I have a R8 with 30k hp thats for trade which doesn't reset, another hybrid for it would be nice.
A friend told me, that he deleted his game data, and updated till 2.11 and he can hacked again (of course offline) but I was wondering . . . if I do that what will happened with the DLC? not the (chrome or stealth) that can be added online or offline, I mean the other DLCs, kart space, spa, route x, montegi, car pack 1 , 2 , 3, corvette c7, how can I redownload them? I need to be online to do it in GT5 menu right? or can I do it offline?
Would anyone be able to make/send me a matte pink RE Amemiya FD3S RX-7?
Would look awesome
Only thing I have to offer in a 3,000 hp Alfa Bera sky window & paints
I was under the impression that a " borrowed" car will also reset.. Am I incorrect?
KraigANot sure if this was answered.
But if someone has created a working hybrid car post-patch - you can borrow-glitch these and use them fully online without losing any power/settings.
I know because yesterday, someone was driving a hybrid pace car with 7000 hp in an online lobby. Long story short, he added me, put it on share, I borrow-glitched it, and could then use the same 7000hp hybrid myself, both online or offline. I dont use it though... but it can be done.
Add me. I'll make ya one for free. Just put "pink rx7" in the subject.
You'll have to wait until Friday evening for delivery unless you know how to do the borrow glitch.
Nevermind then lol. So what is possible without being reset after 2.12?
multiplying parts
stage 4 and 5 weight reduction
racing cadletic converter
all the tires
triple clutch and another part in that section, cant think of the name
That's the power multiplier. You can borrow it and you will still have the HP. But still no on swaps
multiplying parts
stage 4 and 5 weight reduction
racing cadletic converter
all the tires
triple clutch and another part in that section, cant think of the name
does anybody have a nissan r32 or r34 without the wing
harry13Can you make hybrids after the update?
Can you make hybrids after the update?
Lock2LockYou cannot remove hoods, wings, bumpers, ect
Team THRT DriftI saw a guy in a drag lobby with a bonnet-less Subaru Impreza.... engine showing and everything
Lock2LockYes, on that car and the premium S15. That's it though
I've downgraded back to 2.11, and pretty much modded ALL my cars. However, I am having an issue where if I do anything with a large, LARGE majority of my cars the game locks and I have to quit. I think only 3 cars can be used without locking. I modded the BHP, the Weight, the Grip and I copied the transmission of an X1 to all my cars. I also enabled Secret mode.