I can not belive this, what do you think?

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz

Do you take offense to what the teacher said?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • No

    Votes: 25 92.6%

  • Total voters
I also agree that it's been blown out of proportion and that the teacher's tongue slipped, but I still don't buy the "He said it to me first" excuse. That's crap, especially coming from a teacher.

danoff: I just realized I wouldn't have heard about such a story if it wasn't all over the news, so there very well may have been such stories. Oh well!
I honestly don't care how it came out. Is it part of a trend? Has he been found to be racist before? He's been there for 20+ years. So either people are blind, deaf and dumb, or this is just something that shouldn't be blown all out of the water.

I REALLY wish the black leadership would realize that everytime they try to crucify someone for using that word they simply solidify it's effect on black people. When's the last time a black guy was in the news for calling a white person a "cracker"?
Anderton Prime
danoff: I just realized I wouldn't have heard about such a story if it wasn't all over the news, so there very well may have been such stories. Oh well!

In typical danoff style, I'll now go back on what I wrote above and bolster your argument. The people invovled in a teacher-student sex scandal typically don't want it released to the public by the news, and I think some effort is made to prevent it from getting too public. There are often many innocent embarrassed parties in those cases - so it wasn't the best example. I was just trying to point out that there are more important issues to worry about than name-calling.
I concur, but I thought the point of this thread was to debate over what he said, not deliberate over why it was reported on in the first place. That's all.
...oh :banghead: Seriously, I am not debating or something right not or making an opinion I can defend with arguements but man, that kid is REALLLLLYY overreacting and seeing the teachers explaination I can totally understand that it was a desperate attempt from the teacher to get closer to the youth, in his eyes they use that word all the time. It was wrong but come on, demanding that the teacher will be fired?

That kid is a little....:crazy:
It really annoys me when I see things like this though, when it'sperfectly fine for black kid a, to call black kid b, one, but if white kid a, say's it, he's racist. To me, that concept is more racist.
I don't see how black kids can go around calling each other 'n*ggers', all day, everyday. Then the same one is so offended by being called one that he has to go around to the news, and start having a cry about it. Please.

Personally, I'm not really up-to-date with the origin of the word. But here at my school, you can call people pretty much whatever you want, and they are proud of it.

That said, the teacher still shouldn't of said it, but it probably was a slip of the tongue, nothing more.
Anderton Prime
Plus, this guy is a teacher, and he should know better. His responsibility to both students and parents is to behave in a mature manner. I can't believe he actually tried to excuse himself by saying "Well, the kid said it to me first, and I was just saying it back to him because that's basically what I have been trained to do."
Exactly. Teacher should have just apologized. "I'm sorry. What I said was 'n*gga', not 'n*gger'. I was just trying to sound hip, I made a mistake". Something along that line.

I mean "society" when I say "we". I mean, is it really big news when a teacher says something awful to one of his students? He could have been caught having sex with one of his under age students and it wouldn't have been a story like this. Did he do more damage to this kid with a word than he would have to an underage girl in the example I gave above?
Actually, I never heard about this news until this thread was posted. I think it was just local news. I never saw or heard this on any national news. Teachers physically/sexually abusing student(s) often do make the national news.

How is this racial equality? The base of the word was intended to be used as a degradation and an insult. If someone is going to be offended by it and demand it not be used then that should apply to everyone instead of laying down racial lines dividing who can use what language.

If we can separate what language is acceptable based on the color of someone's skin then the civil rights movement has failed.

NOTHING in our society should be divided by race. The word shouldn't be acceptable by anyone, end of story.
Clearly, it's not that simple. N-word associates to very dark times for black people. Yeah, they shouldn't be calling each other that, I agree, but white people calling black person the N-word and black people calling each other that is a totally different story. Double standard? No doubt. But there is a reason for that.

Well, calling someone a n*gger is not the same as using the word. And calling someone a n*gger is just as bad as calling them a slant or a wetback or a honkey.
Maybe, except honkey. White people's rights were never in question, so people don't get offended by that name, at least not in the U.S.
Clearly, it's not that simple. N-word associates to very dark times for black people. Yeah, they shouldn't be calling each other that, I agree, but white people calling black person the N-word and black people calling each other that is a totally different story. Double standard? No doubt. But there is a reason for that.

Yes, and it's a VERY stupid reason. I'm black and I choose not to take offense to that. Why? Because I refuse to give some ignorant people that much power over me. It is that simple. Black people could've just dropped it, but instead, they want him fired for one word that's not even profane by FCC standards. Pretty weak stuff.
Maybe, except honkey. White people's rights were never in question, so people don't get offended by that name, at least not in the U.S.

