I need help with my Nascar :)

United Kingdom
When i got my nascar setup to how i like it - it was great, 207 - 208 mph around the corners in Daytona, 41.6 seconds lap time solo on Daytona the lot.

But now it's crap :( on the corners it goes down to 202 - 203 mph and im getting 41.9 - 42.1 seconds lap times. I havent changed the setup and it doesnt need an oil change or engine rebuild so im confused :confused:

any tips??
How old is the car & what's the mileage? It might be time for the chassis restoration thingy!

It's ok now guys i found the problem :D

I didn't notice it at the start but my Skid Recovery Force was on and i had Racing Hard tyres on instead of Racing Soft.

But now my nascar does 41.5 around Daytona solo :D