I hate Avril Lavigne.

  • Thread starter sn00pie
Originally posted by boombexus
I hate it when Snoop just wont come out and say what he means.

Why do you have to sugar coat everything?

Damn Hollanders.

No offence to Hollanders, or anything.
I like her music. It's somewhat original.

But I wish she'd act happier once in a while. She always seems negative. :indiff:

That Fuel performance was O.K.
Originally posted by Giancarlo
You actually watch TRL? That pop-infested, corrupt, horrible video countdown? :eek:

Sometimes. Usually until RealTV comes on. It got bumped up an hour 'cause of some stupid show called 7 Days.
Originally posted by made in holland

Actually, Chris is a Belg. He lives in Belgium.

Only because Belgium's tax system is structured vaguely differently than Holland's and his parents make more money than an lucky emu (Dunno what that means, but I wanted to use 'emu' in a sentence) and don't want to be taxed out of their brains. He's a Hollander at heart.
Only a select few artists sound good live. All that studio magic is what makes 78% of musical performers sound good. It's a true statistic. Fits Avril well.
Well if you think that Avil bird is bad, you would hate Busted, some boyband idiots pretending to be punks.

It truly is teh suck.

*Goes off to listen to Bad Religion*
Originally posted by Race Idiot
Well if you think that Avil bird is bad, you would hate Busted, some boyband idiots pretending to be punks.

It truly is teh suck.

*Goes off to listen to Bad Religion*

Are those the idiots from that crappy "3000"song?

Where did they find three idiots like that?
Originally posted by Race Idiot
Well if you think that Avil bird is bad, you would hate Busted, some boyband idiots pretending to be punks.

It truly is teh suck.

*Goes off to listen to Bad Religion*

Urghh yeah Hanson all over again :lol: :irked: utter crap the lot of them :P
Does anyone else think this? But she is like a little clone of Axl Rose next time you watch her on tv you will see what I mean.
Oh Race idiot I totally agree with you on that heinous Busted.:yuck:
Humm, now I don't particularly like her, but who can we compare her to? Brittany? Christina? Kelly Clarkson? There is one thing Avril has that all these 3 don’t, she actually writes her own songs. So what if some of the lyrics are crap? they are still better then a lot of the crap that is out there today. And She’s like 15! What can you expect from a 15 year old? If you ask me she is doing great for her age and might actually do something interesting in the future. As for our other pop stars, well they couldn’t pull something original out of their ass if their lives depended on it. Hopefully Avril wont sell out (if she hasn’t already) and maybe she might actually get really good.

I love Bad Religion by the way, since it came up before; epiphany is one of my favourite songs at the moment.
I'm still trying to figure out how to pronounce her name. Living without MTV makes my life so much easier...
Originally posted by pupik
I'm still trying to figure out how to pronounce her name. Living without MTV makes my life so much easier...

It would be in between Aw (like when a doctor tell you to say awwww) and Ahhh (when you scream) so that’s the A part. The rest would be kinda like “drill” but will a v, but not really, it's just close enough. Also you want to put the emphasis on the second syllable not the first.


....and since when is writing your own crappy songs a good thing?

I think I explained that in my post.
its avril la*****. and here I have something to make you hate her EVEN more. how would you like her covering system of a down's chop suey????


yeah, scary. get it here :D


if that dont make you puke,. nothing will. and you will hate her like never before ^-^

I feel kinda bad 4 avril b/c she such a poser that she thinx her music iz punk music and that alantis moresette (whatever her name iz!) iz punk 2 i think this woman really needs to start taking her medications again!! and how come she barley ever smiles and she always looks soo... un godly pained its sad but i have more pitty 4 that lil girl than simpathy shes living a "rock star" dream (faulsly but shes still doing it) and i despise that girl 4 saying she is an artist that iz insulting 4 those that truly r artists! she claims that she writes all of her own songs and that iz a flat out lie she co-writes them meaning that she could put 2 words/lyric into the whole album and she would still get credit 4 "co-writing" those songs!! i think its wrong and degrating and i am one of those ppl who belive that HATE iz a strong word and i truly have pure HATE and disrespect 4 her! and thats my view on the Avril Lasucass scam!!