I am done with this game.F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter Topracer
Well yes after about a month of playing F1 it quickly got boring for me, The game is 100% arcade in my opinion.
Driving with my own custom tunes, using manual gearchange, assists off, seem to make very little difference to lap times,or enjoyment of the game.

The tracks and rain effects are well done, but the impression i get is the rest of the game has just been left in an unfinished state.
Online its the same story, the cars handle like on rails, but the slightest tap from another racer sends you spinning off track, to me its just pure arcade there is no sense of realism in it at all.

After reading through the posts on GT4 I found out I could use my G25 wheel on it so I dusted down my old PS2, deleted my old game save and started a new game with it, as I had previously only played it with a gamepad.

The difference is staggering, on F1 my wheel felt like it was worn out and I needed a new one , but changing to GT4 it felt like I was driving with a brand new precision instrument , and I quickly realized that there was nothing wrong with my wheel, its just that the F1 game has rubbish wheel support.

So I'm quite happy to play GT4 its still the best racing game out there, the sense of realism and attention to detail plus the range of driving skills needed will keep me going till GT5 comes out .
Hyperbole, much?

Go play Outrun! Or San Francisco Rush. Or Crus'n USA. Then play F1 2010. Then come back and tell us it's "100% Arcade". It's just such a load. Is it a dead on, in depth driving sim like Iracing tries to be? Nope! Is it "100% Arcade"? Nope!

Driving with all the assists off and manual doesn't make it any different? Well, that's just false. At least it is in my case. Turning off traction control made an instantly measurable difference in the way the car handles.

Too bad it's not working out for you, though. But is there anything we can really discuss in this topic or is it just frustrated flamebait while you take your copy to Ebay or EB?
I had the complete opposite feeling the other day. I don't have a PS2 at my house, but I went to my mothers where my old PS2 is kept and played GT4 for the first time in some years. I found myself quickly frustrated with many aspects of the game.

I don't get the frustration so many people seem to have with this game, post-patch at least. It seems to me to be an excellent F1 game, and with the correct settings provides ample room for driver skill to triumph. It certainly seems to be an improvement over F1CE to me, and that was pretty widely recognized as quite a good game.

At the end of the day, it's each to their own. I'd hate to see someone turned off buying F1 2010 because you had a bad experience though. I put it off for a long time because of the negative feedback, and I certainly wish now that I had bought it several weeks earlier.
The game got boring to me too. I used to play a few hours a day, now if I do play I play it for about 30 min that I just have anough of it.
No I'm just giving my honest opinion about what I think, I liked GRID and DIRT 2 but I dont think F1 is up to the same standard.
In interviews before the game was released Codemasters said that F1 would have a higher sim content than previous games 80% they rated it at,and that's one of the reasons I wanted it .

I don't see any long term playability for this game, but maybe that's what Codemasters have intended so you will get bored and want to spend more money on an inproved version of the same game in a years time ?

The impression I'm getting is Codemasters are just going the same way as the NFS series , Turning out a new game every year but alternating over a 2 year development cycle with different developers.
It may be a good way to make money out of people but what about the quality of the games produced ?

Its a testament to GT4 that it can still stand up against modern games and still hold its own, despite being 5-6 years old, how many of you will still be playing F1 in 6 years time ?
Well yes after about a month of playing F1 it quickly got boring for me .

I have driven go karts and other various real world racing toys and I would have to say that the game is very realistic and the tracks are a great challenge. I'm sure you could get someone to buy the game from you to offset your boredom.
I have driven go karts and other various real world racing toys and I would have to say that the game is very realistic and the tracks are a great challenge. I'm sure you could get someone to buy the game from you to offset your boredom.

Already sold it, traded it in to get Black Ops.
I don't see any long term playability for this game, but maybe that's what Codemasters have intended so you will get bored and want to spend more money on an inproved version of the same game in a years time ?

