque, it doesn't mean it's trying to fight me with it lol. It's just to have it on tap for when it's needed, because it turns out when cars with the aerodynamics of an upside down fighter jet get are cornering under acceleration, the steering might get heavier than a playstation thumbstick. Shocking stuff.

PS the biggest mark of stupidity in my opinion is not understanding your own lacking. I am a mediocre man with little talent in any field, but at least I don't insult people by assuming I'm just really good at their dangerous and skilled occupations (like racing) and that it's much easier than people think, you can totally just hold down the gas off the line, you don't need to have great braking and throttle control to put in good lap times, the 20 f1 drivers totally aren't the extremely distilled, elite of the elite of the entire open wheel racing system, from karting to f2/super formula. It's totally easy and effortless to say, drive a 90's indycar, only a nerdy simracer trying to justify his hobby would think otherwise!

edit:: PS one more time, please allow me to reiterate that I didn't spend 500 on pedals, 300 on a frame, 40 on a leather carseat from the local autowrecker, and 1500 on a wheelbase to look cool to my dogs. I bought it because on a whim I bought a logitech g29 to throw on my desk, used it for a few months, was impressed, had fun, and used my intense deduction abilities to deduce that a less noisy wheel with much better FFB would be even more fun.

And it was. It's so fun. This is the coolest toy I've ever owned. I look forward to racing every day. It's unbelievable fun. If those racecar drivers are correct, and I don't see any reason to call them liars, then I am to an extent getting the experience of driving a racecar, at any track in the world, at any time, in any of the popular racing disciplines. I mean in VR, even checking the rearview mirrors is IRL, it really blows me away when I'm checking my mirrors and I move my head, and the perspective moves exactly like IRL. IDK why, but that gets me everytime lol. I can't believe we can do this. It's so, so fun. It's so satisfying to put in quick laptimes in a competitive, serious sim. I don't know why that threatens people. It's just pure fun

DOUBLE EDIT: The real point of DD wheels is the quality of the FFB compared to the belt driven ones. It's night and day. And the belt ones are so noisy and clunky feeling.
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Again, this bizarre, bizarre stuff. I don't understand why you're lashing out at "realism". How many videos have I watched of GT3 drivers saying iracing nails it? Why do you hate people having much more fun and indepth gear than a playstation controller? Why does that threaten you lol?
Very ironic of you to somehow imply that we "feel threatened" or are lashing out considering your very first response to someone else is saying they have weird angry take before trashing their avatar while ignoring the point (which implies if anything, you felt threatened enough to go after that person instead of the point being made)
You guys dislike realism in your games. So just play the arcade mode? Just turn on all the driver aids and turn off damage and put the slider on easy. There's no need to come on here and be mad that people want a little more from their games - it's 2024, thee is no excuse for f1 cars to be jumping each other and laughing at curbs.

Again, you repeatedly are ignoring the point made (which isn't that we don't like realism but the rampant misconception of it by people, hence the "Realism" quotes) and then the repeated suggestions of "Just play Arcade mode".
It's so terrible that you're mad that people aren't going along with their 80 dollar roster update. Like, you guys are the reason EA's shareholders are literally ruining the games industry. You're apologists for maximising profits with a roster update and little effort into the game's underpinnings. If F1 2024 appeases you, then you're lost.

And where on earth is anyone even remotely saying ANYTHING relating to this? Another demonstration of how far off the point you are, hell not even bothering understanding it at this rate if you somehow equate our argument with justifying the usual half baked effort seen in Yearly Sports Titles (Something I myself have repeatedly said I don't like).
PS the biggest mark of stupidity in my opinion is not understanding your own lacking. I am a mediocre man with little talent in any field, but at least I don't insult people by assuming I'm just really good at their dangerous and skilled occupations (like racing) and that it's much easier than people think, you can totally just hold down the gas off the line, you don't need to have great braking and throttle control to put in good lap times, the 20 f1 drivers totally aren't the extremely distilled, elite of the elite of the entire open wheel racing system, from karting to f2/super formula. It's totally easy and effortless to drive a 90's indycar, only a nerdy simracer trying to justify his hobby would think otherwise!
And who assumed that? I literally bought up that Racing drivers themselves (the folks that actually do this for a living, which by the way is neither YOU or ME) can disprove this silly notion that by default "Difficult = Realistic". You've done more insulting, both outright and subtly, then anyone else has with the continued broadsweeping statements and implying somehow that we are insulting someone.

How hard is it to simply understand that its the massive misconception of Realism rather then the concept itself? Thats it, it gets no deeper or more complicated then that.
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It's very interesting that the handling has been pretty much universally panned, so much so that CM will be releasing an update to it but the good folk here are mostly liking it alot. What gives?
Alex gillon made a day -3 crying video and twitter lept on it.

The handling stock IS terrible, but nearly every f1 game has terrible stock handling
Been trying this on trial and I absolutely love the handling. Excellent work on that part. Visuals look good too but replays need work. Stutters and glitches which is a shame since it has a real nice overlay and angles.

Stupid thing is that I can't purchase on PSN since only the EA option is presented 🫤 after downloading the trial version.

