I forgot my baby.

  • Thread starter milefile
Two nights ago on the news there was a story about a woman who went to the doctor. She brought her 12 week old baby along, in its baby seat in the back. After 45 minutes of being inside the office a nurse asked her how she was doing with the new baby. It was at this point that the woman remembered she had left her baby in the car, in the sun, for 45 minutes, in 109 degree heat. It was 130 degrees in the car when they got the baby out, who was unconscious and almost dead. The baby survived after being packed in ice and rushed to the hospital.

The woman is not being punished in any way.

Originally posted by M5Power
But that's what you do to non-living things you want to keep cold.
Like frozen yoghurt?

I think the woman should've at least been approached by the US Social Services, and maybe slapped on the back of her hand by means of a light punishment. But I don't think she'd deserve to go to prison - or anything.
id call her stupid.....milefile what state did this happen is...i know in cali if u do that you kid gets taken away and u go to jail for 3 months
Originally posted by viperman
id call her stupid.....milefile what state did this happen is...i know in cali if u do that you kid gets taken away and u go to jail for 3 months

Doug, don't you want to know what kind of car she drove? They showed it. A new Volvo.
Originally posted by M5Power
But that's what you do to non-living things you want to keep cold.
That's also what you do with dangerously overheated people in order to reduce or prevent brain damage or death.

When they pull someone out of freezing water, they also cover him with warm things or immerse him in warm water to provide maximum surface area.

Personally, I think the woman should be reviewed by Child Services and put on regular probation-style contact with a case officer to make sure she's taking care of the baby.
everybody makes mistakes right?

If she makes a habbit of it, her baby needs to be placed in foster care.
Originally posted by danoff
everybody makes mistakes right?
There are degrees of mistake though. This would be called gross negligence. Neglect is really bad when your a parent. It's not like were talking about a plant, or even a dog.
Originally posted by milefile
There are degrees of mistake though. This would be called gross negligence. Neglect is really bad when your a parent. It's not like were talking about a plant, or even a dog.
Ditto. Some things fall instantly into the realm of criminal negligence, and this is one of them.
At the very least, the lady needs to be evaluated for Post Partum Depression.
That is the only other thing that I can think of that would make and otherwise normal mother leave a 12 week-old baby in a hot car.
I mean by 12 weeks you've been waking up every nite, changing dipes and doing feedings enough that if the baby is too quiet you get up and check on it to make sure it's all right.
There has to be more to this that we don't know yet. I find it hard to believe that a new mom, w/o some kind of problems would do that.
It's usually six weeks before they let anyone outside the immediate family hold the baby.
It’s negligence, pure negligence! I feel sorry for the kid, to think of what it's upbringing might be like for the next 16 years or so....

But on the other hand, the baby's ok now, so all is well....but will it happen again?
Originally posted by Pako
It’s negligence, pure negligence! I feel sorry for the kid, to think of what it's upbringing might be like for the next 16 years or so....

But on the other hand, the baby's ok now, so all is well....but will it happen again?

Well it could since nothing will prevent it.
Originally posted by milefile

Doug, don't you want to know what kind of car she drove? They showed it. A new Volvo.
Yum... she probably had 'It Shouldn't Hurt To Be a Child' plates, knowing her probably level of hypocrisy.

Why should she go to jail? We all forget our children from time to time. And when I say 'we all,' I mean 'complete idiots.'
I feel sorry for the kid, to think of what it's upbringing might be like for the next 16 years or so....

If his mom's cruising around in an '03 S40 T4, he'll have a damn good upbringing! Though he was packed in ice.

Question: If you were this kid's parents, would you mention the incident to him when he aged?
Originally posted by milefile
Well it could since nothing will prevent it.

Sometimes..., just sometimes..., people will learn from their mistakes. ;)

Besides, you don't know her current state of mind, or the circumstances that surrounded the event...
Originally posted by M5Power
Question: If you were this kid's parents, would you mention the incident to him when he aged?

"By the way junior, your mother almost killed you when you were just an infant by leaving you in the car for 45 minutes in 110 degree heat. You had to be packed in ice. Ah, yes those were the days," wiping a nostalgic tear from his eye.
Originally posted by milefile

"By the way junior, your mother almost killed you when you were just an infant by leaving you in the car for 45 minutes in 110 degree heat. You had to be packed in ice. Ah, yes those were the days," wiping a nostalgic tear from his eye.

If I were a kid, I'd be fine with it until he says, "You had to be packed in ice" at which point I'd lash out at anyone and everyone around me:

"What am I, a soft drink?!"
Consequently right after that story they ran another one about a daycare van in Texas. Seems the driver forgot TWO little kids in the van. They sat there for a couple hours, and died.

Then I hit video02 and turned on the PS2. Enough is enough.
Originally posted by milefile
Consequently right after that story they ran another one about a daycare van in Texas. Seems the driver forgot TWO little kids in the van. They sat there for a couple hours, and died.

Then I hit video02 and turned on the PS2. Enough is enough.
Oh, man. Now that's just tragic. I'm glad I hadn't heard about it last night.
Originally posted by M5Power
Yum... she probably had 'It Shouldn't Hurt To Be a Child' plates, knowing her probably level of hypocrisy.

"Baby On Board"... (as in: "No really, there's a baby on board.")

I agree with Pako. It's criminal negligence.

It's cases like these, where the traditional legal recourses, of sending the mother to jail or fining her is more likely to hurt the child, that I think there's an argument for some sort of corporal punishment.
I just wanted to let everyone know I have
just been through a similar situation this
past Saturday. We have 4 children all
together. We have an 8 year old, a 26 month
year old, a 17 month old, and a baby 5
months old. We just got back from Easter
dinner over my mothers. We decided I would
run to the store by myself to pick up extra
Easter things for the kids, so my husband
unloaded the kids from the car while I went
to the bathroom. Basically there was a
miscommunication somewhere. I thought the
kids were all in the house, and he thought I
unloaded the baby from the car, and put him
in his crib. I proceeded to go to the store
thinking I had some time alone. While I was
in the store they said over the loud speaker
whoever left the baby in the truck please go
and get it. I said out loud what a fu**en
idiot. Then a few minutes later they called
my husbands name to come up to the front of
the store immediately. I thought I had
dropped a credit card or something. I was
rudely told by a manager to rush outside.
There were at least five police cars around
my car. There was a mob of people gathered
by the car. I heard Matthew cry and I
almost collapsed. I could not believe this
was happening to me. Thank God Matthew is
OK. I am grateful the cops were called as
well. I have been charged with child
endangerment. I was warned that family
services could show up at the door at any
second to take the kids. We are a good
family, neither one of us drinks or smokes
or anything else. I think I have 1 speeding
ticket back in 2001. We as a family are a
wreck right now afraid of what is going to
happen. My husband is also being very
supportive as well, but I am having
breakdown thinking about losing my kids. My
husband and do not even go out without the
kids, Matthew was born at home and has never
left my side, and at home his is attached to
me on a carrier all day long. I know it is
the police department’s job to protect, but
if they take them away what are they
protecting them from. I have never been so
afraid in my life. I hope this has helped
other people understand that accidents can
happen no matter how perfect of a parent you
think you are. Please do not judge some one
unless you are in or have been in that
Monica 04/12/2004 :(
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
"Baby On Board"... (as in: "No really, there's a baby on board.")
As in, "Ah, now I know you've got a baby on board I'm not going to crash into you, 'cos I was just about to, you know!"