I think we've seen a user created track...

  • Thread starter dbarrade
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... the section of the GT5 Concept video where the cars are racing through a fairly bland looking field with hay bales has been bugging me for some time.

Why would they show that track, we don't know where it is and it doesn't show off the scenery, the physics or even the cars very well?

I believe it is one of the set backgrounds on which you can lay pieces of track like straights and corners of various angles similar to Scalextric.

From 1.00 minute in for a few seconds

I'm hoping for gradients and different surfaces, and an editor similar to an old c64 game called "racing destruction set".
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Justin, I think he's talking about the E3 trailer for GT5.

And I doubt that's a track created on a track editor. It might just be a random road used for the trailer, I don't know...
It was "Rallye Toscana", you can see it on the podium where the Rallye cars are presented.

If that's a place in real life, and they chose to show that instead of all the other beautiful scenery they've created then I stand corrected, but I'm still dumbfounded.
Dude, do you know that many rally events take place in the countryside? What did you see at the beginning of the video? "Rally Toscana 2009". The plaza we saw in that video (and in the screenshots with the Zanavi GT-R) was in San Gimignano, Tuscany. I've been there MANY times since I'm half tuscan. Of course that place you posted exists in real life...Tuscany is all countryside, it's full of cornfields (and of course roads that cut through)

These were actually taken in Tuscany:


You got your answer. Please stop being obsessed with track editor, there's no proof of that.
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That scenery, that woman...it just needs a car to be defined as heaven :drool:.

Oh, and like others, i think this doesnt prove a custom created track at all. We'll have to wait to see, only proof of a track editor we've had is what amar whispered to us. Dont be paranoid dude, just wait til TGS 👍.
No we haven't, it's an actual rally round, as proven by the users above me. I think the mods can lock this now.
You can also have the city tracks and just move barriers around to change the track.
... the section of the GT5 Concept video where the cars are racing through a fairly bland looking field with hay bales has been bugging me for some time.

Why would they show that track, we don't know where it is and it doesn't show off the scenery, the physics or even the cars very well?

I believe it is one of the set backgrounds on which you can lay pieces of track like straights and corners of various angles similar to Scalextric.

I'm hoping for gradients and different surfaces, and an editor similar to an old c64 game called "racing destruction set".
You're living in cloud cuckoo land if you think that GT is going to get a piece-by-piece track editor like that.

It was just a trailer - no need for another "thread for threads sake".
You're living in cloud cuckoo land if you think that GT is going to get a piece-by-piece track editor like that.

It was just a trailer - no need for another "thread for threads sake".

It would be much better for PD to release Dev Software and create a competition and then select the best tracks and release them as updates than to provide a in game track editor.
Why all the hostility, the OP has made a perfectly valid observation, one that I honeslt never considered before. Makes a change from all the "damage is rubbish" post's that people seem obsesed about. Don't forget the OP wasn't the one who started the rumour about a track editor, you guy's seriously need to lighten up in here.
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