Long term success is partly on the game and partly on the community (if any) a game has. Its amazing how the GT game/community is so strong. Here we are on a GT Planet subforum talking about a codemasters game ..the amount of things this website can carry on its back is tremendous. Its the community that wins the day!

Community, unlike the common series updates like F1 2010 will for sure receive, cannnot be pre-programmed and made to fit a corporate schedule. Gran Turismo contains the love of cars in its DNA, and a commitment to an excellent product in a way no codemasters game ever had. The result is a deep community here, and one not threatened by these video games that come and go like mushrooms
after a rain.

Its a tribute to the community here that so many other games piggyback on the success of GT. Its a success that codemasters will never know.
Just stucked in Singapur. I'd driven (and won) race. Then i got to SUZUKA and finished 2nd.
I exit the game. Day after i start the game and after loading my profile i was still at singapur. DAMN !!
But i said to myself - s** happens and raced again. Won also both races (30% long, no assist, pro) I went to MY F1 and presed several times SAVE FILE. (PC version btw.)
I exited the game and started imidiately again to check is it saved.
But You already know what happened - i'm still at Singapur GP !
I was at 2nd season in Torro Rosso and i just dont have more strength to race Singapur for the 3rd time.
Anybody whot to buy the game ?? :)
Its a success that codemasters will never know.

But you know what? I respect Codemasters, EA (although the less mentioned about Shift the better really), and Turn 10 for trying. One day one of them may make something that surpasses GT, and on that day we all win. Until then, I'm happy to keep supporting their average but interesting games like these. I loves me an underdog.
I loves me an underdog.

Yeah :)
But anyway its funny how many activities this place, gt planet, supports.
All the subforums ..my god its like a small city. Guns, food, sports, music, electronics, movies and television, current events, and lets not forget cars. And video games. Lots of intelligent and well informed people here too!

My point is, the 'game' Gran Turismo contains a lot of added value designed into it; just like this website.
One (the game) supports the other (the community) by virtue of being so excellent. For years and years and years and...

Just stucked in Singapur. I'd driven (and won) race. Then i got to SUZUKA and finished 2nd.
I exit the game. Day after i start the game and after loading my profile i was still at singapur. DAMN !!
But i said to myself - s** happens and raced again. Won also both races (30% long, no assist, pro) I went to MY F1 and presed several times SAVE FILE. (PC version btw.)
I exited the game and started imidiately again to check is it saved.
But You already know what happened - i'm still at Singapur GP !
I was at 2nd season in Torro Rosso and i just dont have more strength to race Singapur for the 3rd time.
Anybody whot to buy the game ?? :)

That's the kind of bug you really should report to Codies.
Already sold it, traded it in to get Black Ops.

I love how you complained that Codemasters was just going to put one of these out every year, how the replay value wasn't strong enough for it to last any longer... before trading it in for a Call of Duty game. :dunce:
I love how you complained that Codemasters was just going to put one of these out every year, how the replay value wasn't strong enough for it to last any longer... before trading it in for a Call of Duty game. :dunce:

The Black Ops game was not for me I don't play the series, my son plays it.
Only game I'm buying for myself is GT5.
I expect the Game shops will be full of secondhand copies and even new copies will be in the bargain basement bin of local supermarkets soon for the F1 2010 game.
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The Black Ops game was not for me I don't play the series, my son plays it.
Only game I'm buying for myself is GT5.
I expect the Game shops will be full of secondhand copies and even new copies will be in the bargain basement bin of local supermarkets soon for the F1 2010 game.

Of course it will, it's a yearly sports game, sales plummet after the season ends.
I'm pretty much finished with F1 2010 as well.

It's not a bad game. But just doesn't reach the level of realistic physics which I look for. The cars seem to have two modes; rolling and spinning. There's no in-between. There's no feel for when you begin to lose traction, or begin to slide and lose grip around the limit. These are not hardcore traits for a racing game; they are part of the bare minimum for a "Sim".

The game does a lot of things very well. But the physics are not what I'm looking for.

In response to Topracer's remarks about "bargain basement" for F1 2010 - This game is an absolute classic case of cost-effective software development. They made a plan, stuck to it, sold loads of copies, job done. There is such a high level or re-usability in F1-2010 from their existing components (such as the engine from GRID, and menu base etc.). This all saves cash.

GT5 on the other hand have kind of made a business mess out of it. They should have made a plan, stuck to it, and had a backup plan for the case that GT5 would take this long to release (i.e. release GT5 last year, and then release GT6 in 2011 or something - everyone would buy both games).
I'm pretty much finished with F1 2010 as well.

It's not a bad game. But just doesn't reach the level of realistic physics which I look for. The cars seem to have two modes; rolling and spinning. There's no in-between. There's no feel for when you begin to lose traction, or begin to slide and lose grip around the limit. These are not hardcore traits for a racing game; they are part of the bare minimum for a "Sim".

The game does a lot of things very well. But the physics are not what I'm looking for.

In response to Topracer's remarks about "bargain basement" for F1 2010 - This game is an absolute classic case of cost-effective software development. They made a plan, stuck to it, sold loads of copies, job done. There is such a high level or re-usability in F1-2010 from their existing components (such as the engine from GRID, and menu base etc.). This all saves cash.

GT5 on the other hand have kind of made a business mess out of it. They should have made a plan, stuck to it, and had a backup plan for the case that GT5 would take this long to release (i.e. release GT5 last year, and then release GT6 in 2011 or something - everyone would buy both games).

Yes that's a nice post I agree with you , but I wonder just how much pressure there was for Codemasters to get this game released before GT5 comes out ?
I'm wondering if they didn't put more realistic physics into the game because of lack of time, or they just wimped out and decided they could sell more copies by making it easy to play .

A similar situition happened a year ago when GT5 was supposed to be released, and EA rushed out NFS Shift under pressure to get their game out first and win the sales war.

The result was a game in a highly infinished state, Patches had to be released to fix the bugs and glitches, and it was never fixed properly.
Online it became a joke with people wallriding, cutting tracks everywhere, it was even found to be faster using drifting techniques that driving normal.

Basically it made a mockery out of Sim games , but it just shows how it can all go wrong when a game gets released without enough development time.
Unlike you, I'm just getting started with this game. I love it, I can't get enough of it. GT5's got a challenger. lol jk
The cars seem to have two modes; rolling and spinning. There's no in-between. There's no feel for when you begin to lose traction, or begin to slide and lose grip around the limit. These are not hardcore traits for a racing game; they are part of the bare minimum for a "Sim".

I agree with you that the simulation around the limits of grip is a very important part of a driving simulation. I don't agree that F1 2010 doesn't have this.

Now, for the most part I'm still working through my first season with Lotus so the majority of my experience comes from that car other than a few online and time trial sessions with others. But with the Lotus, after a little practise, I can certainly feel and anticipate a loss of grip. I'm still usually unable to correct it and recover (more down to my skill than the game), but I can usually turn it into a big sideways slide rather than a spin. A better driver than I could probably recover. I can feel when the wheels start to spin up accelerating and adjust accordingly. I can't seem to get any feedback on the brakes locking up which irritates me though, it just understeers massively with no prior indication that I can feel.

Forgive me if this is presumptuous, but we are talking about doing all this with a wheel, yes? Feedback is always going to be massively limited for pad users.
Yes that's a nice post I agree with you , but I wonder just how much pressure there was for Codemasters to get this game released before GT5 comes out ?
I'm wondering if they didn't put more realistic physics into the game because of lack of time, or they just wimped out and decided they could sell more copies by making it easy to play .

A similar situition happened a year ago when GT5 was supposed to be released, and EA rushed out NFS Shift under pressure to get their game out first and win the sales war.

The result was a game in a highly infinished state, Patches had to be released to fix the bugs and glitches, and it was never fixed properly.
Online it became a joke with people wallriding, cutting tracks everywhere, it was even found to be faster using drifting techniques that driving normal.

Basically it made a mockery out of Sim games , but it just shows how it can all go wrong when a game gets released without enough development time.

GT5 had nothing to do with F1 2010's 'rushed' release. FOM, however, did.

Shift may have been rushed, but the physics were lessened to some degree to appeal to a wider audience. The original code was all gMotor2 (In fact, it still is but is heavily edited), and would have given you the same experiences found in games developed by SimBin. In fact, they were originally supposed to develop the game.

As for the not being able to feel a loss of grip argument, that's everything but true. I can tell when my car is losing traction, I can when the rear end is going to step out. I could go on, but you get the point by now. If a controller is being used, that's more than half of the problem right there.
First let me say that Im not specifically directing this at any one person, just some people in general.

I cannot believe the amount of complaints about this game. Sheesh, before the patch came out, my God. Go to the CM forums and have a look. A few bugs were found, not a lot, a few. Punctures happening too often, getting held up in the pits, and some time recording issues. Hmm, thats wierd.. Seems if you go to the CM forums the game is only bugs. Oh, I forgot to mention the massive amount of people playing the game who found something that wasn't to their exact, specific expectations, being labeled a bug.

"Jenson Button's head doesn't look into turn 4 on interlagos while raining and driving behind Alonso, BUG!, Epic Fail! Returned! Unplayable!" OR(and my personal favorite) "This game is a fail, I race with all assists off, no Hud, Legendary AI and no Flashbacks, and I never lose a race, always take pole, and I never am even near any of the cars of track. Total Arcade fail. Return."


If you can race the game on the absolute hardest most realistic setting, and win like you are saying, then ya know what, maybe sim racing isn't for you. Maybe actual motorsports is what you should pursue. OR, maybe you should spend your teenage years in a better more productive way then trolling on internet forums.

Name one game that has come out PERFECTLY, racing or otherwise. New Vegas? Modern Warfare 2? Fallout 3? Forza 3? ANY game that comes out, beta or not, WILL have problems. Its just the nature of the industry.

F1 2010 is FAR from unplayable. It is FAR from being bug-ridden. Yep, the game has a couple issues(most of which have been fixed), but it is a solid game, and a lot of fun.

/Rant off.

Btw, I personally love the game, and find it plenty challenging. I DONT race on the hardest settings, and still find it very, very fun.

IF you dont like the game, dont buy it. If you did, return it. Complaining to people who DO like the game, is not helping you. It makes you look like an idiot.
IF you dont like the game, dont buy it. If you did, return it. Complaining to people who DO like the game, is not helping you. It makes you look like an idiot.

I personally found the game unacceptable and returned it for a full refund, but I realise CM were under pressure from the F1 people to get it out on time plus it was their first attempt at an F1 game. I am therefore looking forward to the 2011 game hoping it will be better.

A similar situition happened a year ago when GT5 was supposed to be released, and EA rushed out NFS Shift under pressure to get their game out first and win the sales war.

The result was a game in a highly infinished state, Patches had to be released to fix the bugs and glitches, and it was never fixed properly.
Online it became a joke with people wallriding, cutting tracks everywhere, it was even found to be faster using drifting techniques that driving normal.

Basically it made a mockery out of Sim games , but it just shows how it can all go wrong when a game gets released without enough development time.

A bit like GT5P on standard physics, but at least you could switch to pro if you don't like that sort of thing ;)
I personally found the game unacceptable and returned it for a full refund

Where are you guys buying games that will allow refunds once they're open? The very best you can hope for in these parts is an exchange, usually for the same title.
I've just got to laugh when people say an F1 game is 'arcade' or 'unrealistic'. I'd just like to ask these people have you ever driven a Formula 1 car? If the answer is no which I expect it to be, how do you know what an F1 car handles like?

It's pretty funny when people on forums say things like that when Anthony Davidson (former F1 driver and test driver) was brought in by the developers to help make the game as realistic as possible and has been quoted as saying that the game is pretty close to how a real F1 car handles, as have other F1 drivers according to journalist and former F1 commentator James Allen.