I can not belive this, what do you think?

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz

Do you take offense to what the teacher said?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • No

    Votes: 25 92.6%

  • Total voters
I was just trying to show where you appeared to be defending its use to some degree. I was not trying to misrepresent your statement. Sorry if it came off that way.
No sweat, no need to aplogize. I just wanted to clarify that I'm not denying the double standard. :)
Oh, man. And this made the news? What is this world coming to...? I can't actually believe that people would be so sensitive as to report him for using that word, nevermind getting him suspended for it.
You know what? No, he probably shouldn't have said it. But, that said, I (a high school senior) hear that word every day being said by both races. Do I care? No.
I would hardly say that he [the teacher] was negatively impacting the student by saying *****. If the student said it, then he had obviouly been swayed beforehand.
I think we should all keep saying every bad word in the language over and over, constantly, until nobody cares anymore, like they did with s hit in South Park. Come on, it'll be hilarious!
I think we should all keep saying every bad word in the language over and over, constantly, until nobody cares anymore, like they did with s hit in South Park. Come on, it'll be hilarious!

But there are times where we need to use pointedly strong words. We'll only create new swear words to fill that void.
I really like how the video paints the black kid in such a patriotic good light 'football player, member of the rotc or w/e that is, etc' and the english teacher was 'suspended before' and without any context.
The teacher was a plank. What he said was out of line, anyone can see that. I don't care if "da kidz" are saying it, he shouldn't. He has an example to set.
I agree it was not smart for the teacher to say that, but he should not be categorized as a "racist" for using a slang term that we hear all the time. I hear people say stuff like "That white kid" and similar things all the time, are they all racists too? Second, he didn't say the acual word, and the teacher did his best to show that he did not mean it the bad way. I guess all those people in my school hate thier own race because they say ***** a lot. Maybe they should get expelled or something.
All the "bruthas" saying it to eachother doesn't really bother me, as long as they don't come up to me saying that. I really don't know how to react to stuff like that. Hopefully it's just a youth fad that people grow out of. It's cool if you're a rapper, but not if you have to hold a real job. And I don't know any black kids that are going to become rappers.
Stupid ignorance...

I'm talking about the black kid, by the way. What the hell is the big deal here? I can't believe this stupid story took up so much air time. ***** and its -er counterpart are thrown around with INCREDIBLE frequency by the black youth of today. The N-word is so ridiculously stupid. Everyone has to get all up-in-arms whenever it's mentioned...especially from the lips of a white person. The kid interviewed just wants his teacher to be unemployed... he wouldn't give half a damn otherwise.
I think white people can be nigg*s too.

*I* would define a nigg* as someone who contributes nothing to society, with no desire to speak with any clarity, hating the system but depending on it, etc etc
Hey, that is exactly how I interpret the word. I have my definition earlier in this thread, but it's a little different. I suggested that a ****** is just a stupid person in general. No matter their race. Like a redneck is a white ******. Ya dig? ******=any stupid, undesirable, unworthy, disrespectful person. I think that's how mine went. We think alike!
And with that I'm off to schleep.
Hey, that is exactly how I interpret the word. I have my definition earlier in this thread, but it's a little different. I suggested that a ****** is just a stupid person in general. No matter their race. Like a redneck is a white ******. Ya dig? ******=any stupid, undesirable, unworthy, disrespectful person. I think that's how mine went. We think alike!
And with that I'm off to schleep.

Cool. :)

Sleep well, nigg*.

( just joking :) )
Hey, that is exactly how I interpret the word. I have my definition earlier in this thread, but it's a little different. I suggested that a ****** is just a stupid person in general. No matter their race. Like a redneck is a white ******. Ya dig? ******=any stupid, undesirable, unworthy, disrespectful person. I think that's how mine went. We think alike!
And with that I'm off to schleep.

Sorry, I have to disagree. The meaning of ****** is a black person, I don't believe you can interpret it any other way. If someone described someone to me as a '******', I would natually assume a dark skinned person. I definitely would not be thinking a "stupid, undesirable, unworthy, disrespectful person".

But I agree with the fact that the statement "The kid interviewed just wants his teacher to be unemployed". Admittedly, I don't live in America, but I assume ****** would be a word used and heard pretty frequently. If one of his school mates had called him a ******, or even some guy he bumped into on the street, would he having a huge cry like he is now? I doubt it.
Sorry, I have to disagree. The meaning of ****** is a black person, I don't believe you can interpret it any other way. If someone described someone to me as a '******', I would natually assume a dark skinned person. I definitely would not be thinking a "stupid, undesirable, unworthy, disrespectful person".

But I agree with the fact that the statement "The kid interviewed just wants his teacher to be unemployed". Admittedly, I don't live in America, but I assume ****** would be a word used and heard pretty frequently. If one of his school mates had called him a ******, or even some guy he bumped into on the street, would he having a huge cry like he is now? I doubt it.

In most cases I would assume a black person too... however I've heard it plenty of times in reference to any other race. AZN's particularly like to call themselves nigg*s, too.
AZN's particularly like to call themselves nigg*s, too.
I've never seen that happen, but if it's true, that's down right embarrassing(I'm an Asian).
I've never seen that happen, but if it's true, that's down right embarrassing(I'm an Asian).

The ghetto ones that went to my school did.

Basically all ghetto people, no matter what race, seem to do it (in my observations)

I am not ghetto at all, but I live on a street with many ghetto people that live on it, the poorest part of the neighborhood. Anyway, I have a younger friend who calls me nigg* all the time... we're both white.