You know what I would ban, Liam Donaldson and any other idiot who wants to ban everything. There once was a time ( or so I am led to believe ) where the government represented us, that's the whole point of elections, to do what the majority wants. This is not the case however, they just force you to do things their way. Now obviously, the Government have to have some sense, they can't just let people do what they want, like basically making drugs legal ( oh wait they did that with Cannabis, well that worked didn't it )
If they were that serious about people's health, why don't you just outright ban things, oh I forgot they don't want to lose peoples tax on booze and cigarettes. Right now I could run the country, it's simple no matter what the problem the solution is always the same, you just hand out a fine, whether it's speeding ticket or their personal favourite, on the spot fines. The only reason they want to ban things, or reduce speed limits is nothing to do with trying to save lives as such, it's about looking good to the outside world, like oh look the UK has the lowest deaths from ( insert whatever here ). Maybe they should concentrate on making this a better place to live, sadly there are no figures that actually measure that, so they are not interested in that. Come election time things might change people say, well the party in power might, but nothing else will. It's no wonder people don't vote, it's like chosing what to stand in, either dog, horse or cow poo, it does not really matter what you chose, it's all bad, it's just a question of which one is worse and frankly I don't want to stand in any.