Ian Bell Mocks Soulja Boy Over Rapper's Failed Gaming Console

Do we have a new Lil Tay?

So, by the new console war, can we say that the mad box will be a console with a emulator inside with only Chinese rip offs from racing games from the 80's and 90's?

Ian is making more noise them the usual. More bs then the usual.

Are they in trouble?

But putting that aside...

What make this even more dumb is the guy coming here defending himself and trying to make people feel sorry for him.
The guy even puts his family members and friends in the spot light of bashing.
Not a smart move.

I still think the console thing is fake.

The 60/40 is obviously not true. It's more 3/97.

As well the "didn't knew who the guy was" thing.

And even the EA story for me was always legally far fetch in the way he escaped EA.

Are we going to see "Codemasters acquires Slightly Mad Studios" in a couple of years"?

Cause this is going
Hey I liked the Saturn!
To bad Sega didn't


Kaz spends too much time with his GTR's to waste time with twitter fights.

I feel bad for Rushy. He's been involved in two underrated as heck gems that sadly didn't sell well, but his talents are beyond working for SMS.

Rushy needs a good old traditional arcade racer to get back on track,Onrush was fun but too ambitious for it's own good,people were expecting another arcade off road racer and got a Overwatch with wheels(not to mention the awful marketing campaign)

I think he's perfect for a Dirt 5
I thank you all :) xx

Soulja boy already tweeted 'I want in'...

We're not seeing a mostly negative response, it's been about 60 40 in our favour. But it's generating momentum and that's the key here.

Give it a rest. I grew up in a single parent family in the poorest part of Belfast (the Shankill road). I couldn't get home for 4 days due to people shooting each other up and down my street. I lived with bombs going off almost daily and shaking our windows. I made every penny I have, myself, from nothing. I have zero sense of entitlement, I'm just having fun.

For developing IMO the best simulation out there, you deserve all the fun. Hope for you, you shagged all the ladys on the boat;). I wish your team the best of Luck with your upcoming Plans. Looking forward to PC3. To shake the industry up you need to be mad and crazy and thats exactly what SMS is. Not sure if a new console is the right way but who knows. No other Company has developed a sim with so much content. Thank you for that And no, I'm not a fanboy, I'm just thankfull for PC2.
The friends are fair game, and if the daughter's the wingman, good on her.

It seems a few people need to be reminded that this is a condition of their membership here. It also seems that a few others need to be reminded of this bit of GTPlanet's FAQ:

Stay classy, people.
It's been a really sad couple of days for GTP. I thought we were better than places like Race Department.
Haha...sorry for my post above. That is also your daughter on the picture makes my Post about the photo on the boat absolutely void. Sorry for that It should be a warning on the photo

A moment of awkward silence, please. :odd:

Yes your totally right. Haven't read everything so my mess. Sorry. But also shaming on all you guys that you cant have fun and respect for what he did an pick on a guy who developed the best sim out there.
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I see lots of people without any sense of humor, seeing the tweets, they are just funny and i see no offence in them.
Not the usual CEO marketing, but anyone knowing SMS knows their name has a reason :)

Exactly. He's not hurting anyone by having a little fun. People here need to grow up a little, get a little perspective on life. These people are video game developers, not president of the united states
People here need to grow up a little,

He's a middle aged man getting into twitter feuds with rappers, but we're the ones that need to "grow up a little"?

You just can't make this stuff up! :lol:

These people are video game developers, not president of the united states

He's the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, he shouldn't be getting into playground feuds over who has more money (and neither should our president).
He's a middle aged man getting into twitter feuds with rappers, but we're the ones that need to "grow up a little"?

You just can't make this stuff up! :lol:

He's the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, he shouldn't be getting into playground feuds over who has more money.

Stop hating and grow up first. Life should be also fun. He dont wanna show who has more money, its just fun.
Stop hating and grow up first.

No, because as long as he is trying to get my money I will scrutinize him and his product. If you want to blindly support him you are obviously welcome to do so, but there isn't any reward for doing so.

He dont wanna show who has more money, its just fun.

He literally took a picture of him holding a bunch of money. :odd:


But yes, I'm the one who needs to grow up. :lol:
No, because as long as he is trying to get my money I will scrutinize him and his product. If you want to blindly support him you are obviously welcome to do so, but there isn't any reward for doing so.

He literally took a picture of him holding a bunch of money. :odd:


But yes, I'm the one who needs to grow up. :lol:

The Reward you get for throwing money at Ian Bell is the greatest sim on earth. Not much maybe but for me enough. And take it easy its just fun. I hope you dont work in a bank or an financial department. A lot of people like to show what they have but where is the problem.
He's a middle aged man getting into twitter feuds with rappers, but we're the ones that need to "grow up a little"?

You just can't make this stuff up! :lol:

He's the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, he shouldn't be getting into playground feuds over who has more money (and neither should our president).

That picture makes it a Twitter/ "playground" feud? Is the feud with you? Because I don't think this soulja boy fellow gives a hoot, or at least not as much as you do.
at least not as much as you do.

I'm just bored and think this is a fun way to kill a weekend, I really couldn't care less. So thank you to Ian and everyone that feels they need to jump to his defense for providing me with some free entertainment!

You know what they call a Quarter
Pounder with cheese in Paris?

A Mad Box with cheese.

Grow up dude. :rolleyes:

I'm just bored and think this is a fun way to kill a weekend, I really couldn't care less. So thank you to Ian and everyone that feels they need to jump to his defense for providing me with some free entertainment!

Good, I'm glad! Because it seemed like you needed a little entertaining.
It's been a really sad couple of days for GTP..
Yeah it's a strange new year. It seems people do like to get offended over something that isn't affecting them in the slightest. And then they like to tell us how offended they are about not being affected in the slightest. :indiff:

He's a businessman who's made some money, get over it. He doesn't need to be subtle and diplomatic. It's not like he's been put in charge of a county!

Grow up is very derogatory. However lighten up isn't. Please lighten up.

...the poorest part of Belfast (the Shankill road).
They were tough times. Let's hope they remain in the past.

I'm just having fun.
Good on you. You seem to have agitated a lot of people. Keep it up, you've brightened up a rather grey Sunday. Well it is grey here. On a yacht in the Caribbean it might have been brighter of coarse.

These people are video game developers, not president of the united states
I believe Donald is also bringing out a vertical standing Trump Tower console soon. Expect a Twitter announcement shortly. :)

this guy is a complete and utter idiot.
Ah, that'll be why he's got all that money then. :dopey: