I'd Rather Dan Rather Come Clean.

  • Thread starter milefile
Is it not shocking that CBS, instead of ackowledging these documents of theirs' regarding Bush's National Guard service are fakes, and apologizing, chose instead to say "okay, so they're fake, but we think the content is true, so here is some old lady you should all believe"? That's the same as saying "I believe such and such, but I can't prove it." What editor in their right mind would allow a "journalist" to do such a thing?

I used to think the alleged liberal bias in the media was a figment of The Right's imagination. But it's not, and this is proof. It is presented to us with a self evident obviousness that tricks less informed people who take everything at face value, and think if it's on TV it must be true. They depend on this ignorance.

Soviet Russia routinely employed forged documents to smear and discredit candidates. This is what the left has stooped to.

The documents are fake. End of story. There is no story. Every other source of information on the matter is questionable at best. If I was a reporter and and my information on a story ranged from fake to dubious, I don't think I'd be going on TV with it. And yet Dan Rather persists. Is he a journalist? Or a liberal puppet?

And the most pathetic part of it all is that I seriously doubt any of this can even help Kerry.

Wecome to the 21st century, CBS.
Dan Rather was a journalist....not a puppet who would rather keep his cushy position and his aligator shoes than give real news to real people as he would have in the ol'days
This goes beyond Liberal bias in the media, this is media corruption. CBS knew they had fake documents but, ran with it anyway, in order to swing an election.

Dan Rather is blinded by his Liberalism and ironically, may have cost Kerry the election.
Viper Zero
This goes beyond Liberal bias in the media, this is media corruption. CBS knew they had fake documents but, ran with it anyway, in order to swing an election.

Dan Rather is blinded by his Liberalism and ironically, may have cost Kerry the election.
Almost as bad blowing up a subway to swing an election. Jornalistic terrorism. Despicable.
Liberal bias in the media has made some of the national news broadcasts so hard to watch that I invariably turn them off after 5-10 minutes. I find it disgusting how they slant stories for no reason other than to promote their political affiliation.

CBS got caught this time... how many other times or other news organizations have pulled this kind of stunt off?
Remember the famous exploding Chevrolet trucks on 60 Minutes? They rigged those, two, with a sparking device to cause the explosions.
And they took the gas caps off the Pintos to make sure they exploded, too. But I can't remember if that was CBS or one of the other two dinosaurs.

I guess we'll all have to turn to Al Jazeera for unbiased news.
Byron Bloch was the guy who did the story for ABC's 20/20 on the exploding Pinto. It won ABC an emmy, I believe. Then, he went to NBC for the exploding Chevy truck. Both were proven to be a fraud, because both tests showed footage of an encinderary device underneath the vehicles detonating.

I don't trust, or listen to, the media at all. I haven't since the AWB ban back in the early 90's. It was shocking to see how they could distort the truth so much to support their view. I even take any negative stories about Kerry with a grain of salt, because of the medias horrible record.
Is it not shocking that CBS, instead of ackowledging these documents of theirs' regarding Bush's National Guard service are fakes, and apologizing, chose instead to say "okay, so they're fake, but we think the content is true, so here is some old lady you should all believe"?
It's even worse when you come home late from a Cross Country meet that you got third place in (which is 👍), and your liberal dad doesn't even acknowledge it because he's too busy watching that lady talk.

True story. Needless to say, I've been pretty pissed at him for the past couple days now.
Greetings again to my friends to the south. Im finally back for more abuse :)

I almost forgot how f'ing rediculous your country is! Wouldn't some facts make this story/controversy a bit easier to debate. Of course SOME (i wonder who?) have declared this large scale media corruption and proof of the liberal conspiracy controlling the media. The verdict isn't in yet so im not going to argue about the authenticity of the documents.

Personally, when I first saw this on 60 mins. i didn't care much. I have known for a long time about Bush's "service" to his country. He got a cushy post, he slacked off, and people looked away when he went AWOL.

Dan Rathers integrity and his career are on the line here. This story shouldn't effect Bush (unless the documents are authentic), Kerry, or CBS. Don't blow the scope out of proportion as the media will surely try to do.

I can't wait to see your replies. Maybe i can even reclaim my throne as the king of moronic posters. Ahhh the memories.... :)
Get even with him. Tell him you're pregnant. Tell him, while he wasn't looking or paying attention to you, you went out and had an "operation" so you could bear children. That'll fix him.
No, wellyrn, I believe bhp9999 has taken the position of village idiot, but there's always Lt. village idiot. :)

I don't watch CNN, and don't watch 60 minutes for the life of me. If ford had put airbags and a rubber bladder for the the pinto's gastank, It would have been the safest car on the road. just a little tidbit of useless info. :)
It's not Dan Rather's fault. He is merely a puppet. The president of CBS should be to blame.
That seems too convenient. If Dan Rather isn't going to loose any cred over this then CBS should. Even corporations should be accountable. Failing that, behead the puppet.

Im not the biggest idiot anymore? In your face 87chevy!
I think Bill Burkett, the source behind the fake documents, and the 60 Minutes reporters should be held responsible as well.

The lost of all credibility is enough punishment for Dan Rather.
...and of course to the laws that protect all property rights against theft, fraud, etc.
Not to long ago...maybe about 2 years , wasn't there a CBS ex excutive who came out with a book called Biased, stating that CBS and the other big ones (abc nbc ) collectively only reported with a liberal slant....
Yeah, his name is Bernard Goldberg.

