I am done with this game.F1 2010-2016 

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Where are you guys buying games that will allow refunds once they're open? The very best you can hope for in these parts is an exchange, usually for the same title.

I bought my copy from Sainsburys, a large supermarket chain over here.
I have to admit, I've traded in F1 2010 towards my pre-order of GT5. I was pleased that the patch was released to fix several bugs, as I found it incredibly frustrating before that.

Even so, the game had very little longevity for me. This could have been fixed by making the AI quicker in the hardest difficulty setting, so that achieving the targets set by the team at each race became a genuine struggle. Its not as if CM haven't released games that deliver in this respect in the past (TOCA 2 anyone?) I would also have liked to have seen it be a little trickier to drive in the wet; being able to stamp on the throttle out of a corner as easily (almost) as one would in the dry isn't that believeable.

Maybe actual motorsports is what you should pursue.

That would be fantastic, but unfortunately it tends to cost quite a fair bit more than £45 to pursue a career in motorsport ;)

IF you dont like the game, dont buy it. If you did, return it.

The point is I really wanted to like the game, as I love both racing games and Formula 1, so the fact that I struggled to enjoy the game at times dissapointed me.

Complaining to people who DO like the game, is not helping you. It makes you look like an idiot

Surely the fact that CM made a number of positive changes, presumably after reading issues posted by people on online forums, makes complaining worthwhile?
(TOCA 2 anyone?)

Yes please! (raises hand)

Nice post btw. At this point all the emotionalism is gone from the game for me. I havent thought of trading it, but I took it out of the ps3- a place where it had lived since the day it came out.
Considering the daft things that money would otherwise have been spent on, its no big deal. It served a purpose. But is there anything quite so forlorn as a used up game sitting on a shelf?

But its a law of nature that there are always new games to play :)


bike riding in kitchen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0oudI0pe24

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I've just got to laugh when people say an F1 game is 'arcade' or 'unrealistic'. I'd just like to ask these people have you ever driven a Formula 1 car? If the answer is no which I expect it to be, how do you know what an F1 car handles like?

It's pretty funny when people on forums say things like that when Anthony Davidson (former F1 driver and test driver) was brought in by the developers to help make the game as realistic as possible and has been quoted as saying that the game is pretty close to how a real F1 car handles, as have other F1 drivers according to journalist and former F1 commentator James Allen.

It's not as simple as that, Yes your right I have not driven an F1 car, but what I do have is a book by a former f1 champion called Jackie Stewart's principles of performance driving.

In the book he goes into a lot of detail about what it takes to drive an F1 car , I wont go into specifics but all I know is when I try out these principles on a game like Gran Turismo , I can get more grip, brake in shorter distances , get faster lap times etc.

Trying to apply these same principles on F1 2010 seems to make very little difference to me, so its either they didn't put any realistic driving physics into the game, or a modern F1 car is very easy to drive .
I suspect that when you don't have to deal with the bone-shaking ride, the insane g-forces, the extreme strength required to drive the thing, etc., they probably are actually reasonably well behaved cars. Why wouldn't they be? The teams put a lot of work into them to get them to drive right. If it was balancing on a razor's edge for the whole hour and a half then no human could possibly drive them, let alone under the aforementioned conditions.
It's not as simple as that, Yes your right I have not driven an F1 car, but what I do have is a book by a former f1 champion called Jackie Stewart's principles of performance driving.

In the book he goes into a lot of detail about what it takes to drive an F1 car , I wont go into specifics but all I know is when I try out these principles on a game like Gran Turismo , I can get more grip, brake in shorter distances , get faster lap times etc.

Trying to apply these same principles on F1 2010 seems to make very little difference to me, so its either they didn't put any realistic driving physics into the game, or a modern F1 car is very easy to drive .

As great a driver as Jackie Stewart was, it's been 37 years since he last competed in Formula 1 in a car that bears little resemblance to todays cars. Those principals work in games like Gran Turismo because they're basic principals of driving performance cars, a Formula 1 car is a massive step up from even a Le Mans car as such is the case that a top Le Mans driver can't get an FIA superlicence without having a set minimum amount of time driving open wheel race cars. The differences are huge.

Do F1 cars handle and behave well? Of course they do, they create massive amounts of downforce, no car on earth handles as well as they do but like you rightfully said it's a whole different prospect when you're sitting in front of a tv not pulling 2G when you take a corner.