Sorry, I guess I just don't see the relevance. A racial slur is a racial slur.
Yes, and it's a VERY stupid reason. I'm black and I choose not to take offense to that. Why? Because I refuse to give some ignorant people that much power over me. It is that simple. Black people could've just dropped it, but instead, they want him fired for one word that's not even profane by FCC standards. Pretty weak stuff.
And personally, I agree. I'm Asian, and I do get some name calling once in a while. I just joke it off, or embarass the person, I have never reported something like that to authority in school or work.

I don't know if you read my first post, but I think what teacher got was about right. What that teacher is being accused of is like a cop getting caught street racing. He is not a racist, but he should have known better.
Personally i think the word Nigg*r/Nig*a or however you want to spell it isnt that offensive. Its a meaningless word which has been desensitized due to rap music, "gangsta" films (boyz in the hood, menace to society etc) and games such as GTA San Andreas (although i cant remember the word being used) and has just become a silly word. Calling people with african roots "Black People" in my opinion is worse as you are actually singling certain ethnic groups out and i find that more offensive.
Sorry, I guess I just don't see the relevance. A racial slur is a racial slur.
Some are more powerful than others, due to what happened in the past. If you are German, you should ease up on Jewish people. If you are white and American....... 💡
Some are more powerful than others, due to what happened in the past. If you are German, you should ease up on Jewish people. If you are white and American....... 💡

Political Correctness is bad...👎

Granted we shouldn't be rude on purpose, but we shouldn't try to walk on egg shells either.

Personally i think the word Nigg*r/Nig*a or however you want to spell it isnt that offensive. Its a meaningless word which has been desensitized due to rap music, "gangsta" films (boyz in the hood, menace to society etc) and games such as GTA San Andreas (although i cant remember the word being used) and has just become a silly word. Calling people with african roots "Black People" in my opinion is worse as you are actually singling certain ethnic groups out and i find that more offensive.

Good point, hadn't looked at it like that before. But at the same time, I do my best not to let stupid people get to me.
It's too bad that racism exists among humans. We could be getting so much more accomplished if people could see past the color of a person's skin, their religion, their accent, or even their gender or sexual orientation. It just goes to show adults haven't learned much from their school days, when teasing and the recognition of students who were "different" was an everyday occurrence.

My personal philosophy has always been to stop wasting time trying to abolish racism. It's pointless to even attempt this, as proven by the simplefact that we as a species haven't been able to get around this problem since the dawn of civilization. What a truly pathetic creature man is.
Political Correctness is bad...👎

Granted we shouldn't be rude on purpose, but we shouldn't try to walk on egg shells either.
I wouldn't call that "walking on egg shells". It's all about respecting one another. Also, too much political correctness is bad, but I think it is needed on this paticular case.

Edit: Don't feel so bad, Anderton. These racist types are in the minority now. They might not completely dissappear, but they sure aren't popular.
Anderton Prime
It's too bad that racism exists among humans. We could be getting so much more accomplished if people could see past the color of a person's skin, their religion, their accent, or even their gender or sexual orientation.

It's funny that you bring this up, because recently I've been convinced that humanity is largely homosexual. You see, I was watching VH1 and they were showing 80's rock videos, and then I saw the opening ceremony in the olympics... one wonders how we have survived as a species.
It's fine to be respectful sure, but you don't have double standards to achieve that. Like black's calling black's n*gga's being all okay but if a white person say's it they're racist. That's bollocks, to put it mildly, either no-one, that's NO-ONE say's it, or no-one complains when it's said. You can't have it both way's.
It's funny that you bring this up, because recently I've been convinced that humanity is largely homosexual. You see, I was watching VH1 and they were showing 80's rock videos, and then I saw the opening ceremony in the olympics... one wonders how we have survived as a species.
:lol: 80's are awesome!

It's fine to be respectful sure, but you don't have double standards to achieve that. Like black's calling black's n*gga's being all okay but if a white person say's it they're racist. That's bollocks, to put it mildly, either no-one, that's NO-ONE say's it, or no-one complains when it's said. You can't have it both way's.
Ideally. On "n*gga"(not n*gger), I agree.
Yeah I'd never called anyone the latter, I do however sit next to a black lad at work and I've said the first to him jokingly, that said I know him well and I know he'll take it as a joke and understand how I mean it. I wouldn't say it to somone I didn't know well, because I know they could take it the wrong way and in that respect I DO think the teacher was a fool because he obviousely didn't know the kid well enough to know how he'd take it. But I disagree with the principal that it's okay for them to say it, but not a white person. It's either okay to say it, or it's not okay to say it.
Yeah I'd never called anyone the latter, I do however sit next to a black lad at work and I've said the first to him jokingly, that said I know him well and I know he'll take it as a joke and understand how I mean it. I wouldn't say it to somone I didn't know well, because I know they could take it the wrong way and in that respect I DO think the teacher was a fool because he obviousely didn't know the kid well enough to know how he'd take it. But I disagree with the principal that it's okay for them to say it, but not a white person. It's either okay to say it, or it's not okay to say it.

