I forgot my baby.

  • Thread starter milefile

Not sure how it is in Ohio, but in Montana, Human services won't take your child/children away for a single offence. They have to have a 'case' of repeat offences before they will take your children away.

There is no doubt you have your hands full, one child would be a hand full, but four kids? That is a TON of responsibility. I'm willing to wager that everytime you leave your car now, you are looking in the back to make sure the kids are out. You sound like a responsible parent, it's unfortuneate that not all parents are responsible.
He was in the truck 15 0r 20 minutes.

If it's not hot outside, I don't think there should be anything wrong at all with leaving your kid in the car for 5-10 minutes on purpose .

I would think that there ought not to be action taken against you here. Some kind of warning (as I posted earlier in this thread) so that they can establish knowledge of the problem for a repeat offense.

If some serious harm had come to your child there would justifiably be legal consequences. (I know that this disagrees slightly with what I posted earlier, but I've changed my mind)
Originally posted by danoff
If some serious harm had come to your child there would justifiably be legal consequences. (I know that this disagrees with what I posted earlier, but I've changed my mind)

Nope...can't allow that. Can't change your mind. Sorry. ;)
How does a mother forget her child in a car. I mean im sure that a new mother thinks about her child almost all day long. What a proud mother she is.....you hear of these stories every summer.....and it always amazes me at how many turn fatal. Have we come to a point that we are in too much of a rush to even remember our loved ones.....? I dont know but there are more important things in life than being on time for a doctors appointment to me!!
Wow, I am amazed at how common these stories are becoming. This really is human depravity at it's worst.

I mean, if you leave a 4 or 5 year old kid in the car, they can at least open the door or roll down the window.

But god, a little infant or toddler is strapped in their chair; it's impossible for them to do anything about it. It's torture, that's what it is.

Personally, I think that people should have to take a test of some sort before deciding to have a child. You know, basic parenting skills. Because this is just plain ridiculous.
It's just sick. You should check and make sure the baby isn't in the car before leaving.

The same situation happened on an episode of CSI I think.
Originally posted by DRIFT4EVA
It's just sick. You should check and make sure the baby isn't in the car before leaving.

The same situation happened on an episode of CSI I think.

Yeah, but I believe the kid died because of an alergic reaction to cough syrup or something like that.
Originally posted by NISMOskyline
Yeah, but I believe the kid died because of an alergic reaction to cough syrup or something like that.

Because the high temperature in the car made the cough syrup react
i know this is an old thread but to add my worthless opinion: i think the woman should have her child taken away and she should be strung up by the nipples and beaten with hardwood planks of wood until she says she is sorry....then i would shoot her in the head....throw her overboard in a shark infested pool then electrocute the sharks once they have devoured her, incinerate their bodies, bury the ashes in a very very deep hole and fill it with concrete...hopefully that will shut the ***** up.
seriously though, any form of child abuse show be shown the full force of the law...

its true that she didnt do it maliciously but what about a child that finds daddy's loaded rifle in the wardrobe....can you use the same arguement....oops, i forgot.

its neglect...

she sould at the very least be imprisoned.
If she is imprisoned it means the child is being punished awell. I think it woudl be better if the parent was made to go to good parenting lessons (while the child has a first class child minder).
lets face it, some people just shouldn't be parents. the best way to figure out if u can cut it would be to raise a poinsetta plant. if it lives for at least 4-6 weeks, u should be good to go...now if the s.o.b. lasts 1-2 days, then maybe u should have ur oves tied.
well I admit that some people shouldn't be parents, your plant experiment is just lame. Maybe you should rethink your plans for parenthood.
no, mentor. my idea is very good. perhaps u should try it some time, although judging by the way u treat ur brother, i think i can already guess the outcome! jk lol
Do any of you remember the last time you left a rental movie you have been wanting to see forever in the backseat and not remembered it until a few hours later? Same thing is what is happening here, fogetting. It happens all the time and will continue to happen until humans become perfect. That will never happen, never, so until never comes around get used to things like this happening. As long as the kid is alive and not going to be crippled or anything and the mother didn't do it intentionally I see no real problem with it. I feel sorry for you Monica I really do, the ammount of power over others these dixie holes called "Police Officers" are given is more than ANY human should be given.
There is quite the difference between forgetting an inexpensive, inanimate object and forgetting a human being that is your flesh and blood, and totally dependent on you for its welfare.
Absolutely ridiculous. That woman should be thrown in jail. And they should throw away the key. That's not negligence, that's complete idiocy.

Idiocy: Extreme folly or stupidity.

I would say an act like that falls perfectly into that description.
That is crazy! I never heard about that, the thing about this is that it was a mistake which in part is okay, but you dont make mistakes like this, and she did put someones life in grave danger, she almost killed someone (correct me if im wrong but isnt involuntary manslaughter the name they give it?) it was an accident but it still happebed so she deserves some kind of punishment.
heero 12
Do any of you remember the last time you left a rental movie you have been wanting to see forever in the backseat and not remembered it until a few hours later? Same thing is what is happening here, fogetting. It happens all the time and will continue to happen until humans become perfect. That will never happen, never, so until never comes around get used to things like this happening. As long as the kid is alive and not going to be crippled or anything and the mother didn't do it intentionally I see no real problem with it. I feel sorry for you Monica I really do, the ammount of power over others these dixie holes called "Police Officers" are given is more than ANY human should be given.

so your comparing a person's child to a rental movie? wow, i pray for your kids :scared:
it is being forgetful and its ok, we all make mistakes, but this kind of thing is just that to the 10th power it is incredibly difficult to forget another living thing that probably has been crying for the whole trip. especially for that much time.
it is being forgetful and its ok, we all make mistakes,

yeah we do. But we don't all commit murder or run over pedestrians with our cars do we? This is not ok. Oops, i wasn't watching what i was doing and just shot you, ah i'm sorry, it was a mistake :embarrassed:
way to resurect an old thread....

Talking about CSI I am watching Miami/New York now.

How can you forget about your child? How can you leave it in a car. Surely when she stepped out of the car she thought,"damn it is hot out here, if it wasn't for my A/C it would be hot in my car to. If I turn off the ignition, i wonder if my car will still work?" Hmmmm... Yeah people make mistakes, but this isn't excatly a spur of the moment thing.
yeah we do. But we don't all commit murder or run over pedestrians with our cars do we? This is not ok. Oops, i wasn't watching what i was doing and just shot you, ah i'm sorry, it was a mistake :embarrassed:

Im sorry if this may offend you but take the time to read next time and there might be a slight chance that you may notice that im your side. If you took the time to read my post which if you did then excuse but you are an idiot, you would have noticed the main idea i expressed. Please read this time:

but this kind of thing is just that to the 10th power it is incredibly difficult to forget another living thing that probably has been crying for the whole trip. especially for that much time.
\only part you missed and it was the point of my post.