Maybe an intro with Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk
or aggressive like Move B**** by Ludacris?
I'd like a modern intro with modern music.....
I think that polyphony should make their intro and outro movies similar to Namco's ridge racer series. They're pretty good and unforunately were ignored because of gt.
man great find Mox. I think that would be a great song to make an intro out of. Just out of curiosity though, why were you watching that video in the first place?
I personally still think the GT4 Intro was one of the best intros I have ever seen. Especially the American version with Panama playing. First time I actually got to see and hear that in full surround sound actually caused me to choke up a little. I think them bumping the release date over and over again for a year and a half had a lot to do with it too. GT4 Still one of the best intros ever. Will be interresting to see what they do with GT5. I guess we will know in another year or 2. Overall I just want the game to be good, especially the online.
I always thought GT4 had the best intro out of any game it is just pure epic and yes i have seen all the other GT intros before i got 4 and 4 is just plain superb.