Exactly, its the meaning behind the word not necesarily the syllables that compose it. As relations change the meaning of different words becomes different. The f word means nothing between friends but to my parents it is a word I reserve for the direst of situations (to the point that I've never used it before them). The double standard on the N word kind of affirms that no matter what a relation between a white and a black person will always be different than that of a black and a black or a white and a white no matter what. Though you may cite examples of friends where it is ok in passing jokes I must argue that it would be easy for a black person passing by to hear the useage and be insulted.

Of course this is true with every racist word but to the N word most of all.
Though you may cite examples of friends where it is ok in passing jokes I must argue that it would be easy for a black person passing by to hear the useage and be insulted.

Of course this is true with every racist word but to the N word most of all.

Admittedly, I'm not black, or from an area with alot of black people. But I can't see in todays world where you hear the word ****** everywhere (Like VT said, just drop in any top 10 album at the moment), how you could be offended by just hearing someone say it.

Even if you were, surely you could just forget about it, it really doesn't effect you in any way. Or at the most, go up to the person and tell them you don't apprieciate that word. Nothing more.
Clearly, it's not that simple. N-word associates to very dark times for black people.
Yeah, they shouldn't be calling each other that, I agree, but white people calling black person the N-word and black people calling each other that is a totally different story.
Contradiction? I know you are saying they shouldn't say it, but at the same time you appear to be defending that they do. If the word associates to a very dark time then drop it and let it be forgotten and completely forbidden to say.

Like VT said, just drop in any top 10 album at the moment
Barry Manilow? I had no clue. :D
Admittedly, I'm not black, or from an area with alot of black people. But I can't see in todays world where you hear the word ****** everywhere (Like VT said, just drop in any top 10 album at the moment), how you could be offended by just hearing someone say it.

Even if you were, surely you could just forget about it, it really doesn't effect you in any way. Or at the most, go up to the person and tell them you don't apprieciate that word. Nothing more.

I'm pretty sure if I (a white person) called a black person that word in that context (meaning I'm actually calling them it not just using it in some other sense) and a black person happened to be walking by I'm 100% sure they'd be offended, as they should be offended even if it were understood between myself and the person I said it to. I'm not argueing that its right for me to say it but that its not right for anyone.

I live and grew up in and around rochester which has a pretty strong african american community.
I'm just your average white kid, and I've always been tought that n*gger was a bad term towards black people. Black people say n*gga (note the "-a")
amongst themselves all the time, especially at school. Most teachers say "hey, watch your language" but I think they let it go too much. I've never accepted n*gga as a substitute for dude, so it pisses me off when they say it and I can't. It's stupid. Either we all say, no one says it, or I slap you when you b*itch about me saying it.
Any person in a professional position should never say the n-word. Even if the teacher or whoever was a close friend of the student, it still sets a bad example. I always thought racism was bad, but most black people, it seems to me, are making fun of themselves. In my opinion, that's pretty "ignant".
I was walking down the hall to lunch one day and and black kid, Deangelo, came up to me and said "Damn, it's cold in herr. A n*igga gots to stay warm!" All I really did was go "uhh...yeah." I was thinking "I'm not a "n*gga", n*gga.":lol:
Did that offend anyone?
Contradiction? I know you are saying they shouldn't say it, but at the same time you appear to be defending that they do. If the word associates to a very dark time then drop it and let it be forgotten and completely forbidden to say.
I agree, but you cut me off(in my quote):
Clearly, it's not that simple. N-word associates to very dark times for black people. Yeah, they shouldn't be calling each other that, I agree, but white people calling black person the N-word and black people calling each other that is a totally different story. Double standard? No doubt. But there is a reason for that.
You bet, it's a contradiction. I don't believe in the use of N-word, but some black people do. I have easier time letting black people get away with it, because they are not offending their buddy when they say it(unless the buddy's Swift :P). But when a white person say it to a black person, it might become an issue. I'm not saying it's fair, I also don't agree with it. But it's very easy to see why it is the way it is.
How is this racial equality? The base of the word was intended to be used as a degradation and an insult. If someone is going to be offended by it and demand it not be used then that should apply to everyone instead of laying down racial lines dividing who can use what language.

If we can separate what language is acceptable based on the color of someone's skin then the civil rights movement has failed.

NOTHING in our society should be divided by race. The word shouldn't be acceptable by anyone, end of story.
I agree, but you cut me off(in my quote):
I was just trying to show where you appeared to be defending its use to some degree. I was not trying to misrepresent your statement. Sorry if it came off that way.