Supposedly, Mr. Rather can see and talk to spirits...

Describing his love of CBS and CBS News, Rather observed in the interview last year: “In my mind and the minds of the people I work with, this is a magical, mystical kingdom — our version of Camelot. And we feel we are working at a kind of roundtable of King Arthur proportions. Now, it may be that this kingdom exists only in our minds. But that makes it no less real for those of us who live it every day.”

And then there was this:

“Ed Murrow’s ghost is here. I’ve seen him and talked to him on the third floor of this building many times late at night. And I can tell you that he’s watching over us.”
Is it not shocking that CBS, instead of ackowledging these documents of theirs' regarding Bush's National Guard service are fakes, and apologizing, chose instead to say "okay, so they're fake, but we think the content is true, so here is some old lady you should all believe"? That's the same as saying "I believe such and such, but I can't prove it." What editor in their right mind would allow a "journalist" to do such a thing?

I used to think the alleged liberal bias in the media was a figment of The Right's imagination. But it's not, and this is proof. It is presented to us with a self evident obviousness that tricks less informed people who take everything at face value, and think if it's on TV it must be true. They depend on this ignorance.

Soviet Russia routinely employed forged documents to smear and discredit candidates. This is what the left has stooped to.

The documents are fake. End of story. There is no story. Every other source of information on the matter is questionable at best. If I was a reporter and and my information on a story ranged from fake to dubious, I don't think I'd be going on TV with it. And yet Dan Rather persists. Is he a journalist? Or a liberal puppet?

And the most pathetic part of it all is that I seriously doubt any of this can even help Kerry.

Wecome to the 21st century, CBS.

It is true. Medicine in Holland had undergone an ethical collapse. It is properly called Nazism. Childeren under twelve are routinely euthanized without parental consent (which is not to assume that parental consent justifies it). This is a stop along the way of advanced liberalism: government controlled secular socialism. There is an abundance of information on the subject if you just do a search for it, and not all of it is American right-wing opinion.

In my opinion it is maybe the most detrimental development in Western Civilization in fifty years.

This is why Roe v. Wade is still a hot topic in America.

That seems too convenient. If Dan Rather isn't going to loose any cred over this then CBS should. Even corporations should be accountable. Failing that, behead the puppet.

Im not the biggest idiot anymore? In your face 87chevy!

i wish i would have caught this thread sooner before beloved wellyrn was banned. But i think someone has taken your place, i don't know who bhp9999 is but there is this other dude, I think he is you actually. dang, what is his name....

On Topic,

Wait, what about Fox, are you telling me they are not clearly slanted to the right?
With this thread, I might as well mention this. While all the "left biased" media is slamming Rather, nobody has mentioned the fact that there was never any proof that the documents were fake. The only evidence that was ever cited was the font, which supposedly did not exist at the time. However, other documents exist from the same time, which use the exact same font. Additionally, the font appears in typographic records from the era.

And, of course, why is it that Dan Rather is being crucified while many other media personalities have been allowed, unopposed, to continue after such travesties as acting as if the swift boat veteran claims had any credibility whatsoever, instead of exposing them as the outright lies they were, and ignoring the direct connections between the SWV and the GOP? And how about Rush Limbaugh, who has retained credibility, and his freedom, after being caught with an stash of drugs and an addiction that would have put any normal person behind bars, destroyed any liberal's career?
Takumi Fujiwara
With this thread, I might as well mention this. While all the "left biased" media is slamming Rather, nobody has mentioned the fact that there was never any proof that the documents were fake. The only evidence that was ever cited was the font, which supposedly did not exist at the time. However, other documents exist from the same time, which use the exact same font. Additionally, the font appears in typographic records from the era.

And, of course, why is it that Dan Rather is being crucified while many other media personalities have been allowed, unopposed, to continue after such travesties as acting as if the swift boat veteran claims had any credibility whatsoever, instead of exposing them as the outright lies they were, and ignoring the direct connections between the SWV and the GOP? And how about Rush Limbaugh, who has retained credibility, and his freedom, after being caught with an stash of drugs and an addiction that would have put any normal person behind bars, destroyed any liberal's career?

👍 👍
Takumi Fujiwara
With this thread, I might as well mention this. While all the "left biased" media is slamming Rather, nobody has mentioned the fact that there was never any proof that the documents were fake. The only evidence that was ever cited was the font, which supposedly did not exist at the time. However, other documents exist from the same time, which use the exact same font. Additionally, the font appears in typographic records from the era.

And, of course, why is it that Dan Rather is being crucified while many other media personalities have been allowed, unopposed, to continue after such travesties as acting as if the swift boat veteran claims had any credibility whatsoever, instead of exposing them as the outright lies they were, and ignoring the direct connections between the SWV and the GOP? And how about Rush Limbaugh, who has retained credibility, and his freedom, after being caught with an stash of drugs and an addiction that would have put any normal person behind bars, destroyed any liberal's career?
But, the left leaning 527s had all the credibility in the world?

Kerry never did answer the Swift Boat Veteran's questions. Over 200 veterans are still waiting for an answer.

I can't stand up for Limbaugh's drug addiction, but how does that problem effect one's credibility?

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