I've try it too, and coming from F1 2023 (I haven't been able to bound with this one), this is way better on handling and FFB, graphics seems a tad better (maybe just color set up), but physics make buy it (with a huge discount)

Edit : just try again F12023 compare to 2024, physics are a clear improvement, FFB also, much more information, 2023 feels arcady and lack information
You definitely feel improvement in suspension and tire physics, much more enjoyable
Try it for yourself
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Been dipping back into the latest game again recently and yeh, I never had much of a problem with the handling in its current form. I for one definitely didn’t enjoy the handling whilst the game was in beta and the consensus once the game first released echoed my own thoughts but definitely feels night and day better after the patches.

Just feel like it was too late and by then the damage had been done and the shine of it being the newest game had worn off.

Whilst I appreciate the tweaks and changes made to the career mode with additional cutscenes, under under the surface everything is still the same as it’s been since F1 2020, with not much progression since then and if anything a re-gression in terms of the features we have now. We lost classic cars, the supercars which unfortunately came in their place are now gone, the short variations of tracks are now gone, and it still looks the same as it did 3-4 years ago. There was definitely a steady increase in quality and features from F1 2016-2020 that maybe we were spoilt.

Don’t get me wrong, I can imagine it’s not easy having to release a whole new entry every year that makes enough of an impression to keep people coming back, but the series is in definite need to be an overhaul to freshen things up. I guess that’s why people cry out more and more for an engine change to Unreal - if anything just to force them to start afresh. I can’t see that happening any time soon though, not until someone else picks up the licence at least, so F1 25 will likely be just F1 24 with some minor tweaks to handling and visuals.

Maybe EA could allow a second studio to develop a new entry behind the scenes to give them the time needed to freshen things up? as the current format of 2 F1 teams inside Codemasters developing games every other year still doesn’t allow enough development time for the bigger changes needed.
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In all honesty at this point I don't think EA does care a single bit. If you see the forum, social media, all délicate questions seem to be avoided or being simply ignored. Must be good old EA practices again. What a terrible company it is and Codemasters just lost everything that made me love their games 😢

Their titles are becoming your average FIFA games with middle of the road gameplay and focus on useless crap like clothing dlc...or other wearables...

Codemasters getting back to form under EA is doomed and it's showing all over with every game they brought to the table under EA . Take a fantastic title like Grid Legends which was ran into the ground with very limited support and some questionable DLC. WRC was plagued with issues , F1 takes 2 steps forwards and 3 steps back.

Sure, Codemasters has the talent but their progression seems very restrained by execs...
The alternating year dev strategy to give each release 2 years of dev time is a failure IMO. The code base starts 1 year back w all the old bugs and then stuff from the alternate path plus any new stuff is stuck on. Code management must be difficult especially as newer people join

The core game engine should have been continually evolved like ACC or GT7 and the seasonal changes sold as DLC… but not the EA way as not as much $$ in that
The alternating year dev strategy to give each release 2 years of dev time is a failure IMO. The code base starts 1 year back w all the old bugs and then stuff from the alternate path plus any new stuff is stuck on. Code management must be difficult especially as newer people join

The core game engine should have been continually evolved like ACC or GT7 and the seasonal changes sold as DLC… but not the EA way as not as much $$ in that
1. This approach started long before EA bought Codemasters and therefore literally has NOTHING to do with EA. (Of course, that doesn't mean EA wouldn't do the same as Codemasters but that's not what you said)
2. You are assuming that the annual game is Codemaster's decision and not something required by F1 in the Licensing agreement.
3. EA Sports WRC literally has sold the 2024 update as DLC, but apparently EA don't do that...
1. This approach started long before EA bought Codemasters and therefore literally has NOTHING to do with EA. (Of course, that doesn't mean EA wouldn't do the same as Codemasters but that's not what you said)
2. You are assuming that the annual game is Codemaster's decision and not something required by F1 in the Licensing agreement.
3. EA Sports WRC literally has sold the 2024 update as DLC, but apparently EA don't do that...
EA also did that with PGA TOUR as well, effectively gave us 3 seasons of major championship courses from 2022 to 2024, and the Ryder Cup in an update, all for free.

I think the main difference though with WRC, Golf and F1 is how big the F1 player base is. Plus as you say, it's highly likely that the F1 license mandates a yearly full release.
There are several problems with this game for me:
1. 2024 felt like people were used as beta testers and unlike in case of AC EVO we had to pay the full price
2. After a certain patch tyres last only 2 laps in races. This cannot be normal and they do not degrade gradually, but drop right away and you drive on ice from lap 2-3
This is on sale on the PS Store for $10.99 is it worth it at that price?

It depends what do you want and expect. To me, seeing the ideology of EA behind it and experiencing the poor quality of development in 2024…I will not pay anything for EA F1 games. The whole thing needs a new company to develop it. That is all.
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This is on sale on the PS Store for $10.99 is it worth it at that price?
if you don’t have F1 23 and want the currentish roster and tracks, then yes, knowing of course the longstanding flaws in the series. If you have a PS5 pro then its also visually improved. However if you hate EA, or otherwise frustrated w the series you won’t get much additional joy
It depends what do you want and expect. To me, seeing the ideology of EA behind it and experiencing the poor quality of development in 2024…I will not pay anything for EA F1 games. The whole thing needs a new company to develop it. That is all.

if you don’t have F1 23 and want the currentish roster and tracks, then yes, knowing of course the longstanding flaws in the series. If you have a PS5 pro then its also visually improved. However if you hate EA, or otherwise frustrated w the series you won’t get much additional joy
Thanks to both of you. I think I will sit this one out. TBH I probably won't play it much. I just like buying racing games.