When all's said and done though I'll listen to what the actual drivers say about the game which has all been very positive.
I am (d) one with this game :)

It is a video game; the real thing is an expensive sport and may at one time kill you should you; another driver; or your car not perform on the thin edge between the quick and the also ran (off the track)!

Best F1 console video game to date in my view 👍
Yup, I personally think the cars are tricky to get 100% out of. There aren't many tracks where I've been able to "just drive" the car, it requires a lot of concentration.

What is this I see?


I applauded this post, it communicated exactly the essence of my enjoyment of F1 2010.......only to discover you wrote it! I'm rather amazed to see the U-turn in your opinion of the game. What happened? How did you go from that to this?

At this point all the emotionalism is gone from the game for me. I havent thought of trading it, but I took it out of the ps3- a place where it had lived since the day it came out.
Considering the daft things that money would otherwise have been spent on, its no big deal. It served a purpose. But is there anything quite so forlorn as a used up game sitting on a shelf?

People on this thread should read that whole thread i've just posted to understand what some people are enjoying so much about F1 2010. I can't make any of you agree with me, but perhaps you can better understand why I'm still loving this game.

P.S. My screen name on the CM forums is Pretentious Bread
Best F1 console video game to date in my view 👍

👍 I completely agree, For the company's that have the gut's to even do an F1, this is very good. I had F1 Championship edition, wich wasn't too bad but for the time it was okay. This just blows it out the water tho. Especially in the rain. The only thing i would change in the game is the steering speed, it could be sped up some.

You have my total and undivided attention sir.


We are all not so very different here.. we are mostly the same. Lots of decent drivers and some who are slightly better, but on the whole we share more than we hold different. So with that in mind I can tell you 100% honest that F1 2010 does indeed have some good things and that I wanted to like it a lot. I dont want to hate at all ..and I dont want to complain like a spoiled child.
For me though, its like this man: you can have a small rock in your shoe and even though its small it becomes very annoying. So the rock in my shoe with F1 2010 might be small to say out loud, but to me its annoying.
I am basically a Time Trial dude, no? So any issue with time trial gets my attention. And F1 2010 has issues in TT.

But look, lets not get excited anymore, ok? I had many many solid memories from this game and at its best it had me on the hook just like a fish. You know what it took to make #5 on the LB's when there were 20,000 names on the list? So yes I bonded with this game a bit. But its hard to keep racing and bonding with a rock in your shoe :)

GT5 is going to suit me much better --if only because it has a tremendous Time Trial mode that rocks with lots of features. Its all good. We all have a lot in common and I know YOU, Shaggy Alonso, are a fast mother :)
So lets not stress out. We all love fast driving and cool cars.
And boobs ..but thats a different website! (?)

I just have to add my two cents in this discussion about the F1 game. I continue to learn new things about the subtleties of the game and the accuracy by which I can take the cars through the corners. I’m able to do things at the edge of traction that absolutely amaze me.

When I go from down shifting and setting the car into a turn so I don’t run off the track and then start taking the turn a gear higher as I’m at the edge of traction torqued up and then can open up the rear end to rotate the car under torque as it just has the slightest argument with the traction, I feel the cars are so predictable when you don’t treat them like a cheep date.

It’s the little tweaks and driving adjustments that keep me interested in the game but as all things come and go I will soon have to hang it up because we know what’s a coming. I won’t be getting rid of the game though because I will use it for the race season next year to run the same schedule as the real F1 season.
I'm sure it's not complete rubbish. But at the end of the day, codemasters made it, so I expect to be disappointed, in fact, that should be their slogan.
It bugs me how all the F1 merchandise and everything else is always released when the season is almost over...
This means you feel a bit ripped off (especially if your fave driver changes teams/team changes colours) and the cars in game don't all reflect their true ability.
I doubt Renault are as good in the game as they have been in the 2nd half of the season, F duct?
But at the end of the day, codemasters made it, so I expect to be disappointed, in fact, that should be their slogan.

Maybe in recent times, but I mentioned TOCA 2 before; that and Colin McRae 2.0 are two of the best racing games of all time.

I should also mention, as I failed to before, that I really like the handling of the cars on F1 2010. The limits of grip are clear, and you need to be sharp in catching a moment when you push too hard. I find this aspect of the game very enjoyable, but I couldn't find any reason to play it once I'd won the title in the first season.
I'm sure it's not complete rubbish. But at the end of the day, codemasters made it, so I expect to be disappointed, in fact, that should be their slogan.

