I hate Avril Lavigne.

  • Thread starter sn00pie
Well, one thing's for sure - people like Avril and New Found Glory, etc. are all driving a nail into the coffin of Punk Rock music...
Originally posted by milefile
Oooh! A shiny one.

So then contemporary attempts at "punk" are an exhumed, stinking, putrid corpse. Sounds about right.


Umm, having only ever heard the first Avril Lavigne album, and having seen videos of her actually looking like she understands that a guitar has strings, and that you hold one end and strum the other to make noise come out, I have to say I'm baffled as to why so many people seem to hate her.

Is she a total blowoff in interviews or something? Having heard the decent, pop-ish, teen-angst songs, I'm really wondering why you guys are even measuring her against the yardstick of "punk", anyway. It's not remotely punk. At worst, it's a corporate attempt to mimic Indie Pop; probably doomed to fail if you know Indie Pop, but not worthy of hatred.

Am I missing something? At least she's not another yeah-we-lipsync-but-hey-watch-us-dance boy or girl band with exactly enough members to cover the entire ethno-social spectrum of Western civilization.

I mean, coinsidering the truly heinous other acts aimed at that particular market segment, why single out Avril Lavigne for all this?
Originally posted by neon_duke
I'm really wondering why you guys are even measuring her against the yardstick of "punk", anyway. It's not remotely punk.
That's what I was wondering, too. But I had to announce that Punk Is Dead again. I like saying it.
well i dont mean to offend any one but i really intruly diss like her alot. but thats were your rong Avril dose lipsink at her a majority of her concerts and one for instance that she did sing live at wuz the vmas and that sucked !!!!! really bad and i think she should have let her voice mature and she should have trained her voice starting at a youn age cuz i think her voice woul have had potential if she had done that! but o well her problem i ust have to suffer by listening to her on the radio!! but ill live and i also hate the "bad ass" impression that she iz trying to portra (o and i cant spell so ya!) b/c when u listen to "her' lyrics thay are basicly about heartbrake and o poor me and isnt that just soo... attractive but thats not what im saying but her lyrics are not all bad but there not fitting her "bad ass" impression well thats all from me 4 now so ya bye!!

Is the correct question: What is punctuation? Alex?

Ding, ding, ding! Tonight on jeopardy!
Good grief, I just want to be able to partially comprehend it! (Or at least not get a headache from reading that post) I think a couple hundred of my neurons just blew up.
Originally posted by Sage
Good grief, I just want to be able to partially comprehend it! (Or at least not get a headache from reading that post) I think a couple hundred of my neurons just blew up.

So you still have a couple of hundred left, right? Ugh -- quit your *****ing!
Yeah, but those neurons are defective. He admitted that he had faulty neurons a while ago. The myelin sheaths are ****ed up. He says that he failed to kick his mother in the womb. Sheesh.
Love her - hate her... there is a market out there for performers like her. Lets just say that I can bare her!

Maybe you guys are just too old :P