It's one thing to expect a poor game based on past performance. That's completely rational. It's another to allow that to cloud your judgement of their latest product when it's actually in your hand. Even given that F1 2010 is still based on the Ego engine, it's a far cry from GRID/Dirt. As Pippen so kindly pointed out, they have made good racing games in the past. Is it so much of a leap to believe they'll one day do so again?
"The limits of grip are clear"
I have to disagree. The fact that It is not that clear to me, puts me in doubt wether to give up on It or not. And once you lost grip, there is not much you can do anymore to recover your car. Or I suck at this game ? Believe me, I like F1, like a lot of features in the game, and a few friends have It, so playing online with them is fun sometimes, but after a race session an unpleasant feeling remains. I play It on a PS3 with G25. The last time I played, afterwards I put Supercar Challenge in, chose the same track (Spa) and than remembered how driving can feel. No way F1 2010 matches that. It's all the other feaures (pit stops, tracks, F1 cars, on line qualify) that makes me play It again, but for how long we will see.
They should release it earlier. Now the F1 season end. My F1 2010 is in the shelf.
Overall, I'm satisfy with the content but not the race experience.
They need to improve the AI. The AI never make mistake, all of them finish the race which is unrealistic. That is boring and very much different from the real.
There is no safety car. Anyway I'm hoping they will improve it in the next installment of the franchise.
They should release it earlier. Now the F1 season end. My F1 2010 is in the shelf.
Overall, I'm satisfy with the content but not the race experience.
They need to improve the AI. The AI never make mistake, all of them finish the race which is unrealistic. That is boring and very much different from the real.
There is no safety car. Anyway I'm hoping they will improve it in the next installment of the franchise.

That's not true. The last race I had my teammate (Trulli) and my rival (Webber) both crashed out. I was stoked when Webber crashed out, second last race of the season in Brazil and we were neck and neck on points. The DNF allowed me to get a handy lead on him.

IIRC about 5 cars DNF'd that race, it was carnage.
I'm not done ,I just got this game but it;s been a little while since I played one of these that the tracks have changed. Right now I'm in Kuala Lampur so it's going to round and round for a while before I attempt qualifying.
the cars handle like on rails, but the slightest tap from another racer sends you spinning off track, to me its just pure arcade there is no sense of realism in it at all.

Well, F1 cars are balanced in such a way, that even the slightest knock when they are cornering will send them off. Michael Schumacher kindly demonstrated this in the last race. To be honest, F1 2010 is one of the most realistic racing games on PS3.
I am new to this game. Got a few days ago and have raced about 4-5 races. I don't understand why people are saying that game is unrealistic. My guess is that it is as realistic as a racing game CAN be on PS3. But, i think the could have added some more momentum in the career mode. It seems the only thing to do to in the game is race. When a race is over, you start another race. So the cycle repeats. Eventually some R&D upgrades will be available. A bit boring in the long term, but i guess for hardcore F1 fans it is perfect. This game is for a seartain type of people and is not made to appeal to everyone.
The physics are lame because you can't easily catch a slide? :lol: It's a formula one car FFS!

The cars handle like on rails, but the slightest tap from another racer sends you spinning off track, to me its just pure arcade there is no sense of realism in it at all.
:lol: :lol: :dunce:.. See above.

Etc, etc...
No I'm just giving my honest opinion about what I think, I liked GRID and DIRT 2 but I dont think F1 is up to the same standard.

You liked GRID and DIRT 2 and yet you complain that F1 2010 is 100% arcade? Those are probably the two most arcade-oriented racing games Codemasters have produced. Playing the demo of each for 5 minutes was enough to turn me off buying them.

F1 2010, on the other hand, is Codemaster's best sim in a while and is anything but 100% arcade. I still play it and am impressed every day at how well they managed to replicate the handling of the F1 cars. Perhaps you need to go and watch some real racing...
The whole sim/ arcade debate in racing games no longer interests me.
I would rather just play racing games for the enjoyment I get out of them, and adapt myself to the skills demanded by the the particular type of game.

I bought another copy of F1 2010 because the online racing is good , Its easy to get into a online race with no waiting around, and there are plenty still playing it online.
Well yes after about a month of playing F1 it quickly got boring for me, The game is 100% arcade in my opinion.
Driving with my own custom tunes, using manual gearchange, assists off, seem to make very little difference to lap times,or enjoyment of the game.

I would rather just play racing games for the enjoyment I get out of them, and adapt myself to the skills demanded by the the particular type of game.

I bought another copy of F1 2010 because the online racing is good , Its easy to get into a online race with no waiting around, and there are plenty still playing it online.


Surely you kid??? :lol:

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